Welcome new bumps! So excited that you're here!
I can't believe EDDs are starting to be closer to the end of June, I guess we are getting to that point though

I am excited to get everyone here and all get to go through this process together! I am a ftm and while a lot of my friends have babies, none of them are currently preggo, much to my dismay! So I am super thankful for you all!
Well, for all the little moments of panic so many ladies have had here so far it mostly seems to be turning out positive

let's hope it continues!!
I got my beta back from monday, 568 (138 on friday). That was my moment of panic because I was expecting it to be about 1,000 but the dr told me that it is actually a good number. Turns out my doubling time is about 36 hours

But I still won't feel totally reassured until we go for the heartbeat on the 28th, and then will probably still be slightly worried until around christmas
I'm also super bloated but it isn't really bothering me because I don't feel bloated, my tummy just looks like it. So in a way I kind of like it

I'm with the rest of you on symptoms...pregnancy brain is hitting hard (my coworker called it pregnesia, I thought that was cute),
I am so tired all day and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and then wake up early (completely the opposite of not-pregnant me),
I love eating, and I can smell everything, but nausea isn't much of a problem unless the smell is something offensive,
And my bbs feel like they are trying to escape.
My cramps have died down, which I am hoping is a good thing.
I'm trying not to get wrapped up in worrying about what is normal and what isn't, since I don't think there is really such a thing as a typical pregnancy anyway. Since I'm confident the little sea monkey is still in there somewhere I am counting everything as normal and am refusing to freak out any more unless I start to bleed. I don't want to stress and cause my body to reject this
The only symptom I have that no one has mentioned so far is that my skin is soooo sensitive, like I have a mild sunburn. I almost feel like everything is a bit puffy. If I scratch or rub anything it is so sensitive and gets pink! I am assuming its due to hormones and probably increased blood volume. I just hadn't ever heard about that symptom before haha!
Now I think I fancy a cheeseburger, thanks for that ladies!!!