2014 May Rainbows

The way rrl tea works is causes small uterine contractions that help tone and prepare the uterus for the work it goe through in Labor. It's like conditioning for the big day. It does more depending on the woman and the dosage. I drank the tea with DS. The midwife told me she wouldn't recommend or condemn it because there just isn't enough consistent research on it but to wait until 3rd tri at least just in case. I plan on asking about it at my next appt and seeing if I am ok to use it this time since I had my cs.

As for throwing up... I have to take one zofran 1st thing in the morning or yes I do get pretty sick :(
Sorry for all the ladies still dealing with nausea.

I took my glucose test today and they said they would call with the results. I assume that means on Monday. I'm more interested to see if I have low iron levels. I just feel so tired all the time and practically fall asleep at work every day around 2. I have gone back to my :coffee: pickup habit to keep awake through pm.

I complained about all aches and pains and dr was sympathetic but there wasn't anything concrete she could offer. She just said to keep up with physical therapy. So back to waiting another month for my next appt at 32 weeks. :( Just seems like so long.
Monymony, sorry to hear you've been so tired,.... It very well could be low iron... Hopefully they sort it out :)

My next appointment is at 29 weeks, then every two weeks... Im looking forward to the closer appointments as I've start having odd aches and pains, which I'm sure are normal, but nice to be reassured... Also for rising questions about birth, labour, etc... My appointment this past week i asked about a pain that i was sure was ligament pain.... Doctor confirmed it was and took the time to explain why its only on one side... Very reassuring....
Well, the doctor just called half an hour ago and here's the news: my iron is low. I'm not anemic yet, but an iron supplement was recommended every other day. Uh, I hope this won't lead to constipation. But fx maybe this will lead to a bit more energy.

Sadly, I just barely failed the glucose test. So have to take the three hour one now, blech. I'm not terribly worried as I don't feel there's a real medical issue, even if they want to put a GD label on me. I limit sweets and I eat tons of whole grains and very few other carbs, so my diet is good. I wonder if my body just isn't used to processing that much sugar at once. But I'm annoyed that it's half a day of work I have to lose next week. :growlmad:
aww that sucks :( I've heard a lot of ppl who fail the 1hr pass the 3 hrs tho. It could just be something you ate that maybe caused you to fail the 1hr. Could be a total fluke. GL!
Well, the doctor just called half an hour ago and here's the news: my iron is low. I'm not anemic yet, but an iron supplement was recommended every other day. Uh, I hope this won't lead to constipation. But fx maybe this will lead to a bit more energy.

Sadly, I just barely failed the glucose test. So have to take the three hour one now, blech. I'm not terribly worried as I don't feel there's a real medical issue, even if they want to put a GD label on me. I limit sweets and I eat tons of whole grains and very few other carbs, so my diet is good. I wonder if my body just isn't used to processing that much sugar at once. But I'm annoyed that it's half a day of work I have to lose next week. :growlmad:

I am anemic as well… they started me on an iron pill daily… That is where I hope my coffee works forever lol. Sorry you failed the glucose test. You probably will pass the 3 hour one. Sorry that you have to miss work!

Sooo I had to go to L&D last night for having too many contractions. They ended up being pretty regular so I had to get a shot of terbutaline. That knocked them right out, thankfully. They were measuring my cervix through these and it was nice and long, but I am so sore from all the poking and prodding. I will lay down every single day, all damn day, if I have to so that this kid stays in until MAY!!!!
Oh no MsGax! I don't blame you rest rest rest! Keep that bubba in there!
Oh no MsGax! I don't blame you rest rest rest! Keep that bubba in there!

I have decided he is not coming until May 1st. I am having a major mind-body chat lol. My uterus is super calm right now, so that is reassuring. But still, nervous over here. Trying to keep positive and happy from here on out.
Mrs Gax - how frightening! I'm so glad they were able to stop the contractions. You take it easy!!:hugs:

Last night my mom was telling me that the preemie baby of a woman she knows is now doing so well and will be a year soon. The baby was born at 25 weeks (!!) and is now apparently crawling and pulling herself up and is big and chubby. My mom says you'd never tell she was born so early. I still wouldn't want to have my baby next week though. May 1st is definitely the earliest I'd want her to arrive!
Mrs Gax - how frightening! I'm so glad they were able to stop the contractions. You take it easy!!:hugs:

Last night my mom was telling me that the preemie baby of a woman she knows is now doing so well and will be a year soon. The baby was born at 25 weeks (!!) and is now apparently crawling and pulling herself up and is big and chubby. My mom says you'd never tell she was born so early. I still wouldn't want to have my baby next week though. May 1st is definitely the earliest I'd want her to arrive!

Thank you, I def am taking it easy. I get a lot of BH's when I am standing, so I sit or lay down most of the time. Yea, preemies can have very good outcomes! I just could not imagine the stress. I agree with you, May 1st is the earliest that these babies are coming! WE WILL MAKE IT!!!
MonyMony, sorry about the glucose test but as others have said if it was close I'm sure you'll pass the 3 hour one. Sucks to have to do it though :/

Mrs Gax fingers crossed lo sticks around until may!! But at 26 weeks you're doing great even if a bit early. Working in childcare we generally cannot tell the premies apart by about 18 months.... Definitely a stressful beginning though.

AFM family trip to niagra this weekend!! Spent the afternoon at a waterpark. So tired!! Lol. Quick shower then the grown ups are going to the casino and the grandparents are watching all of the kids. We shall see how long I last ;)
Sunny - was that the water park that is on the top floor of a hotel? How was it? DH and I had the chance to go a few years back as we had a great deal on a room in the hotel the park was on top of. We were locals at the time so it would have been 1/2 price. But it was the few weeks after our first m/c and we were just too tired and emotionally worn out to go. I've since regretted passing up on it.

Have fun at the casino!!

monymony - good luck with your next glucose test. I hope you pass it flying colours!

Mrs Gax - we WILL make it!!
Starry- it's beside the casino on top of the parking structure. It's VERY geared to kids over age 5 but younger than 12. Not much for the little ones (my two nephews are just about 2). My niece had more fun at 4 yrs. and nothing for adults. The wave pool is minimal and packed!! Lol. There are some water slides but the lines are crazy!!!
Yeah, that's the one I'm thinking of. Well, it sounds like we saved ourselves $20 a piece! (not sure what the fees are these days) We made good use of the hotel's hot tub though. Ahhhhh......
If you like chocolate you should check out the Hershey store. Mmmmm....
Starry- DH mom have us all a pass for Hannuka it includes 2 days at the waterpark the hotel plus discounts on dinner/ breakfast. With kids it's worth the money. We actually love only about an hour from Niagara and it has become our annual summer getaway. We always stop at the falls, the Hershey store, and Niagara on the lake. There's also all of the midway stuff, mini putt, indoor sky diving, a bird sanctuary and tones more!! We always have lots to do for 3/4 days :). Excited to bring the lo this summer. He'll be about 3 months, so should be interesting :)
Ah, lovely! I grew up as a local and now that I live far away I realize just how much I took the place for granted. I'm told there is free parking off of Clifton Hill but I have never found it. DH and I usually went to Niagara on the Lake for free/very cheap dates. DH proposed to me on the SkyWheel.:cloud9:

Anyways, on a pregnancy note, I am getting scared that I have an irritable uterus or something. Since yesterday afternoon I have been getting very uncomfortable stomach tightening. It's even been contracting a bit. DD is still moving well but I am making sure to drink lots and just rest and lie down. I feel paranoid and even lazy but I just can't take any chances. I see my OB on Friday so just trying to make it until then so I can ask her about it. And I still think I have an infection of some kind. The itching is only occasional but the area is very sensitive to the touch. It's been nearly 3 weeks of no DTD and I'm not liking that! lol
I'm very glad that we have discovered all that Niagara has to offer :) we usually look for online hotel deals to save on rooms and attractions :)

That's so sweet about the sky wheel :)

Hopefully your uterus calms down. That must be scary. Be sure to go get checked if it gets worse before your appointment!

AFM weekend was fun, we're home now.... Today was a bit crazy.... One couple took my niece & nephew back to the waterpark.... DH and I with his stepdad went to an outlet store.... DH sister, husband and their son went shopping.... We were all supposed to meet for lunch at 1 pm ish, but at 12:15 DH brother (the ones at the waterpark) texted us that they already ate! So the rest of us had lunch at the rainforest cafe and headed home.... DH mom asked if next year we'd all like to go to Florida for Easter for 4 days, on her! She's really into the family trips! I'm super excited to get away with LO before his first birthday, looking forward to it :)
Today has been pretty good :) Exhausting but good :haha:

We got a new couch! :happydance: We got a great deal on a nice sectional because it was a special order a couple decided they didn't like/want once it came it so it was severely marked down. Pretty excited! It gets here Saturday. Also the inlaws are coming the 20th to help with DS because we have an u/s. Thinking about seeing if they will just stay the weekend (which we are sure they will) and help with painting the kitchen and Avery's nursery and just help deep clean and get everything all set before Avery arrives. Makes me feel MUCH better about getting everything ready before he comes and having time to just relax and enjoy my beached whaleness at end :rofl:
That's exciting about the couch!! And getting ready. We plan on getting the basement sorted out in the next few weeks when time allows. It's all that's left to organize at the house (moved in a year and a half ago!!). Well the garage but that's all DH!! Lol. Our shower is in 8 weeks and I want everything else done by then so we can focus on washing & prepping baby stuff after the shower (I'll be almost 34 weeks at the shower).

So much to do!!!
Anyone else started the big countdown yet??? I have 98 days till due date & 10 weeks till mat leave.... Getting excited!!

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