Yikes. That would be zero fun. We'll all be wishing better things for you, Darlin!
Bought a few more things yesterday so now all I really need to get for the baby are soothers, some bottle nipples and a pack of diapers (still debating newborn vs size 1). And then it will be a few toiletry needs for my hospital bag. I love the ALWAYS brand "heavy flow overnight" pads. I have used them for my past two miscarriages and I figure if they can comfortably handle m/c-levels of bleeding they'll be good for post partum bleeding too. Normally I find ALWAYS kind of plastic-like and uncomfortable but these particular ones are soft and sort of remind me of the hospital maternity pads (though nothing are as good as those). I also want to get some travel-sized shampoos and toothpaste, etc. I want to keep my bag as light as possible. I could probably use another pair or two of "granny panties". My mom calls them "period underwear".
Other than that, I'll probably just want my housecoat, slippers and a change of comfy clothes for the ride home. I really don't need more than that as I plan on wearing my hospital gown for the duration of my stay. Everyone else on the ward did that and it made me less worried about bleeding all over everything. I'll also want my iPod and a crossword puzzle book. Maybe a book to read as well. DH can bring his own backpack if he wants to bring anything of his own along.
I will bring the camera along too, obviously.