I have had tests show 7/8dpo but have been 10 & 15 miU/mL and I was still on time after my Chemicals. xx FX for you!!
10 dpo.. testing starts tomorrow.
I had a burning hunger start yesterday and it's continuing on to today. This is that awful burning pregnancy hunger if any are familiar. No matter what I do I can't get full and it hurts. I'm pretty certain that it's due to the progesterone.
Symptoms I've had this cycle: nausea, headaches, incredible hunger, mild cramping, low back pain.. and every one of those could be blamed on the progesterone. Phooey.
I wanna join in!
I am 34, hubby is 28. We have been together almost 4 years. I have 2 older kids, he has two younger kids and we want one together. I have had 4 losses, all at 5 weeks, my last loss I had a progesterone level of 7. I am on clomid (first time) because my right tube is blocked and my right ovary is dominant so I needed a little boost to o from my working left side. I also am on progesterone. I take Folic Acid also.
My last loss was in December and it lasted until the middle of January. It was very tough. My 'symptoms' this cycle (due to Clomid and progesterone) cover all the 'normal' pregnancy symptoms, but the one that bothers me the most is the cramping. I have been cramping on/off since ovulation and peeing every hour which is not normal imo.. I am only 4dpo and can tell that these are symptoms of the drug and not real, but anything that gives hope can be a double-edged sword sometimes. I will be testing from about 10dpo and on. (Which will be May1st.)
Lots of you getting near to testing now eeek!! I'm 3dpo today. X
5dpo.. This cycle the wait is horrid.