wow kit. some story... were u planning a natural birth with no meds? that must be hard to grasp if they are now talking about csection. glad your baby is healthy though. wow amazing 4 lbs. i hope all goes well in the end and u get whats best for you and baby
i cant believe u still dont know the gender. sorry about that. in the beginning of my pregnancy my baby would be in the almost the same exact position as that. are u gonna do 3d pics?
I was hoping to have a vaginal birth with gas and air, but I'm a bit of a wimp with pain so I suppose I'd have to wait until I was actually in labour to make a decision about epidural and things. It's my first so I'm not sure what to expect really. I'd prefer not to have an epidural in an ideal world, but if baby really is going to big then I'm thinking gas and air may not be enough
I don't think we're going to do a 3D Scan, DH really doesn't like the them and says knowing the gender and what it looks like in the face etc before the birth ruins all the surprise

We compromised on the gender because I really wanted to know (not that we're 100% sure anyway) but agreed not to have an extra 3D Scan.
It is really frustrating for me not being sure of the gender - I'm happy either way and just want a healthy baby, but I did want to know earlier because I think it'd make it easier for me to bond with bump if I could start calling it by our intended name. Also, after the scan at 22 weeks we bought quite a few baby boy clothes so now I'm worried they won't be right
on a side note, why is everyone recommending coffee to me? sorry, the position of ur baby made me think of what people have said to me to get my baby to move. especialy with them knowing my risks already.. anywho a nurse told me to go to starbucks at the old hospital and drink up some coffee to get the baby to move. another told me to have an espresso shot or something like that. I dont even drink coffee to begin with, but i read that caffeine was not good for pregnancy. Imagine if I did just go along with it and the dodo birds didnt even tell me. oh just have a tiny bit, because you can only have a certain amount of oz...
next.. is everyone feeling kicks now? and are we all seeing baby move from the outside now? are we all not able to sleep on our sides comfortably because baby kicks you? No mater what side i try to lay on, my little one either kicks or punches the side im going to. it can be a matterr of 5 seconds, so im pretty sure instead of the kicks, he then uses his hands and arms. so stubborn. so im left to lay on my back which is most uncomfy for me
Not sure why people are recommending coffee really, I know our guidelines in the UK say can have a certain mg of caffeine each day but it all adds up when you think about coffee, fizzy pop, chocolate etc. If you have other risks though it might not be right for you.
I have the same problem with baby sleeping through scans though - baby was super active at the 12 week scan and wriggling around and waving at us, but at every scan since he/she has been fast asleep and refusing to budge.
At my 22 week scan when baby wouldn't co-operate the ultrasound tech
told me to go drink a bottle of lucozade and eat a bit of chocolate and it worked a bit - baby did wake up and stretch a bit, but was still in a rubbish position. At my 28 week scan yesterday, I'd just had a bottle of lucozade about 10-15 min before scan as I was in middle of a glucose tolerance test and baby slept all the way through scan
I'm feeling baby kick and occasionally see a twitch in my stomach if it's a particularly hard kick, but DH still says he can't feel it - he's just too impatient to sit with his hand on my tummy long enough to feel a good kick I think

I definitely feel baby kicking at night but at the minute I'm still sleeping on my side with a pregnancy pillow.