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He was 1 month old a few days ago but I cannot recall his exact date. He was born early April. He is at home and doing well.

The other little girl is also doing well and not in incubator anymore. Breathing well without oxygen.

I'm soooo happy he held down mommy's liquid gold. With all your love he'll soon be thriving!
^^ ahh i just went to the first page. i see he was born on march 30th.

i also see the girl was born on May 1st just like my little one. thats awesome. what a coincidence . hopefully mine will be updated there soon.
As embarrassing as it was I got DH to check for me as I noticed a difference. :blush:
It's been a while again ladies - I try and keep up by reading the thread as much as I can on my phone, but I don't often reply as the internet on there is sooo slow and I hate using my phone for replies :blush:

Nilla - Congratulations on the birth of your LO. Sorry to hear that you had so many complications and a tough time with the birth. It must have been so hard on you that you couldn't see Abel straight away :( Glad that you're doing well now though and I hope Abel is able to come home with you soon - great that you were able to give him colostrum yesterday xx

Sarah - Not sure if it's the same thing but I started out feeling pressure really low down and in my hips from about 28 weeks onwards. It got pretty painful especially movements like going from sitting to standing and vice versa, getting in and out of car, getting in/out of bed etc. Midwife was all ready to refer me to physiotherapy, but baby shifted slightly and it got less painful straight away - still had pressure but no pain with it. Baby has started engaging now and i'm getting pain in my hips, lower tummy and lady bits again but I still don't think it's as bad as it was. Gentle bouncing on a birthing ball and circle motions really helped me with the pain/pressure these last few weeks though, may be worth a try? xx

Eppgirl - Hope everything goes well at your appointment and that your babies stay in there a while longer yet :hugs:

WunnaBubba - I'm exactly the same, finding it hard just to bend and put shoes on at the minute and i'm starting to find shaving my legs etc uncomfy too so doubt i'm flexible enough to check for line :haha:

Smartie - Glad that you had a better day with your OH yesterday, sounds like you've really been having a hard time lately :hugs: My DH has become a lot more sensible about money over the last few years but I can sympthasise somewhat as when we first moved in together he used to overspend on crap and subscriptions to stuff and then end up with bank charges all the time. We didn't have kids at the time though :(

Pink - I hope things get better with your OH, it has to be hard dealing with everything on top of pregnancy hormones etc, but you shouldn't be the only one making the effort and arrangements with the step-children - they need to realise that you're going to have a newborn to prioritise really soon :(

It's been a little while since I updated but everything seems to be going well at the moment. My consultant worrried me a bit at the last appointment (28 weeks) because based on both growth scan and fundal height baby was measuring several weeks ahead and was nearly 4lb already. He started talking about complications associated with larger babies and saying I may need to be induced early or have a c-section etc. I've carried on seeing midwife and baby was growing at about 1lb every couple of weeks based on fundal height, but then at my 35 week appointment the midwife plotted the new measurements on the graph and the curve was getting a bit smaller so i'm hoping the consultant will be happier at my next appointment (14 May). I would prefer a vaginal birth to a c-section.

At my last appointment, the midwife also said baby is now 3/5 engaged and we did my birth plan and talked about hospital arrangements and things.

We've pretty much finished the nursery now... it's decorated and the furniture is up, we just need to do a couple of finishing touches i.e. putting canvas' and a clock up on the walls. I've packed most of my hospital bag (with the exception of toiletries and electronics/chargers that i'm still using) and left a list on top so I don't forget anything. I've not packed baby's stuff yet because it wouldn't fit in my hospital bag and I needed to get a small overnight bag as the bags we already had were just too big - I got that yesterday so i'm planning to start packing some of baby's stuff this afternoon but I still need to wash the clothing before that can go in so i'll do that at some point this week.

Does anyone know if Shilo still updates? Requested to join the FB group a few weeks ago and still haven't been accepted :(
Kit, I hope all is better with your next appointment regarding baby's growth.

I dont worry with fundal height anymore. The nurses seem to all have a different way of doing it and they always measure me way big. My scans have always showed him measuring exactly according to my LMP.

You and I also seem to be on the same page with the hospital bag. I have it pretty much packed too and then a list on top of the bag with what still needs to go in :D
Thanks :) I see the same midwife for all my appointments so fundal height has always been measured by the same person, which helps keep it consistent, but I know it's more of a guideline really. I was measuring exactly at LMP for my 12 week scan but I wasn't expecting to because I ovulated late (based on ovulation my due date would have been a week behind) and I'd already had an early scan at 6-7 weeks that matched up almost exactly with ovulation.

I was a few days ahead of LMPat my 20 week scan, a whole week ahead at my 22 week scan and then 3-4 weeks ahead at my 28 week scan. I've not had another scan since so no idea how I'd measure now.

I feel better since my maternity bag has been packed, one less thing to worry about I suppose. The things left to pack are things like shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, toothbrush, toothpaste, make-up, phone & charger, kindle, mp3 player and purse (i.e. all the stuff I'm still using).

I've got all baby's things together today (except clothing) and they're in a pile in the nursery and will go in bag once I wash and dry the baby clothes. There will be extra room in baby's bag so going to put DH some stuff in too - deodorant, change of top/socks/boxers, mp3 player and tablet. Just in case I labour through the night so that he can get changed and feel fresh in the morning.
Nilla, thank you for sharing your story. So much stress and worry, but the happy ending makes it all worth it. Glad you were able to get a feeding in there, I'm sure things will continue to progress well.

OMG just 4 more weeks and then my maternity leave starts!! :wohoo:

This, this, and more of this. I took a sick today today so I can try and get over this cold, and I'd be perfectly happy just not to go back in! But I've got two weeks left that I'll be needing to train my leave replacement.

Sorry to hear about all the bad nurses!

I have nothing packed, I will try to get that done this week or next. I'm stressed about the clean house situation because my midwife is coming by for the home visit tomorrow and I just don't want to be embarrassed!
I also have a baby shower next weekend. Well, more of a friend get together - just six of us having some tea in the backyard. My family wasn't able to put together a shower for me, but I did get a bunch of stuff of my sisters' that we'll be able to use.
Okay so after how long of being treated like
I gave in my resignation today :D It felt so good to do it too. I was honest with them about the fact that the bad manner within which they treated me mostly contributed to my decision to look for work somewhere else.

I currently work 8am - 5pm and the new job where I'm going to is going to be the same salary that I earn now and I'll work from 9m - 2pm. So it is a good move for me seeing that I wont cut salary and have more time with my son :dance:

The replacements - yip incase you missed it they appointed 2 temps to relieve me on maternity leave but expect me to do it all on my own - will start this week. I need to train them so hopefully it will be less stress on me until I finally get to start maternity leave.
Thanks for all the support ladies :hugs:
Watched a tv program about a journalist that got cancer last night and kinda gave me a kick up the arse......there's much worse that I could be going thru.
That doesn't mean I'm gonna let OH and that thing take the piss but I'm gonna stop making such a big deal of it! What happens happens. If he doesn't like it he knows where to door is really, he can run back to her.

The lizards we already had and I'm a bit reluctant to get rid if I'm honest. If I make a commitment to an animal I'd be heart broken to give them up. There not suffering in any way. They can give or take being handled and as for the salmonella it's not actually a big a risk as you imagine. Unless ur licking their vent ( where they wee and poo from) your safe. And we have hand sanitiser ever where. You've actually more chance of picking it up from eggs and chicken than the lizards.
The dog is spoilt rotten and in all honesty could do with being treated as a dog not a baby so a bit of time to her self will prob be good for her. And the new house is triple the size so plenty of places for her to go off and keep herself entertained.

Trying to keep up with the bump pics but getting hard to stay still long enough to take them haha. Belly has dropped again and really starting to struggle getting up off sofa and getting comfy at night haha
June really can't come soon enough
Thanks wunna

I'm so glad you've got the less stress of knowing ur leaving that awful job, I'd Defo be taking it easy the next few weeks wether ur training the temps or not, don't be over doing ur self x
Did they have much to say when u said there bad attitude and treatment contributed to your decision to leave?
Not too much to say about that. They later said that putting negativity aside it is a great move if I go somewhere where I work for the same salary that I earn now and less hours especially with a new baby.
It felt as if they wanted to make that my main reason for chaning. I'm just letting it be. We know why I resigned and all I care about now is finishing and enjoying how positive I feel for a change about my future.
Yeah I'd just focus on the positives hun. Sounds as though you've got lots to look forward to in the next year hun.
Knowing ur leaving an awful job,
Maternity leave,
The arrival of a wonderful little baby and then knowing you have a better career to return to with hope and prospects and above all respect
Thanks Pink :hugs:

It feels great to be able to look forward to things and feel positive. I really haven't felt like this in a while.

Do you realise that we're having babies next month!!!! :dance:
:happydance: I know, I can't wait to just not be pregnant any more haha!
And can't wait to meet baby obviously haha

Feel like I've already got one tho with ruby doo.....just hoping LO won't grow half as quick. She weighs 18kg now, she was barely 3 when we got her haha
From this....
To this.....
In 11wks :dohh::nope:haha
Beautiful bump Pink.... You're right it had dropped.....

<3 Ruby's pics too adorable.... She's very lucky to have you....
I agree! Ruby is very lucky to have you as her human momma! She looks amazing :D

I also cannot wait to meet Matthew :yipee:
I have a habbit of doing a monthly countdown on my own journal with "smaller" milestones which helps time not drag so much :D

I want to share my May countdown aka Countdown to EXTREME AWESOMENESS with you ladies :D

:dance: MAY COUNTDOWN :dance:

1. 4 Days till I hit the "50 Day" countdown till birth
2. 6 Days till my very 1st Mother's Day. I know he isn't here yet but I'm already a mommy :kiss:
3. 10 Days till my next appointment at clinic
4. 25 Days till my last day of work at my current crappy job!
5. 26 Days till when I have calculated my next baby shower to be. Not 100% sure but this is when I suspect they'll be doing it :D
6. 28 Days and it will be Monday 1st of June which will be the official 1st weekday that I won't have to get up early for work as I will be on maternity leave :haha:

After that I cannot do a countdown till birth as Matthew is not telling my how many days I'll need to wait hahah
Thanks wunna and mdscpa

She's very very spoilt bless her but I can't help it, that's what pets are ment for haha spoiling!!

Mdscpa: yeah tummy Defo dropped hasn't it, I'm at the point I've lost the ability to pick things up off the floor and getting up off the sofa in a rush just isn't happening ha! And when I do manage to get up I have to automatically go for a wee! So annoying
And seen you have put us all to shame with your fabulous updates and pics I've tried to get my butt in gear and do the same.
I just wish my bump looked as good as urs, it's lovely, really enjoy ur updates :D

Is it just me or is it crazy when you stop and think we're from all over the world but expecting babies with in days of each other......it just hit me, made me smile tho

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