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Sorry for the pains ladies, I know they are no fun!

I sometimes get pain in my upper abdomen and nothing relieves it! Not even a poo so I think they are organs shifting haha.
I don't have any problems with my ribs though, baby Matthew is very low still so my uncomfy pains are all down there. My 'flower' seems to feel like it has been kicked from the outside. Standing up or rolling over causes me pain there so I'm not even going to attempt sex.
Between pains, not being able to move properly, my belly getting in the way and the bloody puppy who's decided she tells us when it's bed time and sleeps in the middle of the bed, sex has become a very very VERY distant memory.......not that I can even be arsed with OH at min but atleast I don't have to come up with an excuse haha
Those baby shower pictures are awesome :) I wish baby showers were more popular over here but people just don't seem to do them.

I'm not really getting the same pains as you all seem to be describing so far, but I am getting what I can only describe as like an aching feeling really low down in my pelvis esp. when I walk. I'm still only feeling light kicks at the moment, usually around lunch time and then late at night - DH still can't feel :(

The midwife says that I have an anterior (front) placenta though and that they can cushion the kicks and make them harder to feel.
I'm also not having no :sex: I could if I wanted to but I feel bruised and sore down there - almost as if it is swolen. I'm afraid it would hurt so I just rather not risk it :haha:
My mid wife did warn me I was really gonna feel it when baby decided she was gonna kick me as my placenta is at the back so I'd say it's prob because you have a little cushion between u and baby for now.
Pretty sure you will feel it when babes a bit bigger tho and space gets tight x
Anyone else suffering from horrible, disturbing, vivid and very realistic dreams?

I had them on and off throughout my last pregnancy, some of them got so bad that I would wake up screaming in a panic and then just burst out crying.. And on a handful of occasions my oh would have to even wake me up or hold my hands to stop me from hurting myself (by scratching at myself and even slapping myself in the face because in some of the dreams I knew I was dreaming and would slap my face to try wake up) as bad as they where it wasn't constant like every night, like sometimes I would get a break for a few months then all of a sudden have them solid every night for a week.. It got to the point that it really freaked me out enough to go to the doctors about it and he described it as "adult night terrors" :dohh: and said it was most likely be because of all the hormones and all he could advise was to try relax and not stress out.. :dohh:

Anyhow they started months before I even knew I was pregnant with my first (I didn't find out I was carrying till I was a few months gone) and stopped after I had him. But this time I was free of them (I mean I've had wacky dreams since the start this time round but some so random that they are funny and not scary at all just so vivid) so I hadn't had any horrible ones till about a month ago when they have started again.... Like I said it's not every night but it is just so so upsetting :cry: last night I woke up from one of them in such a state crying that I ended up having to run to the loo to be sick and even thinking about it now turns my stomach and idk really makes me worry about what the hell goes on in my head for me to think up such disturbing things :cry: I just feel hopeless atm and too scared to sleep incase I have another one :cry: .... Last time round a few things could help ease them off sometimes like a warm bath before bed etc etc but sometimes that doesn't even stop them and I'm just starting to feel so emotionally and physically drained :cry:
Aww Sarah :hugs::hugs:
I know how u feel, I suffer with horrendous nightmares!! Always have done but there most certainly worse since becoming preggo.
Mine are worst when I'm worrying about them and having them, it's a pretty crappy cycle.
Some of the stuff I've dreamt about has been so disgusting I can't even bring myself to tell anyone what they have been about so ur Defo not alone on that either xxx
sounds scary sarah. Ive seeen a documentary on children with night terrors and that was scary to watch. I can only imagine how u feel and being pregnant. i remember reading a thread somewhere on this forum with women experiencing vivid dreams/nightmares. I havent experienced it this pregnancy. not even normal dreams that i can actually wake up and remember that ive even had one. sorry u have to deal with that though. its crazy the variety of symptoms we can all have

2 more weeks and i will start to be seen twice a week. 7 more weeks after that and scheduled d day. Its getting closer than i can grasp. Its becoming more and more real for me. yikes. I am actually starting to get scared. I know many are excited, but have any of you worried or been scared with ur 1st? im getting emotional for no reason now. its a miracle having a baby
Aww nilla I'm sure you will do amazingly.
TBH I just can't wait. I'm excited for baby but more excited to not be pregnant!!

I think with all the issues and arguments and messing around with stupid consultants and doctors that don't know their arse from their elbow and the fact I still don't even know how or where i'll be having baby it still seems SO far away and just kinda feel that untill I know I can't really be excited or nervous or scared!
Will decide when I know my plan of action.
I'm more nervous about not being allowed a natural birth than I actually am of giving birth if that makes sense. And untill someone can give me a definative answer as to y I can't I won't be happy having a c section and will continue to fight for it. Even if it means changing hospitals until I get what I want.
Obviously if someone was to say there's a danger to baby I'd have to just get on with it but so far no one's even mentioned baby
Ah Sarah, I'm so sorry about your dreams. I have crazy dreams too but I don't think they reach the same level as yours :hugs: Would you Dr not be able to give you something to help relax you before bed? Might be a silly question but when I was in hospital after ligament reconstructive surgery they would give me anxiety meds before bedtime and that stuff calmed me down like you would not believe. I cannot recall ever sleeping better than those hospital nights :D
Hopefully there is something that will be safe for you and the baby that might be an option?

Nilla, I understand you 100%. I'm very excited for baby especially after the 1st baby shower and seeing DH get excited about the clothes and gifts. But then at the same time I look at some of the things and I get scared because I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never baby sat before so I have no experience. Only think I can say is that when I am with a baby I seem to do okay and kind of "know" what needs to be done. But yeah for the most part I'm scared too.
Aww nilla I'm sure you will do amazingly.
TBH I just can't wait. I'm excited for baby but more excited to not be pregnant!!

I think with all the issues and arguments and messing around with stupid consultants and doctors that don't know their arse from their elbow and the fact I still don't even know how or where i'll be having baby it still seems SO far away and just kinda feel that untill I know I can't really be excited or nervous or scared!
Will decide when I know my plan of action.
I'm more nervous about not being allowed a natural birth than I actually am of giving birth if that makes sense. And untill someone can give me a definative answer as to y I can't I won't be happy having a c section and will continue to fight for it. Even if it means changing hospitals until I get what I want.
Obviously if someone was to say there's a danger to baby I'd have to just get on with it but so far no one's even mentioned baby
thanks pink

yeah. it is tiring dealing with these docs.

and dont worry. my nice ob is still a bit evasive with me when it comes to finding out what when how... i think she tries to not get me to worry. It was just yesterday i got a specific date of when i wouldd start to be seen twice a week. everytime i mentioned csection or whhere i wanted my delivery(found ouot i cnt have bby where i wanted either) she would tell me we would talk about it later. so hopefully you get what you want and whats best for baby as well. i will be having a csection so im hoping that goes well for me.

are they saying they want to induce u earlier at all pink? or will u be waiting until ur water breaks n stuff to go to the hospital? it is crazy how they treat first time moms like we are experts . they fail to realize that even thoguh they deal with this everyday, we dont.

wunna. seems to me like you will be a natural :p
awesome pics wunna. thanks for sharing!!! looks like u had fun. i scrolled to the pic when before i read what you had written and i thought u had had your baby. i was scared and shocked at the same time. as iw as staring i was thinkign that th baby looked fake and unreal like the ones u see on youtube. good thing its not the real matthew :p

and nice bump
Baby shower pics :D

I had this little one for the day and had to care for him as a real baby or was fed the most disgusting baby food :rofl: Naturally he was called baby Matthew


Batman Onsie = SUPER CUTE


Handmade diaper cake from my SIL :D


The awesome venue at my friend's house. On a wine farm next to the lake under willow trees! BEAUTIFUL


I had a wonderful day and was so close to tears many times! I felt that I was so loved by many and that baby Matthew is cared for and loved by many already. The pressies we got is a great head start on many things we still required which is a great help!!

Looks like you had a wonderful baby shower! Love the dolly idea :) x
I've only got told once I would be having a c section on a planned date but this was with the 1st consultant who was an absolute moron. Told me my head would explode and I'd die and spat her dummy out when I said I couldn't have and epidural as told by my specialist. She then wrote off and the only thing she asked was if I could have an epidural, non of the questions we had agreed on.
So not really holding out much hope for this new consultant although I do have an appointment next month to see my own specialist to get my questions answered!!
I'm really hoping for natural due to not being allowed an epidural and my body struggled to cope after my last lot of general anesthetic so bit scared about being put under!
Did you want a c section? Or was it something you were told you would need?
Thanks Nilla, I really do hope so. I think we are all experiencing normal 1st time mom anxieties and I think we'll all be natural mommies :hugs:

Thanks Miley! I must admit though when we were opening presents some of the other ladies held the doll and while we were packing up I had completely lost track of where the doll was :rofl: Luckily by that time the disgusting baby food was thrown away or I would have been in trouble
Sorry to hear about your nightmares Sarah :( :hugs: I've been having really vivid dreams all the way through pregnancy too but they're not really bad dreams/nightmares. When I was stressing about the pregnancy in first/second trimester I did have a couple of nightmares about something going wrong with the pregnancy but I think it's because I was going to sleep worrying about it, once I relaxed after scans I was back to having 'normal' but very vivid dreams. You should definitely mention it to the dr and see if they can help though :hugs:

Nilla - Sorry to hear you're still getting messed about with the birth, I'd be getting stressed to if I was heading into third trimester with no idea about what to expect and it must be especially frustrating to have different consultants and specialists contradicting each others instructions. Hope something is sorted soon :hugs:

I got my GTT results back and they were normal - no gestational diabetes :) For now I'm just trying to eat extra healthily and increase my exercise to try and keep on top of weight gain and hopefully baby won't be as big as they're expecting as I really didn't want to have to have a C-section :(
Well done on the GTT Kit, glad you are healthy.

I get worried about it a bit sometimes because it seems that 98% of all the ladies due in June get tested for it and our clinic doesn't do that test unless they notice that there is sugar in your urine.
Trying to be healthy as well but afraid sometimes that IF I should get diabetes that they will only pick it up when it is too late.

I was so calm in the beginning of my pregnancy and now the closer I get to 3rd tri the more worried I become about everything :haha:
The only worry you should have is whether or not your hospital bag is packed and painful labour :haha: Things happen which we have no control over, so go along with everything :)

With the dreams, don't take anything to heart no matter how vivid or disturbing they are. It's your subconscious doubting and playing tricks on your abilities! Everything comes naturally, once baby is here and you adapt to things in your own ways. There's no rule book to being a parent! There may even become a time where you think "oh no, what the hell have I done to myself?" or "I don't love my baby" but you do, and feel guilty afterwards for having said thoughts. :flower:
WunnaBubba2 - Thank you :) They automatically request a GTT at around 28 weeks here if you meet certain criteria - there's like a list and if you tick so many boxes then you have it done. In my case it's pretty much because my BMI is over 35 and I have a family history of diabetes. I know they do things differently where you are but I'm sure if there was reason to worry they'd request the test and I imagine that sugar in the urine would be one of the first signs anyway so if they're testing your urine regularly I'm sure they'd detect it early enough for it not to be a big problem :hugs: I know what you mean about the worry close to the end though, I spent most of first tri terrified... relaxed a bit after 12 and 20 week scans and now I'm back to being a bit worried and nervous :blush:
oh no kit. im not getting messed around with anymore. my ob is nice and accommodating. i think she witholds things because of everything else im going through and doesnt want to overload me.


it was a collective decision...they already told me they were going to induce me at 37 weeks. but all the other health issues like the endometriosis getting worse. my uldcers coming back. extreme vaginal/pelvic pain ... back from the car accident.... it all seemed too much to be induced. its been months being sick and in pain with no help because of baby. a little overwhelming and physically hard.
Thanks ladies! Worries for now have subsided :D

OMG painful labour.... Forgot to take stool softener for a while and sorry for the TMI but I sat on the loo crying because I could not get "it" out. I joked with DH how I have no idea how I'll manage pushing a baby out my vagina if I cannot even push a turd :rofl:

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