Kdmalk I am so sorry to hear of your loss, it's so heartbreaking going through it, I wish you all the best for a wonderful sticky rainbow next time
Ttcbabyisom congrats on your pregnancyI have also been ttc for over 3 years with 3 losses, fingers crossed these are our rainbows
Kdmalk, I am so sorry![]()
ttcbabyisom, congratulationsI'm pregnant with lucky 8
we have two living and five beautiful angels.
Everything is the same. I am EXHAUSTED!!! and severely nausea. Dying of hunger 24/7, literally... woke up at 1am, 3am, 4:30am, 5:00am and 6:00am starving.In fact, I needed a snack at midnight, which I had.
My next appointment is three weeks away... it's going by so slowly
I'm so sorry for your loss kdmalk!
I just left my appointment and am so very grateful to say that we heard a heartbeat. It was around 110-113 and is measuring right where we predicted with a due date of June 21. It was so amazing to hear that sound. After years of infertility I have to remind myself that this is real. I am over the moon!
We have been trying for over 3 years as well; have had 3 pregnancy losses during that time. Our last one last January was twins. We got pregnant on clomid. They said one of the babies didn't look like it would make it but the second one had a decent heartbeat and then a week or so later, they both were gone. WE found out both hearts were gone at 8w1d in March 2013. It was awful. I'm glad we are both at the other end of it now!
Yay for good ultrasounds!
I'm just back from the midwives and it went great! They're very crunchy here it seems (went to a different hospital last time), so she's already talking about how she'll give me acupuncture and aromatherapy to help avoid another induction!home birth, if I decide I want one, is fine and I will have the same midwife throughout my pregnancy, though of course they can't 100% guarantee she'll be delivering for me, too. If I decide against a home birth or change my mind and want the hospital they have a lovely new birth suite with a pool that's usually available for anyone wanting it (last hospital was very busy so they said they can't promise the pool to anyone and as I ended up being induced I wasn't allowed in one anyway)
They also do NT scans here, which wasn't offered last time, so I'm quite happy about that. I'm very low risk for Down's Syndrome anyway, so I'm not too worried about it, but I think having it testing will put my mind at ease even more.
Sorry to say that I am not reporting good news from this morning's appointment. You are such a great group and I really wish I could stay with you!
She did confirm that the baby no longer has a heartbeat. I kind of already knew and had come to terms with it, but dh thought I was just bring paranoid and went as white as a sheet. She made him sit down. I have not yet started bleeding or spotting, so she told me it is fine to go ahead and go see my brother in Portland tomorrow. If I have not started bleeding by the time I get back on Monday night, she has me scheduled for a d&c on Tuesday morning. I would much rather have that than deal with the emotional (and physical) pain of having to do it naturally. Unfortunately, I doubt it will go that way because I am already starting to have some cramping and pain today. She gave me a prescription for hydrocodone to take when it starts, so I am not in as much pain. My boss has given me as much time off as I need, so that makes me feel better. I am so happy I work for such a supportive company. I am taking my unexpected day off to watch Frozen and season two of Arrow.
I will try to make the best of my trip to see my brother... at least we can head to Seattle to meet one of my friends and have some nice fresh oysters! I was really upset that I was going to have to skip out on that. I guess that is the bright side in all this. The doctor did print us a picture to take home. I put it in the nursery closet. Not really sure what I will do with it once we get pregnant again... maybe store it with my other sentimental stuff. The baby is still the same size as last time when we saw the heartbeat, so he/she probably didn't make it much past last week's ultrasound. The doctor said to have one natural cycle after the miscarriage and then we can start trying again at the second one. Hubby is all excited about trying again as soon as we can, and I am hoping I will be prepared for the emotional rollercoaster that will come with being pregnant again after a loss. I don't think he will ever fully understand what it is like to worry about what is happening inside your body.
I wish everyone all the best! I'll come back and check out the group as June gets close to see all the beautiful babies!
SO exciting and congrats Shilo! Thank you for creating this group! I am a newbie here. My baby is due June 11, 2015 as of right now and according to my O date, I will be 8 weeks on Thursday! This is my 4th pregnancy but I have no children yet so we are very hopeful to take this one home! Thank you for creating those little tickers! I can't wait to update my siggy!![]()
Speaking of crazy hormone moments: earlier on I started crying because OH left...to go make dinner. He's two rooms away from me and I felt like he had gone on a 5 year mission to mars. Madness! I think I really worried him because my senseless crying made me laugh so hard...poor guy!
Everything is the same. I am EXHAUSTED!!! and severely nausea. Dying of hunger 24/7, literally... woke up at 1am, 3am, 4:30am, 5:00am and 6:00am starving.In fact, I needed a snack at midnight, which I had.
My next appointment is three weeks away... it's going by so slowly
how far along are you?