6footnoodle and nicoley, i hope the bleeding resolves itself soon thinking of you both!!!!!! i read that many women experience spotting or bleeding throughout their pregnancies, so hopefully you have nothing to worry about. my dh's mom bled her entire pregnancy on and off when she was pregnant with my dh (she actually didn't realize she was pregnant for a few months because she thought it was her period! he was a 'surprise' )
nicoley - yay for seeing the heartbeat!! that must have been a big relief.
Snufkin, I was really tired yesterday (and had a good bought of m/s), but today I feel almost totally normal. Some light cramping, sore/bigger boobs, but my energy is pretty good today. I'm glad you get a chance to rest a bit today!
awww poysenivye ~ look at your little baby!! if my m/s keeps up i'm going to look into the seabands. I'm assuming PSI bands are the same as seabands?
crystal, it's funny you mention sleep because i noticed i have a hard time falling asleep too! and this morning my eyes popped open at 4:30 and i couldn't go back to sleep. i usually get up at 5, but that extra 30 minutes makes a difference!
I think I'm going to give in and go to the ER tonight. My appointment is in a week- not ultrasound and I can't be seen sooner. My two year old, 48 pounds jumped off the couch on my back. Took the wind out of me for a few seconds. Sigh How can I not worry.
Ahhh, Nikoru!!! I'm so happy for you!! First thing I did after waking up (6am here) was check to see if you had posted an update. I am so mad at those doctors that wanted to do a d&c without following up, but over the moon happy for you!
Yeah can't believe she nearly killed my babies! The other doctor today had the cheek to tell me "the procedure is now cancelled"! Well I should bloody hope so!
Still scared about the SCH...been reading some horror stories about it. Very scary. Just got to take one week at a time I guess and just hope I can get to at least 24 weeks without too many problems.
Thanks everyone. I've been here five hours and still haven't been seen. It's 10pm and I am absolutely exhausted. Not to mention my house is about 30 minutes away. Hopefully it won't be too much longer.
Went in today to my cardiologist for my annual exams ( I've had heart surgery etc, so I'm terrified now, very high risk) , needless to say my exams weren't completed as my routine Urine came up pregnant, I'm still in very much disbelief...but wanted to introduce myself...the name is Tabitha and due June 24
UPDATE: We saw baby AND heartbeat!!! Baby measured a few days behind but that can be normal and doctor said scan was perfect. She couldn't give me a picture- no printer so in a day or so I'm coming back to get a CD of the scan. I'm still here, waiting for my blood test (hCG)- why they are doing it... Not sure since my scan was perfect. So I'll be leaving around 1am. Yawn!!! I can't believe I've been here so long.