Questions for you ladies:
Has your eating changed at all?
Are any of you taking fish oil?
Any food aversions?
My eating is so sparse nowadays but I'm just trying to make sure I don't starve and I get proper nutrients for obvious reasons.
Also, I can't stand the smell of rotisserie chicken. I gag thinking about it!
I am pleased to say that my MS has waned in the past few days. I really hated it. I had it for two weeks and I was completely useless. Cramping has taken over, but I'd rather that than MS any day.
I feel tired and I've been working from bed, which I can't decide is good or bad. First appointment is next Wednesday at 8w+4. I have no idea what to expect. I'm going to start working out again after my appointment. Hopefully that will make things feel real.
Can't stop eating. All healthy food at least. But its ok that I can't stop eating because I just started a pregnancy diet that requires you to consume a minimum of 2600 calories and 80-120g of protein (i have some "special needs" that the diet says I need 3000 calories and 120-160g of protein) and my increased appetite means so far it isn't a stretch at all to eat that much
Yes I'm also taking fish oil as I dont get enough DHA in my regular diet.
No aversions yet.
I also developed an aversion to my husband. He just smelled SO BAD. Like, in the car I'd press my nose up against the window to try to get as far away from him as possible. I never told him what was up. One day I realized--it was his DEODORANT! I immediately threw all his sticks of deodorant in the trash. He came in and was like "What are you doing?!?!" and I said "I'm saving our marriage!"

Had my first appointment today and she changed my due date by almost two weeks. I am entirely unsure how that happened because we only dtd a couple times when I thought I was ovulating. She measured me at 6+1 today and we saw a heartbeat, so I am hoping all is well. She is going to see me again in a week and do another ultrasound, which kind of worries me, but I am sure everything will be fine.
My beta was low when we checked it at work last week and I freaked out thinking I would have an empty sac, but my beta was just fine for my new due date. And there is definitely a little baby in there with a little heartbeat flicker! We are thrilled.
Does anyone know why she would want to do another ultrasound next week? I asked her if she was worried and if everything was okay and she said it is just fine. I was just kind of confused as to why she wants to see me again so soon if everything is fine. Oh well.
New due date is June 16. Can we change it on the front page?
I'm certainly no expert, but my assumption would be that with a discrepancy larger than the accepted +/-6 days between your expected date and the scan date she just wants to be thorough and make sure there is sufficient growth between now and then.
I really hate morning was almost unbearable today, I didn't think I was going to make it to work! my stomach has a mind of it's own because I feel hungry when I wake up and if I eat I get sick but if I don't eat I get sick.
My boobs are bigger too...I was already big pre-pregnancy (32G) now i'm busting out of the cups and am practically willing them to stop! I don't want to end up a Z!!!!
I have a weird food issue though, I cant taste things anymore. I got garlic buns for dinner and they were bland. my bf said they were great but I couldn't taste it! It's the same with other salty foods too but sweet foods like fruit still taste normal. anyone have this problem?
so far the only smell that drives me insane is when I get even a whiff of truck exhaust. it sucks because I drive for a living...
My first pregnancy I kind of lost the ability to taste spicy food. Normally I can't tolerate even mildly spicy food, but I made a chili early in pregnancy and I thought my chili powder must be old and lost potency because I kept adding so much and could hardly taste any spice. But nope, it was so hit my hubby who loooove spicy food was sweating and could barely finish one bowl, and I ate two helpings
We've always told everyone immediately. Like within days of finding out (not via a big facebook announcement or anything, just telling everyone I have regular contact with and people that are important to me i dont have regular contact with. Like some of you have mentioned, I knew that if anything happened I would want their support. And thats still my mentality, but this time I'm rather enjoying it being a secret just between my husband and I (and hundreds of strangers online, and 4 acquaintances IRL who are in one of the online groups I shared the news in, and my midwife

). Just kind of cherishing this sacred time when there are no outward signs of being pregnant so the only people who know are those who you invite to share the secret
I am starting to itch to tell people though. Will probably wait another week. Actually last night I had the weirdest dream about telling our parents. For some reason I had this big rectangle shield thing that had a really cool painting on it I can't describe, but it was of a baby in utero with a child kissing the belly - kind of a mildly x-ray effect I guess. Well somehow it was obvious that it meant I was was pregnant and I was supposed to hold it in some kind of parade and I knew my parents would see it and know what it meant. And dh and I want to tell his parents first this time, so we knew we would have to make sure they knew before the parade started. We couldn't hail them on Skype, so we went to their house, of course. They only live on the other side of the world

and then instead of telling them in person we turned on their computer so that we could Skype them

And then somehow we were surprised that we missed the parade where my parents were supposed to find out. It was truly a bizarre dream