NDH - I´m so sorry for your loss
horseylass - welcome
weewdy - I hope you get better soon
I´m also not getting any tests done to check for downs or other abnormalities.. here they check first by measuring the thickness of the back of the head during the 12 week scan, then if something is off, they do an amniocentesis to confirm...
Nikoru - aches and pains, pulls and strings are normal in your abdomen these days... as fun as that is
kit - I hear ya on different pregnancies. I didn´t have much trouble at all until my 3rd trimester last time, this one has been horrible since week 4... I scolded my husband for not being understanding enough the other day. He´s a lot calmer now, when I don´t feel up to driving, walking or getting out of bed due to being tired...
Beadette - you used a doppler during your first pregnancy? did you notice the difference between hearing the placenta´s heartbeat and the baby´s?

I was so sure I was pregnant with twins, until I learned the difference.
Radiance - I got a bump, and then it disappeared, has yours?
thurl - phew, doppler rocks
AFM - my headache is mostly gone, feeling alright atm. Don´t really feel pregnant at all these days, just the occasional vomiting episode... sometimes queasy for a few minutes. Otherwise just sore boobs... most of the time now.
Doppler is a blessing when I´m feeling apprehensive.