2014 May Rainbows

Things are pretty quiet over here. Getting a little bit worried :( He's just not really moving today. I noticed I hadn't really felt him so started trying to do kick counts and nothing yet. I just feel weird and off lately and this is not helping things. Might have to pull out my doppler. Haven't used in quite a while but thinking it might be necessary to ease my mind.
Darlin I would try the Doppler but if your in doubt at all contact the hospital or your midwife, they will probably call u in and put u on a trace. Let us know how u get on xx
I'm hoping that he has just moved down and snuggled in low so that's why I'm not feeling much.
Heartbeat sounds good. High 130s low 140s. Had DS help me check :haha: Now after poking and prodding him a bit I've gotten a few big belly rolls. Maybe we just needed to wake him up :shrug:


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Glad to hear he's well :). I have days too where he's very quiet. It's getting more frequent and I'm guessing it's because he's getting more squished. Lol. I jiggle my belly sometimes to prompt him awake ;). After how much they went to town pushing and prodding and jiggling last week at my scan I'm much more comfortable to give him a good jostling awake :).
Glad to hear my lo isn't the only one that gets quiet. They must be running out of room.
I never actually get a break from the movement. I joked with hubby today that the kid must not be very bright if baby hasn't discovered there really isn't any room to move around by now. I swear, I feel like I'm bruising from the the inside out!

Saw the dr today and she gave me a note for work. SPD has gotten so bad I'm going to work from home now. I'm so relieved not to have to head into the office again for a full day after tomorrow.
That's good MonyMony. I'm only working until 35+4 since my job is on my feet and can't be done from home (childcare). 2 more weeks!!! I can't wait :). My sciatica is still holding but my hips are causing issues with getting up off the floor :/. I teach French in the mornings and after the infant class (30 mins on the floor) I have trouble getting back up :/. Otherwise I'm managing. Well, really slow walking to school to pick up the older kids, good thing it's only a 2 min walk (takes me about 5 now) lol
I can empathize, Sunny...possible to get on the floor, but impossible to get back up! I had sciatica with my first, but that was because he was in a bad position the last month or two and too big to move. Luckily have avoided it since. It's really true that every pg is different. I wonder if I'd started out with this one whether I would have been brave enough to do it again!

Have daughter's birthday party tomorrow. It's at a trampoline park where they take care of everything for you. So actually looking forward to it. And happy we'll have it done before anything baby-wise should happen. Though the Braxton-Hicks are getting stronger all the time...
Glad all is well darlin, they do like to scare us don't they!!

Afm I'm laid up in bed with the sickness bug! Really not nice at 8 months pregnant!! I have such awful pains in my stomach it's really not helping having a big baby in there too lol, hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. Hope everyone else is ok xx
nats - I really feel for you. We've had our share of the stomach bug in our house. My baby would protest all the awful cramps and pains. She'd kick up a storm after each one but that only made things worse. Hope you're feeling better soon.

I also feel for those of you with sciatica and other pains. I have just the regular pregnancy pains and that is hard enough. Baby is sitting very low so I'm feeling a rather constant pressure on the bum and she'll often bump my cervix as I'm going up the stairs. Not fun. She is still trying to flip around but it's becoming quite painful. She really is running out of room and I do think she's finally starting to choose to go head down more often than not. She is actually getting MORE active these days. She used to go days at a time of being quiet (maybe I just couldn't feel her) and now I feel almost constant motion whether it be full-on kicks, flips or the hiccups and case of the wiggles. Drives me batty at times.:wacko:
What the heck! Again I missed basically pages of this thread! :(

I had sciatica really bad with ds. I still get it this time but nowhere near as often/bad. I can't lay on my back tho because omg is it excruciating. The small of my back like locks up and I can't get up :dohh:

I have no clue where or what we are having DS's birthday party. I can't even pick a theme :wacko:

I'm super tired today. Was up at 5am when DH left for work. Took a nap with munchkin and was a bad mummy :blush: Let him hang out in his crib and play with the tv on so I could rest some more. I literally just could not get up and I kept having these crazy dreams of going into labor!
How is that being a bad mommy? An afternoon of playing in his crib with the TV on isn't going to do any long-term damage. When I was in first tri and only able to lie on the couch all day I let DS watch oodles of TV and movies just so he wasn't jumping on me. Now he's back to being able to play and read and be active without TV. DS plays in his room for the afternoon now so I can nap. I'm just too tired. I know where he is and he's safe and happy (he never complains). Sometimes he'll fall asleep too.
I just hate leaving him isolated like that. It just feels wrong to leave him all alone.
I wouldn't worry about leaving little ones alone. Honestly more parents need to encourage their kids to play independently. Asan ECE we get so many kids that need constant entertaining. It's aweful. And parents wonder why their kids lack independance.

I've been so lucky and not gotten sick other than a cold in first trimester. I rarely get sick but was prepared for the worst while pregnant!!

The sciatica is on/ off. Sine days I can hardly walk other days I don't even notice.
Age may be a factor too. My son is nearly 3 and is at the point I let him play in the basement while I'm in the kitchen upstairs. I don't let him do it often but from the kitchen I can hear him play and I make sure to lock the doors to the rooms adjoining the playroom so he can't get into anything. He's also allowed into the bedrooms (not ours though). As long as I can hear and get to him quickly then I don't mind. This is a recent change though. Up until Christmas I still made sure he was always by me. Even when I was lying on the couch letting him play and watch TV he was right in front of me. When my LO was 1 1/2 I didn't let him out of my sight unless he was napping in his crib. Though he was pretty good at playing in his crib without me too. I think he often woke up before I did in the morning because as I would come into the nursery to get him I would find him playing with a stuffed animal or his blankie just singing and laughing. Whenever he did/does cry you better believe I'm there like a flash.
Oh we still need to supervise kids, don't get me wrong :). Working in childcare they are never left unattended. It's the constant interaction vs doing something else nearby while they play that is needed :)

And I'm sure all parents at some point feel tht their child is ready to be left in a room alone, as a parent you know your child best, when and how much to trust them and so on :)
How's everyone doing? Not much going on here. Spring has finally decided to arrive but the sudden change in temperature has now put us under a fog warning. Glad we're not going anywhere today. It's so grey and misty this morning. Also just waiting for my next appointment coming up on Wednesday.
Nothing to report yet. Mw appt in a couple hrs. She will be checking my cervix. I was "leaking" yesterday but turned out was just a lot of discharge. Can't wait to see how things look today :)
Just got back from the mw ladies and it feels great to know we are progressing! :happydance:
50% effaced
and baby is in a -2 station!

She was super excited she could feel the babies head when she checked me. Said whatever I am doing to keep it up because it's working. She doesn't know if I will make to our edd :D

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