So sorry for those AF got but he's to next cycle and everything crossed for you!
We're 1DPO today - I ovulated slightly later than normal! (Got my positive on CD15 so O'd CD16 instead of CD14!) but it was a very strong OPK and confirmed on digi so crossed everything! We've DTD 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th and will once more tonight for luck!
Kylie, I hoop the tww will pass soon for you! And that we will see awsome 2 lines.
Live_in_hope, yay for that opk. Hope you got your bd in! I will add that date! Can't wait!
Anniebobs, tww is dreadful and I hope it will pass soon for you and ending with a fantastic bfp!
Thank you Jellybean and I hope you will share your bfp with us soon.
Afm - cp is still firm and closed and loads of creamy cm (sorry tmi), but it seem higher. I don't have any symptoms whatsoever after I loads in my first few days of tww. I am too scared to test again so will wait for af due date to pass. It can just as well change soon to af and did so in the past. Guess only hours will tell, right??
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