2014 Testers wanna join?!?! Join in on the POAS fun!!!

I got my crosshairs this morning! I can officialy say that I now do have normal regular cycles for three months in a row (even with spotting 2 first cycles) for the first time in 3 years!!! my body is working the way it did before I got pregnant with DD. Woohoo! :)

Congrats! It's really nice to know your body is working the way it's supposed to. That's also I sign (from what I've researched) that it shouldn't be too difficult to get busy at the right time. I know they say less is more but with me it's the opposite. My dh and I are still in our honeymoon phase even after our first year. This is a lil TMI but some nights we have 3 or 4 go's at it. I truly believe love definitely helps create the baby you want. I'm sending lots of love your way :) keep us posted. I go tomorrow for my follow up hcg bloodwork. Hopefully it's 5 or below so I can get the green light :)
Hubby is coming home on Friday and my af is due the 12th or 13th. I am going with SMEP from the 20th. On the 21st is our 4 year anniversary so will try to make it a "honeymoon week" for us.

And I totally agree that love helps building a baby because that is how I got pregnant with all my babies.
Aww Angelbaby that's lovely he is home in time for anniversary :)
Hi ladies :wave:

So I took a mini break cause I don't really know what's been going on so cr the miscarriage! I got what looked like a very near positive FRER and then AF was 3 days late but she turned up :nope: so just been sorting my head out and getting ready for this cycle

Congrats to all the BFP's! This month would be a December baby and it would also be my birthday month to

:flow: good luck to all trying this month!
Awwww for anniversary! :) x So happy things are back to normal.
Hi Ladies, Thought i would join in.

Had a Miscarriage that dragged on in December, everything went back to normal first week of Feb (yes that long). Have had two periods since then, and now in TWW(lots of BD last week hehe). My body still seems a little weird though, not sure if anything will happen. Periods are normal, but i keep getting lots of EWCM and Watery CM, Pre Miscarriage i never had abundance of either? I have read you can be more fertile for up to 6 months after a MC and that you chances of having a healthy sticky baby are also increased within that 6 month period, so fingers crossed anyway. Will be testing after 13th April (next AF due) if she doesn't show up ofc.
Hi ladies :wave:

So I took a mini break cause I don't really know what's been going on so cr the miscarriage! I got what looked like a very near positive FRER and then AF was 3 days late but she turned up :nope: so just been sorting my head out and getting ready for this cycle

Congrats to all the BFP's! This month would be a December baby and it would also be my birthday month to

:flow: good luck to all trying this month!

Nice to see you here again :flower:

I am sory af showed hun I have my fingers crossedfor a December rainbow. :hugs:

Hi Ladies, Thought i would join in.

Had a Miscarriage that dragged on in December, everything went back to normal first week of Feb (yes that long). Have had two periods since then, and now in TWW(lots of BD last week hehe). My body still seems a little weird though, not sure if anything will happen. Periods are normal, but i keep getting lots of EWCM and Watery CM, Pre Miscarriage i never had abundance of either? I have read you can be more fertile for up to 6 months after a MC and that you chances of having a healthy sticky baby are also increased within that 6 month period, so fingers crossed anyway. Will be testing after 13th April (next AF due) if she doesn't show up ofc.

Welcome! :flower:

I am very sorry for your loss and hope you will get pregnant with a healthy sticky soon. :hugs:
Can I join please? :)
I MC on March 11th I would have been 10 weeks 5 days. Found out on March 4th that baby stopped developing around 5weeks. Right now I'm waiting on AF. I'm on CD 31 since bleeding started of MC. I'm guessing I'll be testing in May but we will see. Good luck! FX'd for our rainbow babies.
Can I join please? :)
I MC on March 11th I would have been 10 weeks 5 days. Found out on March 4th that baby stopped developing around 5weeks. Right now I'm waiting on AF. I'm on CD 31 since bleeding started of MC. I'm guessing I'll be testing in May but we will see. Good luck! FX'd for our rainbow babies.

Hey JM! Sorry for your loss. I was in the October due date group as well. My baby stopped developing the same time I had a D&C at 9 weeks. I'm waiting for my first AF currently CD18. FX for rainbows!
I'm off to cycle 3 hope third is a charm
hey ladies, im back...after my awful 46days cycle last month, i had a good period and am already having a good amount of cm so i am hoping after 5 months of wappy cycles after my gallbladder op, i am hoping that my body has hit 'reset' and is ready to get pregnant! :thumbup: so unable to guess when i will ov, i am going with between cd20-24 so i will test between 23-26th april :thumbup:
So I broke down and tested tonight (I would be 10 dpo) and got a BFN. I have cramps on and off so I anticipate af in the next couple of days.
Can I join please? :)
I MC on March 11th I would have been 10 weeks 5 days. Found out on March 4th that baby stopped developing around 5weeks. Right now I'm waiting on AF. I'm on CD 31 since bleeding started of MC. I'm guessing I'll be testing in May but we will see. Good luck! FX'd for our rainbow babies.

Hey JM! Sorry for your loss. I was in the October due date group as well. My baby stopped developing the same time I had a D&C at 9 weeks. I'm waiting for my first AF currently CD18. FX for rainbows!

:hugs: I am so sorry :( when was your due date? I was hosting the October bumpkins group before I MC. It was so hard to leave. Hope we get our BFPs soon and we can be bump buddies! :)
This natural MC has been extremely painful, long, and frustrating. I'm hoping it's officially over now. I would be 14 weeks today if I were still pregnant. Miss my baby bean so much.

I've been having tinged brown fertile mucus for a couple of days now. I'm also super crampy. Not sure if this is AF coming or ovulation. DH and I are BDing just in case.
Good luck!
Can I join please? :)
I MC on March 11th I would have been 10 weeks 5 days. Found out on March 4th that baby stopped developing around 5weeks. Right now I'm waiting on AF. I'm on CD 31 since bleeding started of MC. I'm guessing I'll be testing in May but we will see. Good luck! FX'd for our rainbow babies.

Hey JM! Sorry for your loss. I was in the October due date group as well. My baby stopped developing the same time I had a D&C at 9 weeks. I'm waiting for my first AF currently CD18. FX for rainbows!

:hugs: I am so sorry :( when was your due date? I was hosting the October bumpkins group before I MC. It was so hard to leave. Hope we get our BFPs soon and we can be bump buddies! :)
This natural MC has been extremely painful, long, and frustrating. I'm hoping it's officially over now. I would be 14 weeks today if I were still pregnant. Miss my baby bean so much.

I've been having tinged brown fertile mucus for a couple of days now. I'm also super crampy. Not sure if this is AF coming or ovulation. DH and I are BDing just in case.
Good luck!
I think I had my due date on there as Oct. 18th or 19th. It was actually the 21st though I found out. That would be awesome if we were! I didn't try this cycle as I just had my D&C two weeks ago and I'm not emotionally ready but I'll be trying next month for sure. I secretly hope I conceive in May though. February baby! I miss mine too. It's completely devastating. I would have been 11weeks on Monday. FX for sticky babies!
Hi ladies. Just to update you guys. My doctor ordered hcg bloodwork to see what my levels were and they're zero. It kind of hit hard that it's truly over and we have to start again. I do think that I am getting ready to O. I have cm present and ff says it's my two week window. So my body is definitely back in working order and it seems FF is on track. Hopefully I don't miss my window since my dh is out of town and I won't be joining him until Sunday/Monday. According to FF my dark green day will be Tuesday so hopefully we don't miss our chance. I hope everyone else is doing well, keep me posted :)
Hi ladies. Just to update you guys. My doctor ordered hcg bloodwork to see what my levels were and they're zero. It kind of hit hard that it's truly over and we have to start again. I do think that I am getting ready to O. I have cm present and ff says it's my two week window. So my body is definitely back in working order and it seems FF is on track. Hopefully I don't miss my window since my dh is out of town and I won't be joining him until Sunday/Monday. According to FF my dark green day will be Tuesday so hopefully we don't miss our chance. I hope everyone else is doing well, keep me posted :)

It's sad knowing it's over but great news you can try again. Mine were less than 2 on Monday. I think they are zero now. Just wondering, do women OV after HCG goes back to zero or does AF show? I've been having cramping and fertile mucus. DH and I BD just in case. Wishing u all the best! Hope I get ur rainbow baby soon.
Can I join please? :)
I MC on March 11th I would have been 10 weeks 5 days. Found out on March 4th that baby stopped developing around 5weeks. Right now I'm waiting on AF. I'm on CD 31 since bleeding started of MC. I'm guessing I'll be testing in May but we will see. Good luck! FX'd for our rainbow babies.

Hey JM! Sorry for your loss. I was in the October due date group as well. My baby stopped developing the same time I had a D&C at 9 weeks. I'm waiting for my first AF currently CD18. FX for rainbows!

:hugs: I am so sorry :( when was your due date? I was hosting the October bumpkins group before I MC. It was so hard to leave. Hope we get our BFPs soon and we can be bump buddies! :)
This natural MC has been extremely painful, long, and frustrating. I'm hoping it's officially over now. I would be 14 weeks today if I were still pregnant. Miss my baby bean so much.

I've been having tinged brown fertile mucus for a couple of days now. I'm also super crampy. Not sure if this is AF coming or ovulation. DH and I are BDing just in case.
Good luck!
I think I had my due date on there as Oct. 18th or 19th. It was actually the 21st though I found out. That would be awesome if we were! I didn't try this cycle as I just had my D&C two weeks ago and I'm not emotionally ready but I'll be trying next month for sure. I secretly hope I conceive in May though. February baby! I miss mine too. It's completely devastating. I would have been 11weeks on Monday. FX for sticky babies!

It's so hard :( I'm so sorry. I am still struggling with it. DH went on vaca last week. I was fine during that week because we had a great time but now that I'm back home the MC is all I think about. I pray it doesn't take long to get pregnant with a healthy baby.
Plus two people I know announced on FB they are pregnant and are due around when I was :( now 4 of my friends are having babies. One had hers on March 20, my best friend had a son today, and my two other friends are due any day. I envy them.
Can I join please? :)
I MC on March 11th I would have been 10 weeks 5 days. Found out on March 4th that baby stopped developing around 5weeks. Right now I'm waiting on AF. I'm on CD 31 since bleeding started of MC. I'm guessing I'll be testing in May but we will see. Good luck! FX'd for our rainbow babies.

Hey JM! Sorry for your loss. I was in the October due date group as well. My baby stopped developing the same time I had a D&C at 9 weeks. I'm waiting for my first AF currently CD18. FX for rainbows!

:hugs: I am so sorry :( when was your due date? I was hosting the October bumpkins group before I MC. It was so hard to leave. Hope we get our BFPs soon and we can be bump buddies! :)
This natural MC has been extremely painful, long, and frustrating. I'm hoping it's officially over now. I would be 14 weeks today if I were still pregnant. Miss my baby bean so much.

I've been having tinged brown fertile mucus for a couple of days now. I'm also super crampy. Not sure if this is AF coming or ovulation. DH and I are BDing just in case.
Good luck!
I think I had my due date on there as Oct. 18th or 19th. It was actually the 21st though I found out. That would be awesome if we were! I didn't try this cycle as I just had my D&C two weeks ago and I'm not emotionally ready but I'll be trying next month for sure. I secretly hope I conceive in May though. February baby! I miss mine too. It's completely devastating. I would have been 11weeks on Monday. FX for sticky babies!

It's so hard :( I'm so sorry. I am still struggling with it. DH went on vaca last week. I was fine during that week because we had a great time but now that I'm back home the MC is all I think about. I pray it doesn't take long to get pregnant with a healthy baby.
Plus two people I know announced on FB they are pregnant and are due around when I was :( now 4 of my friends are having babies. One had hers on March 20, my best friend had a son today, and my two other friends are due any day. I envy them.

I know how hard this is. Two friends and my sister had babies in January when we suffered loss #3 in a row. I then found out another sister was 4 weeks pg with a baby she didn't want 2 prior to loss #4.

Just remember in just a few months you'll be holding your sweet rainbow. :hugs:
Hi ladies. Just to update you guys. My doctor ordered hcg bloodwork to see what my levels were and they're zero. It kind of hit hard that it's truly over and we have to start again. I do think that I am getting ready to O. I have cm present and ff says it's my two week window. So my body is definitely back in working order and it seems FF is on track. Hopefully I don't miss my window since my dh is out of town and I won't be joining him until Sunday/Monday. According to FF my dark green day will be Tuesday so hopefully we don't miss our chance. I hope everyone else is doing well, keep me posted :)

FX for you! I never went back for bloodwork, but my pregnancy tests went negative ten days after my surgery. It's definitely hard seeing. :hugs:
It's so hard :( I'm so sorry. I am still struggling with it. DH went on vaca last week. I was fine during that week because we had a great time but now that I'm back home the MC is all I think about. I pray it doesn't take long to get pregnant with a healthy baby.
Plus two people I know announced on FB they are pregnant and are due around when I was :( now 4 of my friends are having babies. One had hers on March 20, my best friend had a son today, and my two other friends are due any day. I envy them.

It is really hard. I've been camped out on my parents couch for the past two weeks unable to do much of anything. I had no idea how it would completely devastate everything. I've found out some FB friends are pregnant too and seeing their scans breaks my heart. :hugs: we will get through this.

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