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So my ultrasound showed a small pocket of pooling blood and the ob said not to stress the bleeding..very difficult..I had a significant bleed over 2 days ago which scared me but no cramps (mild if anything)..hoping I'm close to be done this spotting..still having the fatigue and yucky feeling if I don't eat ..need to eat often..seen heartbeat last Friday..follow up ultrasound in the 5th of nov..wish my doppler worker earlier :(

Ah I'm glad that everything is okay for your nicoley. Bleeding is really scary isn't it?

2 more days for me and then I'll get an ultrasound again. Still scared though. If all goes well I wonder if she'll try to get me back a week later. I'm not sure if all the monitoring will be a good or a bad thing. I really really hope they both stick. I'd really love to be able to feel my babies kick. I just can't wait to get a bump etc. I'm just sad when I think of it because in the back of my mind I can't help worrying that it might never happen. Or not this time at least. This is really bringing out the pessimist in me. Glad my husband is a die hard optimist. Really balances out.
Thanks NDH


I have been getting this weird like shooting pain up my vajayjay I'm not sure if it's cervix pain or what. Really shocked me yesterday when I went to go for a number 2. Totally failed because I was constipated, I wasn't even straining though. I don't know if it's related to this bleeding or not. Just scaring me. My sister said she got those pains when she was pregnant and sometimes when she is on her period. Ah I guess there is no point over analysisng. Don't like those pains though, they are scary.

I agree with the ladies. Probably just SCH causing bleeding. Good sign you aren't having cramps.
As for shooting pain I used to get that when trying to go number two when pregnant with my first. Couldn't figure out if the shooting pain was from my uterus or bum.

AFM no symptoms at all! Don't feel any cramps or twinges in my uterus. Kind of has me worried. Maybe I'm still early... Anyone else not feel anything in their uterus area?
Nikoru-Maybe it'd be good for you to be in the mindset to expect bleeding rather than being upset when it does happen. With an sch you can almost guarantee there WILL be bleeding :hugs: I also get the sharp pain. I remember last pregnancy some people called it lightning crotch :blush: Not the best name but it truly does describe it pretty good :haha: It gets worse as the pregnancy goes on,unfortunately!

6ftnoodle-I have had barely ANY cramping. Last time I had cramps so bad throughout 1st trimester, it felt like I was on my period the whole time. It's NOTHING like that this time. I do feel worried at times about it but every pregnancy is different! :)
Nikoru-Maybe it'd be good for you to be in the mindset to expect bleeding rather than being upset when it does happen. With an sch you can almost guarantee there WILL be bleeding :hugs: I also get the sharp pain. I remember last pregnancy some people called it lightning crotch :blush: Not the best name but it truly does describe it pretty good :haha: It gets worse as the pregnancy goes on,unfortunately!

6ftnoodle-I have had barely ANY cramping. Last time I had cramps so bad throughout 1st trimester, it felt like I was on my period the whole time. It's NOTHING like that this time. I do feel worried at times about it but every pregnancy is different! :)

Same! I remember feeling them last pregnancy. I guess every pregnancy is different. Maybe my uterus is used to it now haha. Hoping I don't get MS this pregnancy. Last time I got it at 5w6d. So only a week away...
I'm kinda scared right now.
My symptoms are almost completely gone, just a little tender boobs, nothing else.
I forced my BF to buy another test as soon as he gets of work.
I'm super nervous that it's gonna say I'm not pregnant any more :/
Hello. I cant remember if I already posted here so please excuse me if I did!

I tested positive on 5th October, 6 days before AF was due. I am due on 20th June and very excited!

I was on the clearblue fertility monitor trial and have no doubt that it enabled us to conceive first time!

I already have a DS who will be 6 when baby is born. Me and my husband can't wait, we didn't plan such a big age gap but life just kept getting in the way lol

Good luck to everybody
I'm sorry Nik but just hang in there and know that you have a reason for bleeding. :hugs:

Anyone else really struggling with the nausea? I haven't thrown up yet but I dry heaved 3 times yesterday and came really close to vomiting. Each time, eating something helped the feeling go away. I'm not looking forward to 6 more weeks of this. I don't know how I survived the first time, but I don't think it was as bad as this with my first.

30mummyof1- I know exactly what you mean. It sucks when you feel sick and you know eating will help but all food looks disgusting, and you just don't know what to do with yourself.

I have had nausea and sickness for about a week now :( If it is like my last pregnancy, it wont stop and I will get horrid heartburn thrown in the mix lol.

I had a big breakfast today and am not eating again until this evening. It seems to have worked a bit as I feel nauseous but nowhere near as bad as it has been when I have been eating lunch
Seems like i just can't get enough lemon.. so been on the lemon squash for the last few days, and just back from the shop with 2 types of lemonade and lemon cheesecake! :haha: i do draw the line at eating an actual lemon..for now at least! :rofl:
Questions for you ladies:
Has your eating changed at all?
Are any of you taking fish oil?
Any food aversions?

My eating is so sparse nowadays but I'm just trying to make sure I don't starve and I get proper nutrients for obvious reasons.

Also, I can't stand the smell of rotisserie chicken. I gag thinking about it!

I am pleased to say that my MS has waned in the past few days. I really hated it. I had it for two weeks and I was completely useless. Cramping has taken over, but I'd rather that than MS any day.

I feel tired and I've been working from bed, which I can't decide is good or bad. First appointment is next Wednesday at 8w+4. I have no idea what to expect. I'm going to start working out again after my appointment. Hopefully that will make things feel real.
Questions for you ladies:
Has your eating changed at all?
Are any of you taking fish oil?
Any food aversions?

Yes. I'm eating constantly now. I'm full one minute and starving the next. Also eating helps keep the nausea away. I don't even care if I gain weight.

Yes I'm taking prenatal vitamin plus DHA.

No real food aversions, just sometimes I smell something and shudder, but nothing I refuse to look at. My first pregnancy I had all sorts of food aversions. I didn't allow hummus in the house for a year, even after I gave birth, I was so scared of it.

I also developed an aversion to my husband. He just smelled SO BAD. Like, in the car I'd press my nose up against the window to try to get as far away from him as possible. I never told him what was up. One day I realized--it was his DEODORANT! I immediately threw all his sticks of deodorant in the trash. He came in and was like "What are you doing?!?!" and I said "I'm saving our marriage!"
I'm sorry Nik but just hang in there and know that you have a reason for bleeding. :hugs:

Anyone else really struggling with the nausea? I haven't thrown up yet but I dry heaved 3 times yesterday and came really close to vomiting. Each time, eating something helped the feeling go away. I'm not looking forward to 6 more weeks of this. I don't know how I survived the first time, but I don't think it was as bad as this with my first.

30mummyof1- I know exactly what you mean. It sucks when you feel sick and you know eating will help but all food looks disgusting, and you just don't know what to do with yourself.

I'm really having a tough time with nausea too. I either dry heave or throw up after every meal and then in between I'm just constantly nauseous. I have yet to find anything that helps. If you figure it out, let me know! My last pregnancy it went away around 13 weeks or so but I have a trip planned around 10 weeks this time and really hope I won't be throwing up the whole time.
I'm sorry Nik but just hang in there and know that you have a reason for bleeding. :hugs:

Anyone else really struggling with the nausea? I haven't thrown up yet but I dry heaved 3 times yesterday and came really close to vomiting. Each time, eating something helped the feeling go away. I'm not looking forward to 6 more weeks of this. I don't know how I survived the first time, but I don't think it was as bad as this with my first.

30mummyof1- I know exactly what you mean. It sucks when you feel sick and you know eating will help but all food looks disgusting, and you just don't know what to do with yourself.

I'm really having a tough time with nausea too. I either dry heave or throw up after every meal and then in between I'm just constantly nauseous. I have yet to find anything that helps. If you figure it out, let me know! My last pregnancy it went away around 13 weeks or so but I have a trip planned around 10 weeks this time and really hope I won't be throwing up the whole time.

That sounds horrible, I feel for you! I don't know if you saw my other post, but my friend recommended taking vitamin B6 and unisom. Google it for dosage and info. I'm going to try it tonight. You could always try to get some zofran from your doctor!
Just tested... and by my last period... we are expecting June 30th.

Happy to join June 2015 Bugs!
Thanks NDH


I have been getting this weird like shooting pain up my vajayjay I'm not sure if it's cervix pain or what. Really shocked me yesterday when I went to go for a number 2. Totally failed because I was constipated, I wasn't even straining though. I don't know if it's related to this bleeding or not. Just scaring me. My sister said she got those pains when she was pregnant and sometimes when she is on her period. Ah I guess there is no point over analysisng. Don't like those pains though, they are scary.

Like all the others have said, try not to worry too much, it's most likely your SCH. I know it's easier said than done. Like I've mentioned before I gushed (literally) almost my entire pregnancy with my second (also my second living) and it was terrifying. Each time I thought I was losing him. Big hugs :hugs: I have the same shooting pain here and there and had it with my other pregnancies as well.
Seems like i just can't get enough lemon.. so been on the lemon squash for the last few days, and just back from the shop with 2 types of lemonade and lemon cheesecake! :haha: i do draw the line at eating an actual lemon..for now at least! :rofl:

I'm craving citrus too! Mostly oranges :)

Questions for you ladies:
Has your eating changed at all?
Are any of you taking fish oil?
Any food aversions?

My eating is so sparse nowadays but I'm just trying to make sure I don't starve and I get proper nutrients for obvious reasons.

Also, I can't stand the smell of rotisserie chicken. I gag thinking about it!

I am pleased to say that my MS has waned in the past few days. I really hated it. I had it for two weeks and I was completely useless. Cramping has taken over, but I'd rather that than MS any day.

I feel tired and I've been working from bed, which I can't decide is good or bad. First appointment is next Wednesday at 8w+4. I have no idea what to expect. I'm going to start working out again after my appointment. Hopefully that will make things feel real.

I have days (like today and yesterday) when I am constantly hungry. I don't have any aversions yet. And I am taking Nordic Naturals pre-natal omega 3 :)

Questions for you ladies:
Has your eating changed at all?
Are any of you taking fish oil?
Any food aversions?

Yes. I'm eating constantly now. I'm full one minute and starving the next. Also eating helps keep the nausea away. I don't even care if I gain weight.

Yes I'm taking prenatal vitamin plus DHA.

No real food aversions, just sometimes I smell something and shudder, but nothing I refuse to look at. My first pregnancy I had all sorts of food aversions. I didn't allow hummus in the house for a year, even after I gave birth, I was so scared of it.

I also developed an aversion to my husband. He just smelled SO BAD. Like, in the car I'd press my nose up against the window to try to get as far away from him as possible. I never told him what was up. One day I realized--it was his DEODORANT! I immediately threw all his sticks of deodorant in the trash. He came in and was like "What are you doing?!?!" and I said "I'm saving our marriage!"

OMG that is too funny!!!

Just tested... and by my last period... we are expecting June 30th.

Happy to join June 2015 Bugs!

Congrats and welcome :)
I ran out to the mall on my lunch break today to finally buy some new bras. I just cannot squeeze into my 36Cs anymore and I look ridiculous. So I go into victoria's secret and ask to be measured. I measured a 34 DDD. I just laughed at the girl!! I thought she was so off with the measurement. Then she gave me a sample bra in that size to try on. And holy crap she was right!! I cannot believe how fast my body is changing so early!! I am 4+3 today. Did anyone have such a drastic increase in cup size??? HOW on earth am I going to keep this pregnancy a secret at work until 12 weeks if my boobs are getting THIS big?! I really think people are going to notice if they haven't already.
Had my first appointment today and she changed my due date by almost two weeks. I am entirely unsure how that happened because we only dtd a couple times when I thought I was ovulating. She measured me at 6+1 today and we saw a heartbeat, so I am hoping all is well. She is going to see me again in a week and do another ultrasound, which kind of worries me, but I am sure everything will be fine. :)

My beta was low when we checked it at work last week and I freaked out thinking I would have an empty sac, but my beta was just fine for my new due date. And there is definitely a little baby in there with a little heartbeat flicker! We are thrilled.

Does anyone know why she would want to do another ultrasound next week? I asked her if she was worried and if everything was okay and she said it is just fine. I was just kind of confused as to why she wants to see me again so soon if everything is fine. Oh well.

New due date is June 16. Can we change it on the front page?


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I really hate morning sickness...it was almost unbearable today, I didn't think I was going to make it to work! my stomach has a mind of it's own because I feel hungry when I wake up and if I eat I get sick but if I don't eat I get sick. :wacko:

My boobs are bigger too...I was already big pre-pregnancy (32G) now i'm busting out of the cups and am practically willing them to stop! I don't want to end up a Z!!!!

I have a weird food issue though, I cant taste things anymore. I got garlic buns for dinner and they were bland. my bf said they were great but I couldn't taste it! It's the same with other salty foods too but sweet foods like fruit still taste normal. anyone have this problem?

so far the only smell that drives me insane is when I get even a whiff of truck exhaust. it sucks because I drive for a living...

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