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2014 Testers wanna join?!?! Join in on the POAS fun!!!

Congratulations JM. Wooohhoooo!!! Happy and healthy nine months hun!

Bushmumma, it could be implantation. I have my fx. Xx

K - can't wait for you to TEST!!!!
Angel it was a distinct cramp located on the right side, the cramps were accompanied by a few small clots and now I'm left with a dull heaviness in my uterus and all else is fine. No blood no spotting ATM. 6dpo I think, not even positive about that either
Thank you time will tell I guess
Fx BM!!! Sounds like IB to me. Hope ur on ur way to a BFP!
I can't sleep! So I just got up to pee and take a frer this morning... BFP!!! I am sooooo soooo shocked! I thought I was out. Up until today bfn... I can't believe my eyes! The line showed up right away with no hesitation. I am so nervous. Pls let this be my sticky rainbow.
It's 5:15am so DH is still sleeping. What a wonderful Father's Day gift I'll be able to surprise him with.
I'm in a wedding today so not sure how I'm going to keep this secret since I wot be drinking.
Keeping my FX'd you ladies will be joining me!

Congratulations :D sooooo happy for you its brilliant news :) praying for a sticky rainbow for you :)
awwwww what a great surprise it will be for him :D he will be over the moon i expect :D

i think since it stopped it was implantation bleeding to me all singnes point to that :)

im pretty annoyed still a :bfn: and i decided to test because i felt sick maybe my ic's arent as sensitive but i think i might skip testing tomorrow and test monday if af hasnt showed just super annoed and irritated today!!!
Thanks K it could be :).

Try a relax and not get too worked up anymore today... Sorry it was neg today darlin, a couple of days and I hoping you see the start of your rainbow :).

So it's 1am here now and I'm tired again, feel calmer now though so that's good!
I don't know what it is I have all the symptoms this month but still negitive this ttc thing is really getting on my nerves!
Oh jm I'm delighted for you!!! I also love your little girls name Joe was going to be Everly if he was a girl!!
so just woke up i slept all day and thats not normal for me dh had to watch the babies all day and im still getting a negitive on my ic's makes me mad
K what dpo are you today? Just remember the implantion can occur up 12dpo so hang in there also fatigue is #1 pregnancy symptom... :)
I was suppose to start af yesterday I heard that ic's can give bfn even if u are it's just so frustrating
Congratulations JM that's wonderful news. Your DH will be wrapped on his special day.

BM, sounds promising those symptoms of yours! If you get a bfp on those tests I sent you, don't panic if they are light lines. I tried one the other day and it was a lot lighter than I would have expected for 9 weeks! So they obviously skimp on dye, lol. I did my last FRER just to put my mind at rest, and it came up darker than the control, phew. Can't wait till you start testing, how long now?
I took one today as I couldn't hold out :haha: knew nothing would show lol..
I'll test again tomorrow, spotting again today just a small amount when I wipe and it's dark red. Thanks for the heads up on the tests Tui.. Light line or not it's still a line! Plus I have a couple of frer's from last cycle too, if a line shows on ic I'll do an frer.

How are you going lovely?
K it is, I wish we could just see it straight away!! Well if af isn't there then let's hope she stays away! Do you have an frer?
No frer :( only ic's and will only be getting a lift to a store in about a week :( I retested this afternoon I know I wouldn't see anything as it wasn't fmu but I was sure I saw something again it can be all in my head grrrr but I have the worst headache and feel sick so maybe that's good
Try SMU instead of FMU a lot a ladies say it's stronger... Tui said the IC's she sent me only show a light line so maybe just maybe yours may be the same?

Fingers crossed we get our :bfp: xo

AMF: dark red spotting this arvo no cramps just a twinge here and there and that heavy feeling... Buggered if I know what's going on lol...the wait is killing me and I'm only 7dpo... Had I have NOT had the bleed/spotting I was counting myself out... Now I just simply confused :dohh:
Ok so I'm trying to be a good girl and eat well and healthy, lots of fruit and veg, less sweet things etc. So why does my body repay me for eating a massive bowl of homemade vege soup by making me look like I swallowed a balloon ! Can't win, lol.

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