- 2015 JUNE BUGS - Join Us!

Kidmalk- I've had that since 4wks. It's not as bad as it was but I still get random pain. It's my first baby too so I don't know much but just wanted you to know you're not alone

Yay to ladies with good news :) I love hearing it. All the m/c talk really freaks me out as much as I try to assure myself that it is inevitable in a group of this many bumps under 8 weeks but it is still so sad and scary and unfair!!

Radiance - what's HG?

Lukewarm reactions = my family. DH's family is thrilled but mine is still stunned or something. They're acting like I'm suddenly an alien. This baby was planned and is wanted, so I sort of hate it. Somedays I feel like I'm in high school and just told them my boyfriend knocked me up or something!! And we live with them at the moment, so I can't escape it. We were about to make an offer on a house only to find out it is under contract as of this morning :( so it will be a while I suppose. I'm shaking it off by taking a room temperature bath and drinking sparking grape juice out of a wine glass right now hahaha.
Oh and I'm going to add myself to the FB group...

You'll have to like the profile 'June dates' (which is not private FYI but there's nothing in it except the words 'June dates' and a pic of a lady bug so I doubt anyone would put 2 and 2 together) and then she will add you to the secret group.
Oh and I'm going to add myself to the FB group...

You'll have to like the profile 'June dates' (which is not private FYI but there's nothing in it except the words 'June dates' and a pic of a lady bug so I doubt anyone would put 2 and 2 together) and then she will add you to the secret group.

Done! Thank-you :)

Wow I am soooo tired lately.... and sooo unmotivated. All I want to do is sleep but I can't! Then at night when the girls are in bed I try to go to sleep and I get insomnia and can't shut my brain off :dohh:
Also feeling nausea on and off... usually happens right after I've eaten?
I feel like my body temp is really high too.. almost like a slight fever and then I'll get chills and hot flashes.
Isn't pregnancy fun??? haha

I have my first prenatal appointment on Friday... I really hope I get a dating scan. I'm pretty sure about my dates but I'd like to have the scan to back it up because I'll be having a planned c-section (because I've had 3 c/s already - two unplanned, one planned).... and I really don't want to pull the baby out too early. I really hate that I can't just let the baby come when he/she wants but after 3 c/s it really isn't safe to wait till I go into labour :nope: So I'd like to get as close to my due date as possible. My DD3 was pulled out at 39 weeks and she did have a lot of vernix so I think she would have been comfy in there for awhile longer.
It must be really tricky to try to figure out the best time for an elective cesarean.
Hi! Looks like I'm also expecting in June again :)

I've got a gorgeous DS who was born June 13, 2013, and now expecting #2 on June 21, 2015 :)

I'd also love to be added to the fb group. Will go find the June dates account now.
Melissa_M - I'm the same way. I feel like I'm roasting most of the time then get so cold I need to wrap up in a blanket. I'll most likely also be having a scheduled C-section since I was induced last time for high blood pressure and then had an emergency C-section for failure to progress. There was so much pressure on my cervix it started swelling and went back down to 6cm. How do they go about choosing when to schedule you?
Sengland- HG is hyperemesis gravidarum, it's severe sickness
Okay so I need some advice. I went to the hospital today and it's still there...and there is another one too so it would have been twins! There is a big clot round one of them and fetus could be found in both however there was no heartbeat in either. I'm only 5w 6 days, 6 at most. They wanted to schedule a d&c today but I asked if I could wait a week . Probably one of them is lost, the bleeding is not good but maybe the other one might survive. What do you think? The doctor sounded absolutely certain that it was bad. But I told her I knew my ovulation date and I was only 5w 6days and then she agreed that maybe we could wait. I can't understand why she wouldn't want to wait just to be sure! She sounded really convincing as well so if I hadn't done any research I would have just let her do it.

I mean I'm not too positive myself and I think it's probably over but I want to know for sure it's over, plus two days ago they couldn't even see one of the sacs or the foetuses so maybe they just missed the heartbeats. I just want to be certain.

They didn't measure the larger sac (the one without the clot round it) but I think it looks bigger and might be on track. The smaller one seems to say it's only measuring at 4w but maybe that's due to the angle?
The fetal poles are 2.7mm and 2.5mm so they said we should be hearing a heartbeat. But I read it can only be certain when they are over 5mm and no heartbeat plus only 2 days ago they completely missed on sac and couldn't see a fetal pole at all in the one they found so this indicates to me that maybe it has grown in the 2 days and we should wait a little more. But she also said the CRL was 4mm...I don't know how these measurements are taken, can they be that inaccurate?

What would you do?


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I also want to join the facebook group but i will wait a few weeks yet as my family and friends are very suspicious and might just put two and two together.
Holy shit, Nikoru! You were right. I remember you saying you felt it was twins. My miscarriage was also twins. One measuring behind until it vanished while the other one grew. However, I only ever had a fetal pole in the bigger one. My advice would be wait until you are absolutely sure there is no hope before you do anything. This seems promising to me. While losing one would be devastating, it could be the reason you're bleeding. You're at the stage where even one day can make a difference as far as seeing a heartbeat. Lots of people don't see one at this stage and go on to see one later. I have so much hope for you. There is no harm in waiting whereas doing something now when it's a potentially healthy ppregnancy would always have you asking what if?
Nikoru, I think you're doing the right thing in waiting. Good luck.
Thanks guys. Just all over the place right now. What do you think about he scan picture? I'm not an expert or anything but I don't know if it looks bad or okay. Shilo of you don't mind me asking, did the little one you found a fetal pole in, did that just never get a heartbeat? It's so sad that you lost both. I have a feeling I will too but I just want to be absolutely sure. I was shocked the doctor didn't want to wait and see. I had my first appointment at a different clinic (around 4w +5) and the doctor there was absolutely rude and awful but she said she didn't even want to see me until the 20th (I would be 6w+5) because before them we wouldn't see a heartbeat. She didn't talk to me about my dates though and was only going from what she saw on the first scan. Just shocking that this doctor is so keen to get rid of these right now.

Yeah it's weird that I thought it was twins early on. I had dreams about it but I also had dreams about bleeding too...seems they all came true. Anyway I think actually in one of my dreams, something bad happened to the babies but one was saved. I don't know I can't remember it that well, and just passed it off as crazy pregnancy dreams.
I never saw a heartbeat in either. The difference between my situation and yours is that you seem to be measuring where you should. My sacs weren't even visible until 6.5 weeks and were only measuring 4 weeks. When I miscarried at over 8 weeks, I was just barely measuring over 6 weeks. The one with a fetal pole had no yolk sac either. Your scan looks pretty normal to me honestly. The clot around the smaller one is concerning but your fetal poles are measuring the same correct? You're still progressing since your last scan so that seems good to me. I've seen lots of twin scans where the sacs aren't the same size. Obviously I'm no professional of course and trust me I know what it's like to not want to get your hopes up. I am really hopeful for you though that atleast one will make it.
I have no idea what a scan picture at that stage (or any stage, really) should look like. Also remember you could be a few days off anyway and even just the one day will make a huge difference this early on. If you are miscarrying I'd also ask about the risks of letting it run its course vs. D&C vs. medication. Again, I have no proper knowledge about these things, but it just seems that D&C would be quite invasive at this point if there's still other options. Either way I hope it doesn't come to that of course! Stranger things have happened, so there's still a smudge of hope you'll walk away with a healthy baby or two in 8 months time! The wait must be horrendous though, do you have anything to keep your mind occupied a bit?
It's been a while girls, for those with losses, my heart goes out to you.
Nik-stay strong girl!
I went to my ultrasound this morning, a little blob is in there, heartbeat at 127. They said I was due June 3rd. So, moved me a day up. I've felt like crap as of late, very tired. Not really hungry and then I eat and bloat up so bad it literally hurts. My DH and I haven't been able to BD since he got home. It's been over a month, but the last thing I want is anyone pushing on my big bloated baby.

Congratulations hun :) Really glad you've seen the heartbeat after the worry you had with the spotting - are you still spotting now or did it stop? x

Nikoru0111 - I also think you've done the right thing by waiting. Again, I'm no professional but I can't see why they'd want to schedule a D&C when there's clearly been some sort of progression/growth in the last 2 days and, like you said, you're measuring where you should be based on ovulation :shrug: Good luck xxx

I'm definitely starting to get a few more early pregnancy symptoms now... I've had sore bbs since the day before I got my BFP, and I started with MS a couple of days ago (at the moment it's worse when I first get up and early afternoon), I'm feeling really tired after work and I went to bed a couple of hours early last night and I'm finding that I'm wanting different food/drink to usual. Generally I drink volvic strawberry water at work and then fizzy pop at home, but when I got my BFP I swapped all my usually fizzy pop for caffeine free versions because otherwise I'd have been having more than 200mg of caffeine in fizzy pop :blush: However, for the last week or so I've not been able to drink the flavoured water as it suddenly tastes too sour and since Sunday I've not been able to have fizzy pop either as it seems to make my MS worse, so I've just been having tap water :haha:

I've got my early scan tomorrow (11.20am UK Time) because I have a history of recurrent miscarriages (which I'm currently being treated for) and I've already had spotting (brown, red and pink) on/off since a few days after I got my BFP so I'm very nervous. I've not had any Betas done this time so I'm really not sure what to expect... but I've never had a positive result from an early scan before so I'm really scared about tomorrow.
Wow Niko I know you dont want to get your hopes up, but it looks really promising for at least one baby making it! Maybe even both since its still there after two lots of bleeding. I can't believe the dr wanted to do a d&c because it here needs no heartbeats agf not even 6 weeks!?!?! Its very very common for heartbeats to be undetected even at 6+2, and generally even at 7 weeks its not a concern if there are no heartbeats at 7 weeks and they'll just check again in a week.

I've been having weird dreams about twins too (pretty sure its not though) and having the babies alone cause they came so quick! Pregnancy dreams are weird lol.
Good luck kit
Thanks for the comments guys.

Good luck for your scan kit!

I just had one of the worst insensitive assholes on the phone today. I called the place where I work (I teach English, but I only have one lesson at the weekend from now on plus a few student evaluations to do from last month). Anyway I called them to tell them what was going on and that I probably wouldn't be able to take my lesson this weekend. I called in sick last weekend too. Anyway, they didn't say they were sorry to hear what was going on, they just said "well what are we going to do? Are you able to teach at the weekend or not?" I just burst into tears. How insensitive! They are more bothered about making money. I was already upset with them anyway because I've just been too stressed and wanted to quit because they have me no support but they keep pressurising me into taking more classes that I don't want. I don't need the money but I'm taking this one class because I like the student. I'm not sure it is even worth it anymore.
Can you be a bit unethical and offer that student private tuition instead? That's not okay how they're treating you, and if you don't need the money to be honest I'd just walk away no matter how much you like that student. I had a similar situation with my last pregnancy. I was a nanny at the time to a 3 year old boy and he was lovely, but his mum made my life so hard I had to quit. It wasn't all pregnancy related, the main things really weren't, but I think being pregnant is what just kind of pushed me over the edge and I quit quite early on in 1st trimester. It's such a shame because I spent a year with that boy and now I don't even know where he lives, but in the end it's a job and your wellbeing comes before that obviously.

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