So at about 08h15 this morning I started getting upper abdominal cramps and pains! I thought I was stuck with the trapped wind from hell. Luckily nobody was at the office so I stretched myself, burped and farted

Nothing helped and I just couldn't get the cramps to go.
When my boss came in a few minutes later I was bent over in pain and she "chased" me to the leave the office and go see the Dr. Went to the GP and AGAIN I got antibiotics

1st time was kidney pipe infection and now 2nd time is bad bladder infection...
I just don't get how I still get these infections when I consume more than 2-3 litres of water a day. I'm flushing any possible trace of toxins. Anyhow at least I got meds and we caught it early.
She did my sugar test again and my blood sugar levels dropped from 6 to 4 which is much much healthier!
Also measured my Fundal height and it was at 18cm

Dr said it is suppose to be 17cm at 17 weeks so mine is a bit ahead. Same as with my last u/s at 13 weeks, baby measured 14w1d.
Now just waiting for my u/s and if they still put me ahead then I'll update my due date
What are your opinions on changing the due dates? Should I stick to LMP, Confirmed O date or the scans and measurements?