I'm going to list dates, and I need someone else to do some crazy fake math on this and tell me it is somehow possible, so I don't drive myself crazy waiting on the next appointment in 5 more days. This will probably be long, so try to stick with me.
August 28 in late pm- start period (right on time, as usual)
Sept 14- dh and I decide to have a baby, lol. He comes home from work at 3am, we dtd and go to sleep. Next morning we both go off to work, come home and dtd again before bed that evening. So twice within a 24 hour period. Same evening I have my typical O pains and think we have perfect timing. Lines up with fertility app prediction for O as well.
Sept 26- bfn
Sept 28- day of expected period. Super faint positive. Dh and friends call me crazy
Sept 29- positive digital and darker frer
Oct 17- Google too much, panic. Allow lab tech at work to do my beta. Comes back as 4500 (which puts me in 5ish weeks category). Based on lmp this day, I am 7+1. Fuel panic.
Oct 22- based on lmp, I tell dr. I am 7+6 at appointment. Get vag. ultrasound and she dates me at 6+1! There is a heartbeat, but she can't get the sound, only the image (which is fine at 6+1, but I'm supposed to be 7+6!). Dr. Changes due date by 12 days based on scan, and says maybe I just ovulated later than I thought. Claims she isn't concerned, but says she wants to do another U/s in 2 weeks (okay?). Realizes she is out of town in two weeks and instead of making it 3 weeks, she makes it 1 week. I am too happy to think anything of this.
Oct 23- sit at desk all day at work with calendar trying to figure out how I could possibly be 12 days behind where I thought and still get a positive on day of expected period.
Today- really preoccupied by this. Apparently the baby and HCG line up with the later due date, but how the crap could that happen?! Can somebody else put my mind at ease by giving me a scenario where this is possible. I am just so confused. I am wondering if the baby just stopped growing around 6 weeks but still had a heartbeat a few days ago..... Or if somehow the baby was turned a weird direction and didn't get measured correctly (but then why was my beta so low?!). I had the lab do my beta again today to put my mind at ease over the weekend if I knew it was doubling alright... And they didn't get it back to me by the end of the day like they promised... Leaving me to wonder all weekend.
Sorry for the crazy long post. I want to make sure all details are there. Can anybody figure this out?!