Thanks angel! Do you usually have a dip? I've never had a cycle without an ov dip before but maybe I did ovulate today and no dip or maybe I will ovulate tomorrow. Hope so. My temp tomorrow should tell me more!
When is your hubby round to angel? Wishing you so much luck and baby dust this month!!
Thanks jm, good to see you are gearing up to ttc again, fingers crossed!
Eme I agree with the others, don't worry about what the dr says, I'm sure all will be fine. I ttc straight away after my mmc at 12 weeks. I wasn't successful and really believed I'd be one of the lucky ones as they say they are more fertile after your mc. Always the way really, expect one thing and so often life delivers something else. Enjoy it x
When is your hubby round to angel? Wishing you so much luck and baby dust this month!!
Thanks jm, good to see you are gearing up to ttc again, fingers crossed!
Eme I agree with the others, don't worry about what the dr says, I'm sure all will be fine. I ttc straight away after my mmc at 12 weeks. I wasn't successful and really believed I'd be one of the lucky ones as they say they are more fertile after your mc. Always the way really, expect one thing and so often life delivers something else. Enjoy it x