2014 May Rainbows

So thought something was happening. Was able to time it and everything but it faded away and now I just want to eat :(
Oh Darlin all good signs!!!! I'm so excited for you :)

I have 7 days of work left, then a bunch if stuff to do before baby. Hopefully he's not early! At least not until after I finish my list ;)
Definitely sounds like the beginning of something. It's hard to tell what is going on inside but you could be in the early stages of labour. That can have a start and stop quality to it. This could even be the calm before the storm. I was in early labour for nearly 3 days before anything real happened. After having rather regular contractions I remember everything stopping the evening before DS was born and I got this sudden surge of energy and I was really hyper and silly. The on-off contractions began again later that night and early the next morning the real ones came on hard and fast.

You're still early so I guess your body is easing into labour. Baby is probably using these last few days to chunk up. ;) Even if this was just false labour it seems your little guy is going to come before your due date.
Had a nice back ache when I went to bed last night but that was it. Perfectly fine today aside from being sleepy from not getting comfy enough last night. Guess I will continue to go about my days as planned and see what happens. I've heard some women get bad bh in the the evening in the last couple of weeks before delivery. Could just be helping my cervix along a little more without being true labor.
Sounds exciting darlin, I was having contractions last nite for about 3 hours, regularly at about 4 mins!! Quite painful as well. They died off though and I got some sleep midwife today said baby is engaged and crags what probably caused contractions. Was strange for me as with my other three I never had Braxton hicks or contractions until I was actually in labour!! So watch this space maybe I'll be close behind darlin??? Xx
We may be turning into the April thread! :haha: Contractions are back today and they are more painful and really in my back vs. last night it was mainly just tightening. Today I am lucky enough to have both! Doesn't always subside when I sit either. Told DH if this keeps up we may end up going to get checked out later tonight when he gets home. I haven't decided. Depends how bad they get.
trying to hurry up and eat while DS naps and then I think I might get on my ball for a bit.
Good luck, Darlin! The fact the contractions keep coming back after a few hours makes me thing something is going to happen soon!

I do recall having one bout of false labour about 2 weeks before DS was born but the contractions never got bad at all. More like twinges at regular intervals.

I am still crossing my fingers tight I won't be having a June baby. I feel so far behind and left behind! lol My OB still isn't even checking baby's position. I don't think she will until I am 37 weeks. Just as well because I can feel baby flipping around and getting constant updates would probably stress me out a bit.
I told DH we had 22 days left at midnight and he started laughing at me and said I wasn't going to make it that far :haha: I think he will come Tuesday because it is a full moon and DH will be staying over night at a sleep study for his sleep apnea. My mom calls Easter weekend, my sister says this Saturday, and I have a friend who says Monday and one says on Easter.
Well if today is Thursday I say before Easter :) so within the week ;) although I hear these things can go on for weeks. :( fingers crossed yours isn't one of those on/off for weeks labours :)
Yikes. That would be zero fun. We'll all be wishing better things for you, Darlin!

Bought a few more things yesterday so now all I really need to get for the baby are soothers, some bottle nipples and a pack of diapers (still debating newborn vs size 1). And then it will be a few toiletry needs for my hospital bag. I love the ALWAYS brand "heavy flow overnight" pads. I have used them for my past two miscarriages and I figure if they can comfortably handle m/c-levels of bleeding they'll be good for post partum bleeding too. Normally I find ALWAYS kind of plastic-like and uncomfortable but these particular ones are soft and sort of remind me of the hospital maternity pads (though nothing are as good as those). I also want to get some travel-sized shampoos and toothpaste, etc. I want to keep my bag as light as possible. I could probably use another pair or two of "granny panties". My mom calls them "period underwear".

Other than that, I'll probably just want my housecoat, slippers and a change of comfy clothes for the ride home. I really don't need more than that as I plan on wearing my hospital gown for the duration of my stay. Everyone else on the ward did that and it made me less worried about bleeding all over everything. I'll also want my iPod and a crossword puzzle book. Maybe a book to read as well. DH can bring his own backpack if he wants to bring anything of his own along.

I will bring the camera along too, obviously.
I will be going out Saturday to pick up what I need for my hospital bag and baby's bag. I also plan on keeping it light and wearing the hospital gown :)

I will be packing some snacks as I hear that when they ok you to eat there isn't always anything available depending on the time of day :/
I need to pack snacks for DH. He isn't allowed to leave and I want him to keep his energy up even if I can't eat :haha: he can step into the hall for a mini fine needs to eat something.
Omg I feel like my whole house needs a good bleach scrubbing! It's driving me nuts! Trying to just make myself do it because I know being active is good for labor. I'm going to make DH do the floors and tubs when he gets home lol those are a little too hard on me anymore :haha: feels so good to be getting the house in order tho.
Are you nesting, Darlin? ;)

afm - another stomach bug. :( Woke up with the gurgles and mostly ignored it but after breakfast...sick. It's 'just' the runs. I'm not having any other real signs of sickness other than maybe extreme tiredness. I'm just sick of being sick. I have caught every stomach bug making its rounds since Christmas. With DS I caught every respiratory illness. So this is a little better. At least I can breathe properly and am not struck down with high fevers.

I am well enough to be as hungry as ever and have my usual cravings but sick enough that my stomach hates everything and has me running to the bathroom. I finally smartened up and only had plain toast for supper. Hope that stays in.
I'm sorry that's no gun starry :(

House is nice snd clean for the most part. Still working on laundry and organizing some things but it's not bad. Super achey all over but that's all I have to show for it. Tried to go to bed early but after about 3hrs I'm wide awake :(
Starry that's horrible!!! I've been so lucky. I generally don't get sick but thought for sure with pregnancy I would. But it's all good :)

Been having the odd dizzy spell again so I'll see what the OB says today. Last time he said blood pressure and to keep him posted. It's pretty low. Often 100/55.

Darlin this definitely sounds like pre labour! I've got the urge to clean and organize but haven't really started yet. I'm guessing once I'm done work next week I'll kick into overdrive :)
I'm relaxin today. Nothing happening. I do a couple of lunges/squats every once in a while if I'm up doing something but that's it. Tomorrow we are going to an Easter egg hunt at the rec center pool for DS. It's up to 2yrs so he will one of the older kids there. Then my mom will have him while we go to dinner for our anniversary. Too bad I don't like things like eggplant etc. or I'd eat a bunch of them tomorrow :haha:

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