I know this has nothing to do with pregnancy

but my little brother (half brother) who I haven't seen since he was very little just got in touch with me on facebook!
Basically to try cut a long story short my father had an affair on my mother when I was six and they split and then a few years later he had my brother to the other woman. I did see him and even looked after him as a baby as my "father" and his mother wherent very capable parents so every weekend when me and my sisters would stay over for a few nights I would basically mother him when I was only a child myself, it was a lot to take on but at the same time I loved looking after a tiny wee baby. Anyways when he was about 4 i decided to stop seeing my father as he was a huge let down, selfish, taking drugs etc and after that the woman left him and I think she has turned her life around now but at the time I seen my brother once in a blue moon and well I just didn't like her very much tbh because of having bad memory's of her and my father off their face and arguing etc. And at the time as a young teen or even 11 or 12 (my memory is bad

) I was going through a lot myself with anxiety and depression issues cropping up so eventually we just kind of stopped seeing eachother.
When I fell pregnant with Kian and actually a wee bit before tbh I started thinking about him more often and wanting to see him but my anxiety just took over and I couldn't face it with thoughts of ive let him down like our father let us all down by being in and out of our lives and idk the thought of rejection as immature as that sounds just scared me from ever actually biting the bullet and going to see him.
Now he's 13 and has contacted me through Facebook well he added me and I thought wow he's still so little himself and making the first move I need to message him something back!? And I literally stayed up all last night tossing and turning trying to think of what to say

I did eventually messege him just saying something like " have i got the right person here is it really my brother?"

(I know that's such a crap way to start but I couldn't think of what else to say) and he replied with "yes it's me big sister sarah and then a big smiley face

, I think that means he's keen on seeing me and can't be holding to many grudges? Does it? Omg this is making me so anxious ive never felt this way before like a mixture of tons of feelings!
He must be messaging me from school on a break as its on 12 am so the replies are slow but he seems really happy to be talking to me, has anyone else experienced something like this? And how did you cope with your anxiety? Haha I feel so bloody silly as he is only 13 and took such a brave step on getting in contact with me! Something I've been wanting to do for over three years now but have chickened out everytime I came close