Okay ladies, my turn to catch up as you've been busy while I was sleeping
More good vibes to follow the ones you have already got. I trust that it will all go great and cannot wait for your update
I cannot wait for my scan either... team yellow is okay but I'd really rather be pink or blue

I'm also still waiting for the movements, just had it that one time and not since

But like you said when it happens we will just know!
I love those scan pictures of your little lady! The heart bear sounds awesome and would make such a lovely keepsake for your little girl as well
I have thrown up all kinds of nasty for 8 weeks during my pregnancy and bile was one of them. When it happened I tried to get some water in so that if I threw up again there was at least something to come out.
I agree with you that the throwing up is so hard on your body but not all my lower body muscles pulled tight. I sometimes peed myself while puking

Glamorous I know I know
Pardon if this is a stupid question, but the damage to your throat and tongue permanent damage?
I'm sorry that you had a rough time with the ms as well.
Dizzyness got better last night. Back this morning though but I can handle it

I'm planning to birth naturally with no meds so dizziness should be a piece of cake right?!