After my good scan today, I am choosing to stay positive and think there WILL be a baby instead of being so sure I will miscarry again. I booked a private gender scan for December 13th when I will be 15+4. Let the countdown begin![]()
After my good scan today, I am choosing to stay positive and think there WILL be a baby instead of being so sure I will miscarry again. I booked a private gender scan for December 13th when I will be 15+4. Let the countdown begin![]()
Shilo, I don't mean to disrupt your positive thinking but did you lose both your twins at the same time or one after the other? I'm just so so scared that I'm going to lose the other one. Before I went in for the scan I asked the doctor about the "slow" heartrate I was worried about and she said it was just because they were so small and it was normal so from going from two normal babies just to one, I'm scared i'll also lose the other. If you don't mind sharing and it isn't too painful, would you be able to tell me about your experience. Sorry if you've already told me earlier.
Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts guys. You are all awesome as always!
After my good scan today, I am choosing to stay positive and think there WILL be a baby instead of being so sure I will miscarry again. I booked a private gender scan for December 13th when I will be 15+4. Let the countdown begin![]()
Shilo, I don't mean to disrupt your positive thinking but did you lose both your twins at the same time or one after the other? I'm just so so scared that I'm going to lose the other one. Before I went in for the scan I asked the doctor about the "slow" heartrate I was worried about and she said it was just because they were so small and it was normal so from going from two normal babies just to one, I'm scared i'll also lose the other. If you don't mind sharing and it isn't too painful, would you be able to tell me about your experience. Sorry if you've already told me earlier.
Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts guys. You are all awesome as always!
One of mine was always measuring behind the other and eventually vanished while the other kept developing. Vanishing twin syndrome. Mine were never normal or had heartbeats and my HCG was messed up. You're in much better shape than I was. Here is a post where I updated as things happened back then if you'd like to read it. It was way different and I've got high hopes for your remaining baby.
I've been hitting reload all morning hoping for an update from you. I'm so sorry one of your twins has stopped growing. Great news about your other one, though! Still, don't feel like you're not allowed to grieve, you've lost one of your babies. I do still feel positive about the other one and it sounds like so does your doctor, so hopefully you'll still end up with a screaming healthy baby in 7-8 months time.I'm glad your mum will be there soon to support you. Xx
I think one twin not making it is actually pretty common. That doesn't make it any less heartbreaking of course, but imagine if you hadn't had the SCH, you wouldn't probably even ever have known about your second twin. Now that can be good or a bad thing, but either way, you had early scans and you know he/she was there, so you must be allowed to grieve them. I know a few people who had vanishing twins, and they all came away from it with one healthy baby, so try not to worry too much about the sticky one right now. Your doctor was positive, so try to see it the same way. You said you'd become a bit more spiritual through all of this, so maybe it would help you to plan a wee trip to the shrine with your husband and say goodbye to your lost twin that way? Or you may not feel like doing anything at all, which is fine, too.
Have you requested any UK treats from your mum? Mine's coming for a visit from Germany soon and I gave her a big list of all the sweeties I "need"shame she can't bring me a real kebab!
I'm 5 weeks today too! Yay!![]()
Seems like everyone is so a head of us. Can't wait for 6 weeks. Just noticed your siggy for name options. My daughter's name is Amelia
Starluck only 3 short days you will be at 5 weeks too![]()
Kissesandhugs so glad to see everything is ok. I'm sure there will be a heartbeat next week.
Good luck Nikoru!!
Welcome halloweenie. So happy to hear everything's going well this time.
Another day gone and still no family doctor. The search continues tomorrow. Worst case scenario I will go into a walkin clinic next week and ask for a referral to an OBGYN.
So good and bad news. One baby has grown, from 4.9mm to 11.5mm and has a good heartrate. She said around 170 but I'm not sure how she knew that because nothing came up on the screen. Unfortunately the other baby didn't fare so well. It didn't have a heartbeat and it hadn't grown. Apparently it stopped developing a few days after the last scan. The clot hasn't got any smaller, but it hasn't increased. She thinks it might be trying to heal. She says it's not in such a bad position for the healthy baby but still said it could end up in an abortion. She did say it was quite positive though. Still have to be on bed rest and have to be back in a week again. Can't have a morning appointment though because she doesn't work in the morning. So will be the day before my wedding ceremony. Lol...nothing like news that could ruin things a day before. My mum will be visiting so I think she can go with me next week but I just wish my husband could be there with me. Seems like I only get bad news when he isn't there. I guess I have I be thankful for the one healthy one but I still feel like it is a loss and I'm so scared of losing the other one now.
We were all on a roll with the good news but I knew something bad had to happen soon.
After my good scan today, I am choosing to stay positive and think there WILL be a baby instead of being so sure I will miscarry again. I booked a private gender scan for December 13th when I will be 15+4. Let the countdown begin![]()