Fingers crossed your SCH will be gone or at least shrunk a bit! I'm the same, I eat a bit of breakfast (in bed, thanks to my lovely OH) and then I don't really feel hungry or fancy anything else until late afternoon...I do try to force myself to eat a bit around lunchtime though, as I feel like it makes my nausea slightly less. I've found fruit toast to be great for breakfast and my lunch snack, it's pretty high energy so even if I only manage a bit it'll keep me going for a while. I've also made some plain pancakes the other day and they seemed to be staying down really well, too. Breakfast carbs for me!
We've finally sold the flat now, so if another house comes up that we like we can just swoop in and make an offer, yay! Such a shame we missed out on that last one though, it really was perfect.
I have another 3 weeks until my first scan, cannot wait! I'd be tempted to book a private one, but money is tight and with Christmas coming up I can't really justify it (we don't go overboard with presents, but we have large families, so by the time everyone has a little thing it still ends up quite a lot.)
Speaking of christmas...what's everyone getting their older kids? I'm thinking about getting our daughter (2) a cheap digital camera, not one of the kiddy ones, but just a cheap regular one (I've seen some for around £30-40) she's quite handy with stuff like that and tries to snap pictures with my phone all the time, and she never throws things so I'm not too worried she'd break it.
I also need little presents (<£10) for my nieces (1&3), so if anyone has any brilliant ideas, please let me know!