2014 October Rainbows (late Septembers welcome!) (13 babies born!)

Hi all
I just received in the post my sonoline Doppler. I've said previously that'd I'd been too scared for an early scan as scans have always been traumatic for me. So head in the sand - I was just going to wait for 12 week scan. Well I gave in and ordered this Doppler. And now I'm scared!

I just feel so traumatized by two previous MCs, I'm really doing out if sight out of mind. have any of you used a Doppler before and got nice stories to tell?

Thank you...

That's the one thing I put my head in the sNd about! Lol my doctor sAys so many woman freak out they can't find a heart beat he advised me not to get one. Shrug...I am a worry wart though!!
Thank you Castaway.

Well I'm in shock...

I used it and STRAIGHT away came up with clear heart rate of 165. I'm honestly in shock. After two MCs, I somehow didn't actually believe anything was happening in there. I can't believe there's actually a baby in there?!?

I'm sure you will all understand what I mean, especially those who are still trying for the first. It's so bl**dy scary but I'm SO glad I got it now.

My hubby (who is a doctor) was so against me getting it saying it'd make me worry if I couldn't find the heartbeat (which is true), so I'm so glad I can tell him I found it...

Now at least I'm less scared of the scan next Friday!

Hi ladies, just a quick question. I'm at hospital with a suspected UTI and have been prescribed Cefalexin. Doc reassures me it's safe in pregnancy but what do you ladies think? I feel nervous to take anything, the thought of another m/c I can't bare!
Congrats on finding the hb londongirl!!! That's awesome :happydance:!! I haven't made up my mind yet if I'm going to get one of those or not...the worrier in me is hesistant lol.

Radiance - good news on the Friday scan. I'll be eager to hear the update :thumbup:!
Hi ladies, just a quick question. I'm at hospital with a suspected UTI and have been prescribed Cefalexin. Doc reassures me it's safe in pregnancy but what do you ladies think? I feel nervous to take anything, the thought of another m/c I can't bare!

I totally understand your fear!! But if a doc says it's safe then the UTI could potentially cause more harm than the meds?? Definitely a tough situation to be in.
Thats great you found the HB well done!!

I found my doppler reassuring as when ever i was in doubt id listen out for LO, but as he got bigger he went crazy when i used it as usually they dont like it, so only used it for a few secs when i needed its much better when you can just feel them and prod them.

Whigfield not sure sorry but hope you UTI clears up lots of water and cranberry x
The only thing is is that they couldn't 100% confirm a UTI, and the doctor was a bit useless. :dohh:
Uti are dangerous in pregnancy I can look it up for you. I've taken it in pregnancy before when I had an uti. If they aren't sure maybe you can drink lots of water and cranberry juice and see ob?
That's lovely you found the heartbeat London. So reassuring :)

I can't be of any help I'm afraid Whigfield but hope the uti if that's what it is clears up soon. X
At one point in the appointment I asked the doc a question and he responded with "pass". :growlmad: Basically my urine sample doesn't 100% confirm a UTI but there are some elevated levels there that point to one, so it "looks like" a mild infection. I'm usually prone to them and I can recognize one easily, and it DOES feel like one, but definitely a mild one if it is one at all. He said they'll send my sample off to the lab to be tested for 100% certainty but I should start these now 'just incase'.

Funnily enough, first of all he came back in like: "Well, there's no sign of infection, but there was some blood in your sample.." and I started to visibly panic. And then a nurse ran in and told him he'd tested the wrong sample! :dohh: :haha: Trust me to get the idiot doctor!! :haha:

I think I will probably take them to be on the safe side. I feel like there's risks if I take or if I don't, but probably more if I don't. I think I've had this very gently for the past week or so - everytime after I've got up to pee at night I've felt like I've had to lay with my legs spread in bed :blush: because it felt 'irritated' a bit and like I needed to pee a bit more.
Oh and so glad you got to hear the heartbeat londongirl! :happydance:

I tried out the doppler after we got back and couldn't find it, had a panic attack and cried a little bit, then tried again. Got it - 195 heart rate to start with (!!!!) that then settled to about 180. Guessing baby was being pretty active and making it difficult for me to find!
Oh and so glad you got to hear the heartbeat londongirl! :happydance:

I tried out the doppler after we got back and couldn't find it, had a panic attack and cried a little bit, then tried again. Got it - 195 heart rate to start with (!!!!) that then settled to about 180. Guessing baby was being pretty active and making it difficult for me to find!

That's so good you found it!!

I know - I guess that's just the problem. Sometimes you find it sometimes you don't. I tried it a couple of hours later, didn't find it, freaked out, waited til I had a full bladder and tried again and it was there.

Now I'm gonna put it down for at least a week!

Hi Ladies!

I found our little one's heart beat for the first time two nights ago - I couldn't believe it! Thought it was way too early! Made me happy as today is my first scan (at 1) and DH can't be there so it was very reassuring for him that everything is going to be OK :)

I've been lurking but not posting - glad to see everyone seems to be doing well!! How's everyone feeling?? I'm pretty sick pretty much every day now. Lost a bit of weight and will talk to the doctor about that today, but assume it's probably pretty normal. I was sick with my son, but this time around seems a bit worse. I'd rather not take anything for it but trust the doc will know what's best - hopefully!
Had our scan today…and saw the little peanut, along with the fluttering hb :happy dance:!! We couldn't catch the hb on the doppler though because my very stubborn uterus is still too tilted to allow the probe to catch a good clear glimpse inside…my uterus is pointing straight down…grrrr. So we go back next Friday and hopefully everything will be big enough by then to negate my very annoying uterus imaging issues lol. But we definitely significant progression since last week by seeing the little peanut and the heartbeat…so that's enough for me right now :thumb up:.

Today's been a bit rough with food…have no real desire to eat anything…belch.

confusedprego - Hoping your scan went well! Congrats on finding the heartbeat :happy dance:!! I know that was a huge relief. Hope your doc can help with the the morning sickness. Zofran can definitely help and is safe.
Oh isn't that wonderful finding the heartbeat before a scan, confusedpreggo? What was the heart rate? What a strong bub to have a detectable heartrate so early!!

It so takes the stress away! I was sooo scared for another blighted ovum but now I know that fear is unwarranted :)

Shame your hubby can't come with you. Post a pic when you get it!!
Congrats on the scan so glad to hear you got to see baby and the heartbeat xx

Good luck to everyone else scanning tomorrow... I am crapping myself I have felt so pregnant then not at all, I'm not feeling optimistic that we will see anything, this is the point we usually find out it's blighted ovum. Only 12 hours to go ;) xxx
Congrats on the scan so glad to hear you got to see baby and the heartbeat xx

Good luck to everyone else scanning tomorrow... I am crapping myself I have felt so pregnant then not at all, I'm not feeling optimistic that we will see anything, this is the point we usually find out it's blighted ovum. Only 12 hours to go ;) xxx

Good luck Lou. the waiting game is horrible. I hope you don't feel too anxious for it, and that it goes wonderfully!
Good luck Lou and to the others with scans tomorrow.

Glad yours went well curni :)

Mines still so far away lol

Lou I'm the same, feel so pregnant at times, exhausted and so sick then I'm absolutely fine!

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