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Buffyx - I´m so sorry for your loss :(

Radiance - I hope you get your dream labor :hugs:

pb - It´s always good to have a general idea, but to be open about other options if needed :)

Nikoru - In my case, the labor pains were so bad that an epidural was almost nonexistent pain... I´m not in the USA either. I live in Iceland...
My mom´s labor was like your moms... she basically sneezed me out...

raelynn - true. labor wishes and reality can be two very different things.

Melissa - :haha: at the laundry issue :) Can´t wait to start feeling kicks either :baby:
I had a similar situation as you did. Never reached 10cm, never progressed beyond 2cm on my own...

6footnoodle - I had an epidural before having mine. They just inject a local anesthaetic if you don´t have one.

oceania - elective C-section is a legitimate way of delivering children, as long as its your choice, it´s a good one :hugs:

kit - I hope your MS gets better soon.

kissesandhugs - ugh, MS go away!

AFM - below is information about my earlier birth and preferences for this one. If you´re afraid of difficult birth stories, please don´t read. :hugs:

My first birth was planned as a medication free, home, water birth.
That didn´t work out at all.
All in all labor took 38 hours 20 minutes. I was admitted into hospital after 26 hours at home, with intense pain and only 2cm dilation. I got an epidural that lasted about 20 minutes, before paralyzing my legs and intensifying the pain on my right side...
Then I got another epidural later that lasted 5 minutes before going the same way.
I ended up with a forecep delivery, episiotomy and extreme blood loss. (2 liters)
For the next three days I had a spinal headache, where any movement at all was excruciating. This was due to the fact that my epidurals had punched through my spine, causing a leak of fluid, causing an under pressure in the brain.

This time I plan on a hospital delivery, and I´m seriously considering hiring a doula, mostly for phsychological support, as I feel very apprehensive for this birth. :nope: I´m not sure about an epidural, but I will ask the anasthesiologist if he/she thinks he can perform one on a person like me (apparently my spinal column is a very short way from the outside...
preg_pilot - How scarey! I hope your labor and birth this time around go much smoother! My anesthesiologist in the hospital was great. He was joking around with me to put me at ease beforehand and then gave me lots of info before, during, and after my epidural. So hopefully you find one that is good for you!
I have to be positive.
It's my honeymoon, and you only get one (well, I'm only having one ;)) I was very sad and upset last night, but I've woken up feeling much better. I wish you guys all the best :flower:

I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you're so positive and handling it well. Enjoy your holiday the best you can.
I promised myself I wouldn't get ahead of myself and just take it easy for two weeks. I promised promised PROMISED my husband I wouldn't 'obsess' and start thinking too much into the pregnancy until my ultrasound because last time we got so broken hearted when we miscarried. Which is why I haven't answered about diapers vs cloths, c-secs vs natural, etc. :p

Soon as he walked out the door for basketball this evening, I was already googling cute baby clothing and nursery ideas. Hehehehe - I swear I'm going crazy!

Still zero symptoms here. Taking it as easy as possible.
Oh and I finally got through all the pages on this thread! :p
Hope you're all well and happy!

Lots of xox
Soon as he walked out the door for basketball this evening, I was already googling cute baby clothing and nursery ideas. Hehehehe - I swear I'm going crazy!

This is me :haha: I'm terrified of having another miscarriage - DH and I don't like thinking too much about the birth or having a newborn because we're both scared we'll never get there.... but as soon as his backs turned I'm googling exactly the same. I have a folder on my laptop where I've been saving gorgeous nursery pics for 'inspiration' later on :blush:
I've never had a loss (that I know of) but I'm terrified of it after reading so many stories on these boards. I'm trying not to worry myself senseless because this is supposed to be a time of joy but it's harder some days than others.

Hopefully we all have a healthy 9 months! :)
Soon as he walked out the door for basketball this evening, I was already googling cute baby clothing and nursery ideas. Hehehehe - I swear I'm going crazy!

This is me :haha: I'm terrified of having another miscarriage - DH and I don't like thinking too much about the birth or having a newborn because we're both scared we'll never get there.... but as soon as his backs turned I'm googling exactly the same. I have a folder on my laptop where I've been saving gorgeous nursery pics for 'inspiration' later on :blush:

hahaha..at least we can be crazy together :):haha:
I'm sorry you've experienced miscarriage, so i TOTALLY get why you and the hubby aren't thinking too much about the birth and newborn, we are totally with you on that :hugs: it's so hard to be patient!

as of right now, we are only think ahead to our next appointment, october 30. goodness, time is going by soooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Crystal - Yes, it is harder some days than others and I too wish the best for all of us here. Just wish I felt some symptoms - crazy I know! :p
Buffy - so sorry for your loss, sending you hugs and wishes for a relaxing honeymoon!

NDH - thanks for that info! I should look more into the water consumption for manufacturing diapers. I never think of that aspect of it, only the consumer end. I am in California and the insane drought here is so depressing, and scary, so I'm trying to be so careful.

I would love to try G&A but they don't really offer it in my area, such a bummer. I think that's why epis are so popular in the US - it's really our only option! Backwards medicine. For my first labor, I just wanted to hold off on interventions as long as possible and that seemed to work out, so that's probably what I will do again. But I definitely hadn't even started to think about it!

Jaan my appt is Oct 27 and I agree, time is passing at a glacial pace. I am marking the days on my calendar!!
Well HG decided to sneak up. When I get sick in pregnancy it is always HG and I normally get it later in first trimester, 8-9 weeks and 11 weeks with Stephen. I've had some mild nausea here and there. This week the nausea is showing more and I've struggled with water (only thing I drink) the most. I've only been getting half or a little more than I should be... I use to be able to drink it throughout the day and now I have to take small small sips and it still makes me gag and severely nausea. On the plus side, I still have some good symptoms. Awful breast pain and exhausted 24/7. :haha: Today is my second OB appointment. I believe today is just a million vaginal exams in one... :nope: blah. I'm a little worried even though I had a scan Saturday. Other than that all is going well.
Anyone have an episiotomy without an epidural?

I got an epidural once I was 8cm dilated. In the end I am happy I got it because my daughter was 10lbs 1oz. I also needed an episiotomy. I can't imagine how that would have felt without an epidural.

I had a 3rd degree episiotomy with my first. I don't remember much about it. It actually was my funnest labor. It wasn't that bad, just stung at first, he gave a numbing shot and then did it. I think because I spent several hours in labor and the worst was when she was crowning. There was just so much emotions and my room was full literally that I wasn't really paying attention to that, I just couldn't wait to see my daughter and hold her.
Wow this thread moves fast, i can't keep up!

So sorry to hear of the losses, sending you big :hugs:

Afm, feeling tired and nauseous but kinda feels reassuring so totally baring up with it. Have an early private scan on the 1st and booking in appointment on the 5th - feeling more real now!

Birth wise I am hoping to have a home water birth. My dh isn't very keen due to the fact i had a pph after Harry but I want to definitely pursue the idea at this stage. There is a local home birthers group which i will go to.

My previous briths have gone well, well except the pph that was very unpleasant but I won't dwell on it.
ds1 should have been a water birth but he got stuck so i had to get out onto dry land, they decided i needed an episotomy which i refused initially but it did the trick and out he popped. (For the lady that asked its just a local if you haven't had other pain relief)
ds2 was a waterbirth and was pretty quick about 4 1/2hrs of labour, and was 8 minutes from water's going to delivery.
Both were completely drug free just using hypnobirthing techniques to cope.

I hope to conquer bf'ing this time, managed 9 weeks of combi with ds1 and 2wks with ds2 which i was disappointed with. I plan to get as much support as possible and talk to other mums who have managed it sucessfully. I want to pump as well so dh can help
Crystal - Yes, it is harder some days than others and I too wish the best for all of us here. Just wish I felt some symptoms - crazy I know! :p

Not crazy at all! I've been hoping for symptoms too! It would just make me feel so much better. So far all I have is a bit of bloating, slightly sore nipples (TMI), and heartburn for the last few days. But I feel like all of those things (besides the nipples) could be normal for me. Haha
Rachel I've been reading up a lot on the Brewer diet the past two days, and one of the things it purports to help with is PPH. Not that it prevents blood loss at birth, but that it increases your blood supply so much in pregnancy that blood loss at birth isn't a problem because even if you lose a lot it will be your excess blood and not affect you so much.
To all you ladies hoping for morning sickness like I did early on...you'll soon know about it and wish you never said anything :haha: I really wanted some morning sickness and now it's awful. I'm sure you'll get it soon enough. Just enjoy the few weeks you get at the beginning without it I say!

Good luck for your appointment radiance! Hope your HG gets better soon. Today my MS seems worse...even water was making me feel a little queezy this morning.

7w for me today. Happy I have made it this far but won't get my hopes up until my appointment on Friday. Still can't believe how nerve wrecking pregnancy is. No one tells you that. They say it's all lovely and beautiful!
Appointment was good... Just exams. It did make me bleed but quickly stopped... Thank goodness! Since I had an ultrasound at the ER this weekend we cancelled my scan for this week so I went to the hospital and got a disk so I have a picture of baby! My next appointment is in a month, hopefully it goes by fast.
Ah I'm glad it went well! I'm not sure if it is a curse or a good thing to have so many appointments. I might be on weekly monitoring for a while which makes me nervous. It's like they are just expecting them to die :( we'll see I guess. Might not even make it past this appointment yet.

Ah I don't think my SCH will have improved either. I keep sneezing and coughing and that cannot be good for trying not to irritate it. It's a wonder I haven't started bleeding again. Bed rest is driving me nuts as well. Never thought I'd hear myself say this but I just want to get up and clean the apartment. It's getting dusty.
Nikoru - I agree! I don't want morning sickness either. I'm sure I'd be worrying if I had no symptoms too though. But I've been throwing up water too so I know the feeling. I'll be happy when this stage is over. Keeping my fingers crossed for your little ones! The worrying never ends though. Even after you give birth. I still check on my daughter in the middle of the night to make sure she's still breathing.
:wave: Apparently I unsubscribed myself from this thread at some point! I'm back now!

As far as I know, things are going fine for me. Still not many symptoms other than just being tired. My boobs aren't sore, but my veins are definitely more noticeable. I am anxious for Thursday, when I have my next (and hopefully last) beta test!
Good luck Hun! I'm sure it will be a brilliant number and you won't need anymore tests :)

I haven't had any blood tests or anything yet. Wonder when they'll do that to me. Like to check blood type etc. you would have thought if I had bleeding they might have wanted to do that pretty quickly but ah well. They didn't take any urine either.

I hoping my next appointment I get treated more like it's my first time and it's just a normal pregnancy...rather than let's wait and see what happens to your babies expecting the worst :(

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