I am going to become one serious bitchy pregnant lady pretty soon!! I was so excited to be able to go on ML at 36 weeks because I would be able to rest up before Matthew comes.
This includes lying in in the mornings as well as taking naps in the afternoon etc.
This is soooo not happening and I'm losing my patience.
Almost every flipping day when I think "okay, I've cleaned the house - nap time" People rock up here or one of dh's friends comes over and then he sits for hours.... cannot get rid of him and then come dinner time I just automatically now have to cook for one more person
Now this annoys me not only because I'm not getting to rest like I would have liked too but I'm not getting alone time with dh
I took out a cell contract more than 12 months ago and shortly after activating te number I started getting calls for a John Maake. Turns out that the number I got was his old number that went dormant as he didn't use it and then was put back into circulation when I got it. This dooche owes a lot of companies money and I've been harassed by all of them for more than 12 months now and telling them the nr does not belong to him anymore is of no use as they all seem to have shit for brains. They phone me at all hours after the day and today has been the 2nd day in a row that they phone at 7am and then I cannot get back to sleep
I resigned my old job 2 weeks ago!!!!! Why in the bloody hell are they still calling me even when I don't answer the phone???? The voice mails are all to call them back because they need help with this or that. Get with it people I no longer work for you so LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
Thanks if you did go through my whole rant
Just not feeling all chirpy today.
I'm surprisingly not tired as last night was the 2nd night in a row that I got to sleep through the night without having to get up to pee. I feel rested but just annoyed that I cannot get rid of these people!!