Got my second beta back from this morning - it's 139 (13 dpo)! First beta was two days ago and was 53 (11 dpo). Doubling time right now is 34.5 hours, so that's great!!

However, my progesterone is low again

I'm wondering if that's why my symptoms seem to have disappeared the last two days. I have to double my suppository dose (2x/day instead of 1x/day). Now I'm worried - what if the double dose still isn't enough and I can't hold onto the baby? The dr. will call me on Monday to schedule a scan and probably another blood test to check up on my progesterone level.
gsdrn, I had two weird and very real feeling dreams last night! I can only remember one this morning.
Yay Jaan! Congratulations!!

radiance, I'm so glad you saw the heartbeat! GAH I can't wait and pray to see my baby's heartbeat in the next few weeks.
enjoy your holiday buffy!
Nikoru, i'm glad the other ladies could help regarding the slower heartbeat!