2014 May Rainbows

Good Luck Starry! I had my glucose test yesterday. The clear lemon lime drink was still gross but didn't make me near as sick as the orange.

He talked to the new company and they would allow him one week off but it would not be paid. Because of this we are just going to take it and prepare for a week of no pay. This month we get to pay off all our credit cards and I am going to buy extra groceries and start my freezer meals. That way we have some money in case of an emergency available on the cards and we have food. That's sort of what we did with DS but I didn't get paid leave from work and he was unemployed temporarily. Kind of excited because he actually ended up getting an even bigger pay increase than he thought he would! :happydance: He will be traveling further everyday so it doesn't equal more money in our pocket really but at least we won't have less! ;)
I can't remember if anyone on here was thinking about a vbac. I just wanted to share a conversation I had with my mw yesterday at my appt. I was really wanting natural but she suggested I go ahead with the epidural. She said it's not something they normally push for but for my situation she does suggest it. She said that even tho it is rare I need an emergency cs for uterine rupture there are other reasons for one such as baby's hb dropping etc. She said because it is so important to me to be fully present and active at baby's birth that an epi is best. That way if for some reason things don't go as planned I don't need to be put all the way under. Also the risks of being put under are much worse for baby than just getting that epi and esp Since Logan has a heart deffect history and lung defect. She said babies that are born in a an emergency cs with general anesthesia usually have breathing issues right after etc. While I really wanted to labor naturally I think she made some great points and I will definitely be leaning towards the epi once I get so far along.
I'm probably not going to go for my VBAC (depending on what the doctor says, of course) but yeah, I would definitely go for the epidural "just in case". I was put under for my son's c-section and while I don't have regrets and didn't get any side effects from GA I would still like to be 'present' for this child's arrival....whatever happens. However, my epi didn't work last time and that's why I had to be put under. There just wasn't time to redo it due to the emergency nature. And when you're put under your partner is not allowed in the room so we both missed the arrival of our first born. We always joke that we have to trust the nurses that they gave us the right baby. :haha:
We always joke that we have to trust the nurses that they gave us the right baby

This is something that actually really scares me! :shock:
That's interesting. I had the epi for both my labors for pain mgmt, but it was pretty darn quick and effective. I don't know why they wouldn't be able to do one instead of general if it becomes necessary. I also had a long discussion with my ob about trying for VBAC, but she was not insistent on an epidural at all. She also said there was a slight increased risk for uterine rupture and baby's heartbeat lowering, but that they would simply monitor the situation more closely and take appropriate actions. I guess I'd say you should keep an open mind about it all.

The thing I hate most about having the epi is that they pump you full of IV fluids which blow me up to the size of a balloon and it always takes me days to get unbloated. Also, with my first I got a pretty bad UTI from the catheter they insert. I fully believe natural is the way to go if you're up for it...but not everyone is and that should be a valid choice too.

I don't think I'd ever mistake someone's else's kid for my own. My husband and I are very different-looking (from multiple ethnicities--Russian, Jewish, Spanish, Italian, Irish, Native American) so our kids are a pretty unique combination.
Starry I hope you find out today! How exciting!

Darlin, that would be scary not being present or having DH there. Definitely get the epi!

AFM for our next child I will not have any mat leave as I plan on being a SAHM. Not intentions to go back this time after mat leave... We will have to plan ahead for that. Although I will be doing childcare in our home after mat leave, so I'll have to figure out how long of a gap I want between stopping and starting again when it's time for our second. I'm thinking 3-6 months no pay.... Then I'll just take in one or two kids plus my then two....

And we have a baby shower! My two SIL are throwing one for us on April 5! So excited! It seems so far away, and since we really aren't buying anything before then, some serious restraint is needed :/
Yay for a baby shower!

Mony Mony, depending on the situation I can totally see her point. Sometimes it can take more than one shot to get the epi. Both my sil's had a very hard time getting theirs when they had cs and it took one an hr to finally get hers in right so I totally see what she means. I'm kind of wondering if I could get it placed and just keep a very low dose. It wasn't how long they take to take effect but how long it may take to get it placed. Also with a uterine rupture (which she acknowledged was very tiny) you don't have any extra time to really even have it placed. That's one of those situations where it needs to happen like 5min ago :haha: I'm glad she was very upfront with me. I think most would have not told me and then after the fact told me I was sol. I do have to admit tho failure to progress with on worries me since I've never done this before. Hence why I wonder if I could have it placed and just keep it on a super low dose. I really just want to go into labor and be able to labor most of the way. I have to admit if it ends in a cs as long as I am awake I'm not completely heartbroken. With DS I didn't get the excitement of even going into labor though :nope:
Darlin I can understand the lack of excitement when an emergency situation arises. My niece was born by cs not really an emergency but delivered at 30 weeks. She had growth restriction so 3 days of monitoring and then the doctors just said lets do it now.
Yeah we went in to turn him and he wouldn't they were like "well, you're already hooked up to your iv and have been monitored and fasting we have 5pm open".
Darlin bummer :/. I'm hoping for natural but will take whatever brings baby out safely. My other SIL had a cs because my nephew was breach and wouldn't turn either.
Showers are exciting! I hope you enjoy yours, Sunny!

I had my appointment today and everything looks good with baby. All is healthy. And.... we're Team :pink:!!!

I celebrated with some shopping. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

What's surprising is my OB really wants me to go for a VBAC. If that's her opinion then I guess I could go for it.
Congratulations on team PINK Starry!! That's so exciting :)
Glad all is well!!
Starry that is GREAT NEWS! :bunny: So happy she is supportive and yay for a little girl :happydance:
That was quite a turn!! Went from the dominating boys to girls taking over pretty quick ;)
Idk why it's just now on my mind but I didn't gain a single pound at my last visit Tuesday. She didn't seem too worried but she did ask why I wasn't gaining. She asked if I was eating and if I was just eating healthier. I said no. She then said so you're just eating whatever you want when you want? I told her pretty much and she left it at that. I guess she's not concerned she seemed like she expected some gain at this appt tho.

We got our date for our fetal echo this morning. It's the 22nd at 9:15am. Dryer is on it's way. It will be here any minute...think I just heard them pull up! :happydance:
Darlin - is the fetal echo to check out the baby's heart? I hope this LO has a perfectly healthy heart and you have one less thing to worry about! I'm sure you'll gain weight when your body needs to.

afm - I don't go for my GD screening for another 8 weeks. Everywhere seems to be so different. I can't remember when I went for it with my son. Parts of that pregnancy are already becoming a blur. And I really like the orange drink. I know everyone complains about it but I think it's yummy! ha ha I just have problems guzzling it quickly enough. I don't like to guzzle in general.
I have issues drinking it quickly too Starry. I felt like I was going as fast as I could and still barely got it down in time :dohh:
Congrats on team pink!

My shower is being planned for march 29. My mom is the main person putting the shower together.

I had another ultrasound on Monday because at my last one they couldn't get a great view of the heart. She was so active! But this time they were able to see the heart and everything looked great.

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