Ahh wunna! Good luck!
And pink I was like that with my first even during labour....

when we arrived at the hospital and I got on the gas and air I literally had no filter and I kept laughing and telling oh how I was feeling ... Well you know

and after I had Kian even though I was sore from the stitches ect I was still like that

think it must have been hormones

I did make me feel like a massive pervert or something though!
How is everyone doing? For the ladies who are still pregnant I think I already know the answer... "Fed up!"

sending yous lots of baby dust!!
And for the mummies who have already had their LO's how're yous? Are your little angels?
Poor Lily has thrush

I'm pretty positive , I stated to notice it in Friday but wasn't too sure if it was thrush it just milk residue on her tongue but she wasn't acting out if the ordinary and still really settled as usual so I left it and then come Saturday I was positive she had it as it was on their side of the cheeks so I phoned the health visitor and she said if she wasn't fussing that she would be fine till my appointment with her in Monday . But last night she was so so unsettled and throwing up and you could just hear in her cry she was in pain

it took me 2 hours of on and off crying to settle her for bed it was horrible! I'm pooped

quite a shock to the system seeing a as she's usually so content

so phoning the doctor today even though I it's a Sunday and he's off

wish us luck!