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I'm only 5w 6 days, 6 at most. They wanted to schedule a d&c today but I asked if I could wait a week .

But I told her I knew my ovulation date and I was only 5w 6days and then she agreed that maybe we could wait.

I mean I'm not too positive myself and I think it's probably over but I want to know for sure it's over, plus two days ago they couldn't even see one of the sacs or the foetuses so maybe they just missed the heartbeats. I just want to be certain.

What would you do?

With my last pregnancy, I had my first scan at 5 weeks and she couldn't see the fetus, just the yolk sac, so she scheduled a scan for me a week later and they found the heartbeat at 6w1d or something like that.
I'd wait a week if I were you. I've heard stories of women who went in for a d&c and found out the baby was fine. You never know, but it's worth the chance.

With my last pregnancy, I had my first scan at 5 weeks and she couldn't see the fetus, just the yolk sac, so she scheduled a scan for me a week later and they found the heartbeat at 6w1d or something like that.
I'd wait a week if I were you. I've heard stories of women who went in for a d&c and found out the baby was fine. You never know, but it's worth the chance.


Well I did have a scan two days before and they couldn't see the fetus at all (nor the other gestational sac for that matter!) and now they can see the fetus. I heard though that generally as soon as you can detect the fetus you usually can detect a heartbeat too. But 2 days ago they couldn't even find the fetus so there must have been some growth!
Do you have your next appointment yet? If they've grown more by then but there's still no heartbeat, I'd maybe wait another week. I went to an early scanning place with my first pregnancy and they said to book from 7 weeks onwards but they can only guarantee finding a heartbeat in a healthy pregnancy from 8 weeks. So if there is no danger to your health, I'd just try and wait it out at this point, I know it must be so hard though. How's your OH coping? So strange that he "knew" it was twins.
Nikoru I for sure think you are doing the right thing!! They should have wanted to check one more time for a hb as well. Grr to them making you "fight" for that.
My next appointment is actually on Friday so maybe it might be too early still. I want to wait until at least 7 weeks but my OH wants to wait until at least 8 weeks. He is really excited bless him. But I just hope he hasn't got his hopes/expectations up.

A couple of ladies posted on a different thread I started that have had twins and they say they sometimes develop a little differently from normal and often blood is quite normal and sometimes just one twin is lost and I should definitely wait. They sounded quite positive. I think I needed to hear that. On the other hand I've heard many people that have lost both. Apparently miscarriage is more common with twins. So we'll just have to wait and see.

My parents said it's a good idea to wait just make sure I don't put my health at risk. I think there is probably more risk with the d&c than waiting to miscarry naturally. Is that correct?
Nikoru, thats good news that you have twins! - I would just wait and see if there is no harm to your health till 8 weeks, I have heard of a vanishing twin that can happen sometimes where one of it remains all fine and the other one is lost - hope in your case you keep both - fx for you!

Sorry, I have been reading most of the messages till now but have not been able to reply. All the best for all the upcoming scans! I have my beta result today which is after they had prescribed me progesterone a week earlier. I have not been having much of any symptoms till now - except for sore boobs and nausea only when I am on the passanger seat while driving.
I think it the choice to have a D&C or to let it happen naturally depends a lot individual circumstances - I've had recurrent early miscarriages and I've always been able let it happen naturally but then I've never been further along 6 weeks and the early pregnancy unit has always monitored my HCG levels to make sure they go back to 0. If there had been any risk to my own health, I'd have had a D&C. The drs would have preferred me to have a D&C with one of my MCs because the HCG was so slow to fall and it went on for a while, but without a risk to my health I've always preferred to let it happen naturally. I think it does depend on personal choice though :hugs:

Having said that though, I still think you made the right choice deciding to wait for now - I really cant fathom why a dr would advise you to have a D&C when there's been clear progression in your scans over just 2 days and you're measuring right where you should be with dates. It's normal not to see/hear a heartbeat until after 6 weeks and some people don't see it until after 7 weeks. Plus, like someone else said on your other thread, it can be more complicated with twins and I've always been told that it's not uncommon to not hear the HBs as early as with a single pregnancy and that bleeding is more common. Keeping everything crossed for you xx
Can I join you ladies? just found out I'm expecting my second bubba and at the moment due on 23rd June! :cloud9:
Congratulations on your BFP! Welcome to the group x
:hi: after my doctors visit today, please can you update my dd to the 14th June.

Wow twins Nikoru, i so hope everything will turn out ok for you. Can't believe they would suggest a d&c when scans show progression, don't let them bully you into anything you're not happy with . x
Nikoru- WOW twins!! I'm also very shocked that the Dr would want a d&c when there has obviously been progression! I'll be thinking about you :hugs:
I think it the choice to have a D&C or to let it happen naturally depends a lot individual circumstances - I've had recurrent early miscarriages and I've always been able let it happen naturally but then I've never been further along 6 weeks and the early pregnancy unit has always monitored my HCG levels to make sure they go back to 0. If there had been any risk to my own health, I'd have had a D&C. The drs would have preferred me to have a D&C with one of my MCs because the HCG was so slow to fall and it went on for a while, but without a risk to my health I've always preferred to let it happen naturally. I think it does depend on personal choice though :hugs:

Having said that though, I still think you made the right choice deciding to wait for now - I really cant fathom why a dr would advise you to have a D&C when there's been clear progression in your scans over just 2 days and you're measuring right where you should be with dates. It's normal not to see/hear a heartbeat until after 6 weeks and some people don't see it until after 7 weeks. Plus, like someone else said on your other thread, it can be more complicated with twins and I've always been told that it's not uncommon to not hear the HBs as early as with a single pregnancy and that bleeding is more common. Keeping everything crossed for you xx

Well they didn't measure the larger sac the second time so I don't know if the gestational sac measures correctly but if you see the size of the sac compared to the yolk on this scan picture the sac looks much bigger this time after 2 days so I'm hoping that's progression and measuring correctly. So I don't know if they are measuring correctly or not but over two days two fetal poles have emerged along with a whole other gestational sac and yolk so I would suggest that was progression. Still might be doomed but there was progression. I just think if we don't see heartbeat on Friday they will definitely try to hard sell the d&c. It's not like I don't want the d&c either. If it is definitely a confirmed miscarriage id prefer the d&c. But until I feel like there is no chance I couldn't agree to it. If rather be in limbo a little.

On the upside my husband found these MASSIVE pads...they are almost like nappies so if I bleed a little more I don't have to worry about staining the bed. Hopefully that won't be a problem but that's one thing off my mind anyway.

Welcome to all the new mamas! Wishing you a H&H 9 months and hoping you don't have to go through what I am going through. Make sure to take care of yourselves! X
Okay so I need some advice. I went to the hospital today and it's still there...and there is another one too so it would have been twins! There is a big clot round one of them and fetus could be found in both however there was no heartbeat in either. I'm only 5w 6 days, 6 at most. They wanted to schedule a d&c today but I asked if I could wait a week . Probably one of them is lost, the bleeding is not good but maybe the other one might survive. What do you think? The doctor sounded absolutely certain that it was bad. But I told her I knew my ovulation date and I was only 5w 6days and then she agreed that maybe we could wait. I can't understand why she wouldn't want to wait just to be sure! She sounded really convincing as well so if I hadn't done any research I would have just let her do it.

I mean I'm not too positive myself and I think it's probably over but I want to know for sure it's over, plus two days ago they couldn't even see one of the sacs or the foetuses so maybe they just missed the heartbeats. I just want to be certain.

They didn't measure the larger sac (the one without the clot round it) but I think it looks bigger and might be on track. The smaller one seems to say it's only measuring at 4w but maybe that's due to the angle?
The fetal poles are 2.7mm and 2.5mm so they said we should be hearing a heartbeat. But I read it can only be certain when they are over 5mm and no heartbeat plus only 2 days ago they completely missed on sac and couldn't see a fetal pole at all in the one they found so this indicates to me that maybe it has grown in the 2 days and we should wait a little more. But she also said the CRL was 4mm...I don't know how these measurements are taken, can they be that inaccurate?

What would you do?

These doctors sound awful! No offense. No, I wouldn't do a D&C. There had obviously been progress and changes! The clot sounds like a SCH which does normally cause bleeding... Sometimes a lot. I had one my whole pregnancy with one of my boys. With my friends with twins as well, one was always off by a few days to a week.
Nikoru-I read your other thread and I don't want to give false hope at all but everything seems like it can be explained. The clot, the twins (bleeding, cramps), one twin measuring behind the other etc. We're all here for you :hugs:

Has anyone had restless leg syndrome? With my last pregnancy, I had it something terrible but it started 2nd tri. I'm only 4 weeks and it's ALREADY starting :nope: It took forever to fall asleep last night. I ate a banana and it seemed to help a bit :shrug: Another weird symptom, maybe not even a pregnancy symptom, but I have a strong urge to unfocus my eyes :blush: Wow sounds weird typing it out but it's true!!! Since yesterday my eyes just want to unfocus..it's scary when driving. Nothing much besides that...fatigue and no energy in the evenings..
These doctors sound awful! No offense. No, I wouldn't do a D&C. There had obviously been progress and changes! The clot sounds like a SCH which does normally cause bleeding... Sometimes a lot. I had one my whole pregnancy with one of my boys. With my friends with twins as well, one was always off by a few days to a week.

Well we'll just see I guess. Did you get bad cramps? I'm getting some pretty severe pain. I think that is what is worrying me most. More than the bleeding. It's the pain. Just doesn't feel right at all.

At the moment I have some pain but I'm thinking that might just be the normal kind. Got a pulling weird sensation in my groin, the crease between my legs on both side but sometimes just on one side.

The other pain is much worse, all over type of pain. Back abdomen, etc. but I also have IBS and get bad pain from that too and everything sets everything off. But still it doesn't seem right. Usually I don't have the bleeding and pain at the same time though. I guess all I can do is hope and pray.

Weirdly though I also have a weird urination problem. I did hear you would urinate more during pregnancy and so far I'm not sure I have. I have the urge to go all the time but not much comes out. Is that normal? I thought maybe I'm not drinking enough but I think I am drinking enough. I try to drink more recently.

Also thank you so so so much everyone that has left comments for me. I'm so touched by your support and am happy about your positivity. I sincerely want to thank you all, you are awesome!
It must be really tricky to try to figure out the best time for an elective cesarean.

Yes, I really would have loved to be able to give birth the good old fashioned way, but I guess it just wasn't in the cards for me :(

Melissa_M - I'm the same way. I feel like I'm roasting most of the time then get so cold I need to wrap up in a blanket. I'll most likely also be having a scheduled C-section since I was induced last time for high blood pressure and then had an emergency C-section for failure to progress. There was so much pressure on my cervix it started swelling and went back down to 6cm. How do they go about choosing when to schedule you?

They usually aim for around 39 weeks... they usually won't do it before then unless there is an emergency. I have to say... a planned c/s is a million times better than an emergency one. I found recovery so easy after my DD3's birth. The other two I was in labour for over 24 hours... and recovery was much tougher.

Okay so I need some advice. I went to the hospital today and it's still there...and there is another one too so it would have been twins! There is a big clot round one of them and fetus could be found in both however there was no heartbeat in either. I'm only 5w 6 days, 6 at most. They wanted to schedule a d&c today but I asked if I could wait a week . Probably one of them is lost, the bleeding is not good but maybe the other one might survive. What do you think? The doctor sounded absolutely certain that it was bad. But I told her I knew my ovulation date and I was only 5w 6days and then she agreed that maybe we could wait. I can't understand why she wouldn't want to wait just to be sure! She sounded really convincing as well so if I hadn't done any research I would have just let her do it.

I mean I'm not too positive myself and I think it's probably over but I want to know for sure it's over, plus two days ago they couldn't even see one of the sacs or the foetuses so maybe they just missed the heartbeats. I just want to be certain.

They didn't measure the larger sac (the one without the clot round it) but I think it looks bigger and might be on track. The smaller one seems to say it's only measuring at 4w but maybe that's due to the angle?
The fetal poles are 2.7mm and 2.5mm so they said we should be hearing a heartbeat. But I read it can only be certain when they are over 5mm and no heartbeat plus only 2 days ago they completely missed on sac and couldn't see a fetal pole at all in the one they found so this indicates to me that maybe it has grown in the 2 days and we should wait a little more. But she also said the CRL was 4mm...I don't know how these measurements are taken, can they be that inaccurate?

What would you do?

I've read that most of the time you don't see/hear a heartbeat until 6 weeks? I would definitely wait it out if I were you... not sure why they would be rushing/pressuring you :nope: Maybe book another scan for a week or so later?
These doctors sound awful! No offense. No, I wouldn't do a D&C. There had obviously been progress and changes! The clot sounds like a SCH which does normally cause bleeding... Sometimes a lot. I had one my whole pregnancy with one of my boys. With my friends with twins as well, one was always off by a few days to a week.

Well we'll just see I guess. Did you get bad cramps? I'm getting some pretty severe pain. I think that is what is worrying me most. More than the bleeding. It's the pain. Just doesn't feel right at all.

At the moment I have some pain but I'm thinking that might just be the normal kind. Got a pulling weird sensation in my groin, the crease between my legs on both side but sometimes just on one side.

The other pain is much worse, all over type of pain. Back abdomen, etc. but I also have IBS and get bad pain from that too and everything sets everything off. But still it doesn't seem right. Usually I don't have the bleeding and pain at the same time though. I guess all I can do is hope and pray.

Weirdly though I also have a weird urination problem. I did hear you would urinate more during pregnancy and so far I'm not sure I have. I have the urge to go all the time but not much comes out. Is that normal? I thought maybe I'm not drinking enough but I think I am drinking enough. I try to drink more recently.

Also thank you so so so much everyone that has left comments for me. I'm so touched by your support and am happy about your positivity. I sincerely want to thank you all, you are awesome!

I really hope you end up keeping both babies. Show that doctor what a nut job he/she is for wanting to immediately do a d&c. Seems a little overboard, in my opinion. Good luck to you! Hope you can report some heartbeats to us in a few days.
Nikoru-I read your other thread and I don't want to give false hope at all but everything seems like it can be explained. The clot, the twins (bleeding, cramps), one twin measuring behind the other etc. We're all here for you :hugs:

Has anyone had restless leg syndrome? With my last pregnancy, I had it something terrible but it started 2nd tri. I'm only 4 weeks and it's ALREADY starting :nope: It took forever to fall asleep last night. I ate a banana and it seemed to help a bit :shrug: Another weird symptom, maybe not even a pregnancy symptom, but I have a strong urge to unfocus my eyes :blush: Wow sounds weird typing it out but it's true!!! Since yesterday my eyes just want to unfocus..it's scary when driving. Nothing much besides that...fatigue and no energy in the evenings..

My eyes have actually felt less focused since about 5+4ish? I feel like I have to work harder to stay focused on the road when I am driving. But only sometimes. The first time it happened, I was like... "OMG! I have burst a tube and I am bleeding out into my abdomen! I'm going to pass out at any moment!" I am known to be a little dramatic. 6+5 today and still alive... Though still overanalyzing all aches and pains. Lol
A little dramatic! :D

My "morning" sickness is here to stay I think. Still not needed to actually throw up, but I'm soooo queasy all day and I don't enjoy food at all anymore. I managed to eat some toast at 1pm and a carrot, but that's it.
I have a question about the facebook group. If I add the june bug as a friend on facebook my friends will see that I have a new friend with that name or ?

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