Hey all!
I will try to catch up reading everyones post when I can. Little about myself. Was in the Oct baby group but had a MC. D&C Feb 28th. Still waiting for my AF after the D&C. So on day 3 of Provera to get it here a bit faster. Taking Clomid CD 5-9 as I've had to take it before doc is wanting to give me a bit of a boost. I'll be testing in April, just not sure when. Still have 8 days or provera then have to wait for AF to get here.
Hi ladies, can I join? I am now on cycle day 11, a little about myself: DH (44) and I (34) got our bfp this past Nov on our 1st cycle trying (with the use of opks) and I had a mmc at around 7 weeks, I wanted the mc to occur naturally so I waited 4 weeks (with medical supervision) and nothing, so I was given cytotek to induce the mc on jan 12. No sign of AF, after 9 weeks I had a hormone panel done and was found to have low progesterone, I was prescribed teva-medroxyprogesterone and AF started after taking 4 doses (of the 7 prescribed). I was over the moon lol, I am having my cycle monitored and as of CD10 I had 2 follicles growing strong on my right ovary and my lining is thickening nicely, I go back for bloodwork and monitoring next week (CD 14-16), im getting anxious, we will be bding tonite and the next few days and hope this is our month for our rainbow baby. Baby dust to everyone!
Hey all!
I will try to catch up reading everyones post when I can. Little about myself. Was in the Oct baby group but had a MC. D&C Feb 28th. Still waiting for my AF after the D&C. So on day 3 of Provera to get it here a bit faster. Taking Clomid CD 5-9 as I've had to take it before doc is wanting to give me a bit of a boost. I'll be testing in April, just not sure when. Still have 8 days or provera then have to wait for AF to get here.
Hey all!
I will try to catch up reading everyones post when I can. Little about myself. Was in the Oct baby group but had a MC. D&C Feb 28th. Still waiting for my AF after the D&C. So on day 3 of Provera to get it here a bit faster. Taking Clomid CD 5-9 as I've had to take it before doc is wanting to give me a bit of a boost. I'll be testing in April, just not sure when. Still have 8 days or provera then have to wait for AF to get here.
I'm sorry for your loss. I was in the October group as well. I'm on day 1 of provera and will be taking femara. FX!
Hey all!
I will try to catch up reading everyones post when I can. Little about myself. Was in the Oct baby group but had a MC. D&C Feb 28th. Still waiting for my AF after the D&C. So on day 3 of Provera to get it here a bit faster. Taking Clomid CD 5-9 as I've had to take it before doc is wanting to give me a bit of a boost. I'll be testing in April, just not sure when. Still have 8 days or provera then have to wait for AF to get here.
I'm sorry for your loss. I was in the October group as well. I'm on day 1 of provera and will be taking femara. FX!
How is the Provera treating you? Ive found that it makes me VERY sleepy! I had to research it because being tired wasnt on the side effect list. I keep wishing that AF would just get here already so I didnt have to keep taking these things.
Hi ladies. Just to update you guys. My doctor ordered hcg bloodwork to see what my levels were and they're zero. It kind of hit hard that it's truly over and we have to start again. I do think that I am getting ready to O. I have cm present and ff says it's my two week window. So my body is definitely back in working order and it seems FF is on track. Hopefully I don't miss my window since my dh is out of town and I won't be joining him until Sunday/Monday. According to FF my dark green day will be Tuesday so hopefully we don't miss our chance. I hope everyone else is doing well, keep me posted![]()
It's sad knowing it's over but great news you can try again. Mine were less than 2 on Monday. I think they are zero now. Just wondering, do women OV after HCG goes back to zero or does AF show? I've been having cramping and fertile mucus. DH and I BD just in case. Wishing u all the best! Hope I get ur rainbow baby soon.
Thanks! That helps a lot!!! I'm pretty sure I'm O'ing so hoping I only have two weeks until I can test or AF arrives. We will seeI won't be bummed if I don't get a BFP I just really want to get on a regular cycle.
Thanks soanxious. I keep a regular eye there to see if anyone updated with something new I didn't know of
It seems that natural is best and pre-seed second, but assume it is for those ladies that don't have much cm.
I started using b-complex and it works wonders to get cycles back to normal. If you wanted to add that or b6?
Af started 40 days after D&cSo Couple more days to start my Clomid then im waiting to O
So excited something is happening!