That's true Soanxious and it's important to BD at the time of O. I'm not doing much to help my stress levels ATM so I'm changing my families life so I can allow for my body to accept a fertilised egg.
I'm going to send my babies back to public school no more home school, it's to demanding on top of work on the farm and house work I'm buggered and I know I just can't do it anymore, it's not healthy at all!!
I'm only getting 4 hours sleep.. My day goes like this:
Wake up 3am tractor work for 4hrs
Home to get kids up and ready for school work breaky and all things you do.
Morning session, morning tea
Mid session lunch time
Afternoon session afternoon tea school work complete for one day
House work in between and horses to attend to
It's now 4:30pm
Get tea ready and cooked 6pm
swap shifts with dad back on tractor
Home at 11pm have dinner and try to sleep! Can't sleep and sometimes less than 3hrs sleep
Not optimal for TTC!!
Kids back at school normal day and time to relax and hoping my body knows it