Okay so I never got my Horlicks last night

I'm kind of over it so that's cool.
TMI, had a bowel movement this morning that made me cry... how can your body compress 'something' that you cannot get out - HURT LIKE HELL!
Monthly check up at the clinic this morning. I love the nurse that I've been seeing! She really has an amazing bedside manner and she feels like she really cares about how I'm doing etc.
1. She heard the heart beat this morning and when I asked her to let me hear she took out the clinic's Doppler

I didn't know the clinic had one!
I told her that this would be my first time hearing the heart beating and she was so excited for me. Anyway little man then had his own ideas - he kept kicking at the probe (we heard that loud and clear and I felt it) and after he kicked it he would move so she ended up not being able to get good positioning for me. I thought I would be disappointed but I'm not, I'm actually quite amused by how playful/naughty he was

She also commented and said she is amazed at how busy he is
2. Technically 24 weeks pregnant and my Fundal Height measures 27cm... She says good growth and looking at leg measurements of my u/s he seems to be a tall boy
3. I weighed 87.75kg when I fell pregnant, lost during ms and now only I'm back up to 87.2kg so I am proud of my healthy eating habits and the fact that I have not pigged out like people thought I would and ballooned etc.
4. I haven't said anything on here, should have and not sure why I didn't. Anyway if you recall I had an ECG at 4 weeks due to an irregular heart beat. They said it was called Extra Ventricular Systoles and considered normal in some cases. So that is apparently "my" normal beat. I mentioned to the nurse this morning when I lie down I feel strange, like I'm going to get smothered or something and my heart starts to beat irregular. Plus when I get excited or out of breath it will flare up as well. I raised my worries that if this happens now will I/my heart be able to handle the stress of a natural birth?? She ordered another ECG for me so I'll probably do that tomorrow to check on things. Rather safe than sorry.
I have my heart set on natural birth but if it is going to be safer for me to have a C-section then I would like to have that arranged/agreed upon sooner rather than later so that I can make peace with it. I'm afraid my heart fails during labour or something. I know I'm probably being paranoid with no good reason but I just want to make sure I'm healthy enough for my baby
Sorry for the long post