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I'm so glad you saw the heartbeat mangoberry! Thank you, I'm feeling calmer today :flower:

Snorman, that's so cool!

weewdy, I'm incredibly thirsty as well! I've been drinking water all day and still manage to feel thirsty lol.

preg_pilot, I'm glad the ginger is helping!
So sorry yoshy :hugs: hope you're okay.

I'm getting this weird dull achey pain downstairs area. Think it's my vulva mainly. Is that normal? It's not particularly bothering me other than I'm worried about bleeding. Can't really locate the exact area of pain as it's just dull and not too painful. Maybe it's the pubic bone? I don't know. I THINK I have slightly tan cm today as well :( not sure if it is just the light. Doesn't seem to be much and only very slightly brown. Still scary because yesterday it was just as normal, if not maybe a little too mucousy...I think that could have been the mucous plug plugging back up.

Also I just sneezed and got a really sharp pain near my right hip. Grr...will I ever stop worrying. Yesterday I actually ventured out of the house because staying in was making me feel sick...but I fear I might have pushed myself a little too much :( the ladies on the SCH forum recommend lots of bed rest. I just hate the feeling of being indoors doing nothing all day :(

I think constipation isn't helping with all the pains everywhere though.

Glad you got to see the HB mango berry!
Yoshy--so sorry xxx

Niko---YAY! I've been thinking about you all weekend, I just got back on to see how it all turned out and I'm thrilled for you!!

Welcome new bumps :)

Glad to see things are going decently well here :)

Afm--nothing new, just been more active in the Facebook group since it's more convenient. MS is in full swing, and it sucks. Other than that things are going boringly normal, and I'm so thankful for it. I'm 7+1 today, next Tuesday is our appt to check for a hb and it can't get here soon enough. It's going quickly though, considering I found out at 3+6. Just wanted to pop in and say hello/check on everyone.
Radiance - so happy to hear that u got to hear the heartbeat! That's wonderful!

Nikoru - I have also read that the heartbeat starts off slow...hope you're not worrying yourself too much :haha:

Starluck - hope all goes well on ur scan. Your hcg levels sound very reassuring:hugs:

Yoshi - so so sorry hun. :hugs: my thought are with you.

Afm the sea bands are really helping the m/s now if I can just find something to help with how tired I am all the time :sleep: and the acne. Instead of leave after baby come I feel like I need leave now to just to be miserable in peace lol

How is everyone else getting by with getting through the day at work? The one good thing is that it makes the time go by faster.
Radiance - so happy to hear that u got to hear the heartbeat! That's wonderful!

Nikoru - I have also read that the heartbeat starts off slow...hope you're not worrying yourself too much :haha:

Starluck - hope all goes well on ur scan. Your hcg levels sound very reassuring:hugs:

Yoshi - so so sorry hun. :hugs: my thought are with you.

Afm the sea bands are really helping the m/s now if I can just find something to help with how tired I am all the time :sleep: and the acne. Instead of leave after baby come I feel like I need leave now to just to be miserable in peace lol

How is everyone else getting by with getting through the day at work? The one good thing is that it makes the time go by faster.

pb921124, I know exactly what you mean about needing leave now, I feel like all I've been doing is working and sleeping and being sick, and even then I feel like I'm barely making it through. I'm really hoping the second trimester is going to much easier.
pb921124, I feel the same - actually I have not been able to be much productive at work :( need to kick myself to get back and be productive at work!
Radiance - so happy to hear that u got to hear the heartbeat! That's wonderful!

Nikoru - I have also read that the heartbeat starts off slow...hope you're not worrying yourself too much :haha:

Starluck - hope all goes well on ur scan. Your hcg levels sound very reassuring:hugs:

Yoshi - so so sorry hun. :hugs: my thought are with you.

Afm the sea bands are really helping the m/s now if I can just find something to help with how tired I am all the time :sleep: and the acne. Instead of leave after baby come I feel like I need leave now to just to be miserable in peace lol

How is everyone else getting by with getting through the day at work? The one good thing is that it makes the time go by faster.

thanks :) i am either queasy, tired, or easily distracted at work. having a hard time focusing! i am going to try to focus more this week and get more done.

pb921124, I feel the same - actually I have not been able to be much productive at work :( need to kick myself to get back and be productive at work!

me too mangoberry!
Finally added my June Bug to my signature. I still can't believe it. :)
Hubby and I went to Target today and walked up and down all the baby aisles talking about what stuff we will want. So fun! First appointment on Wednesday at 7+6. So happy it's first thing in the morning because I wouldn't be able to wait all day!
Finally added my June Bug to my signature. I still can't believe it. :)
Hubby and I went to Target today and walked up and down all the baby aisles talking about what stuff we will want. So fun! First appointment on Wednesday at 7+6. So happy it's first thing in the morning because I wouldn't be able to wait all day!

Yeah mine tend to be at 14:30 and it's torture in the morning :( if my little ones are still healthy and if I get a next appointment I'll definitely try to make it first thing in the morning.
I am so sorry Yoshi :hugs:


I'm feeling pretty positive but I am hitting another hard week. Tomorrow makes one year since my water broke with my daughter, I was due May 2014 so this baby is really close to dates. And the 22nd is when I went into full on delivery/miscarriage. Because of my pprom history, every time I feel discharge I run to the bathroom to see if I'm leaking. It's awful. I'll feel much better once we get to the end of November.

I hope everyone is doing ok!!
Stopping by to say hello!! Been a while since I've logged on.

Hugs, Yoshy. Sorry for your loss :(

Welcome to all the new June Bugs!!

So happy to hear about your babies, Nik! Hoping everything continues to go well!

Glad to read all the other good news too :)

I'm also more active in the FB group since it's easier. Nothing new with me. Still no MS, just fatigue and sore (growing) boobies. My scan is 2 weeks from this Wednesday. Feels like forever, but for now I'm just taking it easy and enjoying afternoon naps with my toddler :)
I am so sorry Yoshi :hugs:


I'm feeling pretty positive but I am hitting another hard week. Tomorrow makes one year since my water broke with my daughter, I was due May 2014 so this baby is really close to dates. And the 22nd is when I went into full on delivery/miscarriage. Because of my pprom history, every time I feel discharge I run to the bathroom to see if I'm leaking. It's awful. I'll feel much better once we get to the end of November.

I hope everyone is doing ok!!

I'm sorry you are having a heard day today radiance. I definitely agree that I'll better after the end of November if I ever get there. Before I got pregnant I thought it would be such a breeze and pregnant people just worry over nothing and you can't do anything to change anything. I mean all except the first is probably true but so far mentally I've found it a lot more difficult than I ever imagined. I feel like I've been pregnant forever...I found out at 3w+2 so it's actually only been 3w and 3 days since...it seems like forever. 12 weeks seems so far away and ever week it seems like there is some new obstacle to overcome :( I'm still scared of bad news on Friday or even starting bleeding before then. I have a bit of light brown discharge a bit of aching down there at the moment. I think I'm more relaxed this week though because I don't think I can keep it up. I'm just coping by not admitting to myself I'm pregnant until I pass the 12 week mark. Even after then I know bad thins can happen too. It's no longer in my hands.

Today boobs are still tender and nausea isn't actually so bad but I think that's because I'm trying to eat every 2 hours and I think if I leave to a little too long I do get a sick feeling creeping back but eating relives it, so I'm just doing that. Trying to eat before I even feel sick. Stocked up on some lovely soups, today I had chicken soup with a nice roll f bread for my lunch. For breakfast I had 2 wheetabix and milk. In between I had a banana and a mandarin.

Does anyone know if I have to take more multivitamins with twins? Mine already has 800mcg of folate. Hope that's enough. In Japan they don't take multivitamins or vitamins at all...so didn't bother asking the doctor.
Trigger/sad/negative/vent post.

We have gone through so much in a year... stillbirth, late miscarriage (16 weeks), miscarriages (3).. and now all their one years are hitting back to back. After five in a row, two late losses it's hard to be positive 24/7. The small milestones help a lot but when I'm at their special days it's emotionally and physically draining for me. I mean... we've lost four babies with heartbeats and most doctors say once you see and hear the heartbeat your risk goes way down. Not to mention they normally say after having one late loss it won't happen again, but it did. I've been in the "1%" so many times yet my babies, husband and I'm completely healthy, it's just sickening. I am so healthy and I try everything, I just want a screaming baby. I really hope I get to take this one home, alive. That is all I want.

I'm also feeling really nausea today! I've been thinking about you a lot Nikoru0111 :hugs:
I find there is always something to worry about: miscarriage, preemie baby, still born, cord getting wrapped around, then even once baby is born then you have sids for a year to freak out about!! I dont know about beyond a year because im not there yet :) you're always worried about you baby!

It doesn't go away, at least for me. My oldest is in school and I get up at least twice in the middle of the night to check on them.
Big hugs Radience :hugs: I can't even imagine how hard it is to be in your shoes.
Trigger/sad/negative/vent post.

We have gone through so much in a year... stillbirth, late miscarriage (16 weeks), miscarriages (3).. and now all their one years are hitting back to back. After five in a row, two late losses it's hard to be positive 24/7. The small milestones help a lot but when I'm at their special days it's emotionally and physically draining for me. I mean... we've lost four babies with heartbeats and most doctors say once you see and hear the heartbeat your risk goes way down. Not to mention they normally say after having one late loss it won't happen again, but it did. I've been in the "1%" so many times yet my babies, husband and I'm completely healthy, it's just sickening. I am so healthy and I try everything, I just want a screaming baby. I really hope I get to take this one home, alive. That is all I want.

I'm also feeling really nausea today! I've been thinking about you a lot Nikoru0111 :hugs:

I really really hope this is your one too!

I don't mean to be negative but Milestones don't count. Yes it's nice to get to 12 or 20 weeks but they aren't stand alone. You don't get anything for arriving at those stages. You can't have a 12 week or a 20 week baby and that's what scares me. Ah maybe I'm helping this spiral downwards. Maybe we all have to think positive. I second radiance when she says she just wants a healthy baby. Me too, I thought I'd care about gender or get nervous at my 20 week. I don't care about the gender one but. I just want to pass that mark and be on my way to 30 weeks and give birth to a beautiful healthy baby, preferably two babies.
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to say hi. :)

Yoshy, I am so sorry for your loss *tight big hug*

I had my second beta done today, will have results soon. Hoping for some doubling figures.

It's my goal to go through every page of this thread since I have joined late, with a June end baby, but I will definitely get through all the pages! :) I am currently on page 40. :p

I am only 4+2. Absolutely no symptoms at all. I am taking Utrogestan (200 mg progesterone) vaginally since the day after my IUI. My doctor said to continue taking it for the next two weeks until I see her (Oct 30). Wish I had some symptoms so I can 'feel' pregs.

With my last BFP, I had such sore boobs, and the veins on my boobs were so noticably (TMI??) and as soon as I hit 4 weeks I had the nauseous feeling, every morning but I never actually threw up. I was on a different brand of progesterone, Duphaston, I think that was the reason I was feeling the symptoms. Not quite sure though.

I feel some twinges here and there, and I always freak out thinking its a "miscarriage" cramp..because I felt the worst cramps when I miscarried. SIGHHHHHH.

Hope everyone is fine, well and happy.

BTW, I'm 33 and my husband is 34. I was born and raised in Thailand and my husband was raised in the Philippines. I've travelled a lot for work and university but when I got married I moved here to live with the hubby, obviously.

I've been with the same doctor for about 1-2 years now. I love her like an older sister. She too has similar PCOS issues and low sperm count as we do so I feel she just 'gets' me. Infact, had this IUI cycle failed, she had already set me up to begin IVF today with her recommended doctor who we met a few times. I was so happy to see those double lines because even though I was mentally prepared for IVF, I really prayed this last and final IUI would work.

We've been trying naturally for a long time, but sometimes my husband isnt able to 'finish' inside me, which is so stressful when the OPK is + and the chances were just so low with that major issue, not to mention the low sperm count and PCOS. Only after lots of testing we realized I didn't ovulate on my own, etc...so IUI was really what we needed to conceive.

To all those who have miscarried and having 'sensitive' pregnancies, I feel for you and I pray we all make it through together :)

Lots of love from the Phils! xxxooo
Glad you can join us Jaan! Congrats on your BFP and Happy and healthy 9 months :)

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