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Jaan just because the dr identified an SCH doesn't mean there would have been bleeding of you weren't on progesterone. Thats not the type of bleeding it prevents as an SCH is literally a small pool of blood that can randomly open and start to bleed. Its very rarely harmful - only if its located in a spot that,if it should bleed a lot, might affect the baby's attachment to the uterine wall. Agiajn like I said a very rare occurrence. Unless you've been told otherwise, bed rest is NOT necessary, but lifting and exercise restrictions might be helpful. An SCH is formed at implantation, and mine didn't even start to bleed until 14 weeks I didn't know I had one until then.

I have posted this on another forum but I am will post here as well as my anxiety is pretty crazy and each day I am looking for positivity.

Hi all,

I just have a question.
It looks like everyone is getting very early scans.
My doctor scheduled me back for 4 weeks, no talk of a scan. I will hopefully be 10 weeks by then.
Is this normal?
All he did was take my blood work from the walk in clinic, check my blood pressure and my weight...grrrr.
I am 38 and this is my first pregnancy...I am going crazy with worry because I had a very early mc 3 years ago almost to today's date!
And I Barely have any symptoms...I don't know if I will make it until the end of November...

The Canadian equivalent of ACOG recommends one scan in pregnancy for most women, and most Canadian Drs will only do one or two routine scans. Because of your history and age I'm sure you could convince him to send you for an early scan. I personally think jts really better to wait until 7 weeks (unless there is an indication for an earlier one like bleeding or symptoms of ectopic etc) as prior to 7 weeks there's really nothing to see and more often than not can cause more worries than they alleviate. But thats just my opinion of course - you'll have to weigh your own risk vs benefit. :flower:
Ugh ladies, I'm so over this morning sickness! I feel terrible most of the day and I just have way too much to do to be stuck on the couch all day. I feel bad because I'm not giving my daughter a whole lot of attention either. Anyone find anything that helps relieve it yet?
Oh also I dont restrict my diet at all while pregnant. I use my common sense of course - if I wouldn't eat something normally for risk of food poisoning I'm certainly not going to eat it while pregnant. But if I'm buying or preparing something on the "dont eat when pregnant" list and feel reasonably sure proper food safety precautions were taken I absolutely dont feel guilty. Not that I eat much on the list normally as I dont like most of it :haha: I consume very little caffeine due to a heart murmur, dont drink normally (though alcohol is one thing I would restrict in pregnancy if I did drink normally. I know too many people - my sister included - who have FAE or full blown FAS from their mother havjng just one or two drinks in pregnancy. Many are fine for sure, but there just isn't enough known yet about the affect of alcohol on babies development) and I don't like Brie and Camembert and other types of cheeses lol. If I had a craving I probably would indulge though.
Hey jenny bean live 40 min from ya..:) i don't think it's unusual at all..I know my midwife doesn't see me typically till 12 weeks..I had a blighted ovum last preg so that's why I had a couple early ones..could always ask when your first ultrasound typically is??
Stopping by to say hi!

Just had a read through the last 10 pages and was going to respond to several things but now have forgotten them all!

I am sorry to see your loss kdmalk :(! I haven’t experienced loss, so won’t pretend to understand how painful it must be, but I did have a small scare yesterday that gave me a small inkling in to how hard it must be on you to lose your little bean. I hope you’re next pregnant is a very healthy and sticky one!

Can I ask what Pop is? I always hear American ladies talking about this drink lol. Is it like a brand of soft drink, or an actual particular drink? What does it taste like? I am fascinated to know more about it :p. I don’t actually like soft drink, but it sounds interesting.

Had a bit of a scare yesterday. I had been experiencing a permanent pain in my left ovary (area). It wasn’t like the usual crampy, odd feelings you get, and I started to feel worried about possible ectopic pregnancy. You can still get ectopic’ s with IVF, as when they transfer to embryo via the fluid in a thin tube, it can travel back up a tube. Anyway, because the pain wasn’t going away, my nurse booked me in a scan yesterday (at 5w5d). Thankfully our little squirt was where it should be!!! The reason for my pain is my very swollen ovary (well both were swollen actually). It’s just a result of all the IVF stimulation meds (& because I had a large number collected – 21). I had assumed by now my ovary would have gone back to normal haha. It’s good to know the source of the pain.

The bonus of it all though, we saw a heartbeat!!! Could have watched that thing thumping all day!

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday (or Wednesday night). Hopefully be able to keep up a bit more now :).
I fainted today at work then broke down in tears as i honestly feel terrible. Phoned my doctor who couldnt see me as there were no appointments left. After me pleading on the phone he agreed to see me quickly. My blood pressure was low and he wants to check it again tomorrow. I asked for an earlier ultra sound but they wont do it till 21st nov. My partner is at work and thankfully my 2 year old is in bed so i can put my feet up and feel sorry for myself.

Oh my goodness. Are you eating well? Why do you think you fainted?

I hope you're feeling better. I faint a lot so I know how miserable you feel after.
Kat, pop is just another word for soft drink/soda :)
Katbar- congrats on hearing the heart beat! Isn't it awesome? And girl, I can relate on the ovary pain! I have had some that has had me a little worried and my ultrasound tech was pretty surprised by the size of my ovaries. She said she was surprised I could walk!
Weewdy hope you are okay! Can't believe they won't give you an early scan! :(

Jaan-I currently have an SCH, mine is 2.5cm x 1.7cm ish so yours is smaller than mine, however the real issue is relative size. If it is larger than 50% of the sac size then it is classed as large. Like NDH says, the most crucial factor regarding seriousness is the location. If your doctor has told you not to worry it is probably nowhere near the sac or developing placenta. Apparently the location of mine is okay and should affect the baby. I'm hoping mine is starting to heal now. I was told to be on bed rest as I've had a few bleeds and she thinks it might be healing now and best not to disturb it but fingers crossed next appointment if all is well I might be able to get about and do other stuff. Just take it easy don't lift loads of things, don't go running up and down stairs and maybe abstain from sex for a little while and I reckon it probably will be okay.

Tomorrow is my next appointment...so getting to that time again where I get all scared and nervous. My parents are visiting so my mum will go with me this time which is better than going on my own. I think because it's been so up and down the last few weeks I'm a bit more relaxed today because nothing can be done to help either way. What will be will be. Of course I hope the outcome is good but sometimes things happen for a reason I guess, and maybe we don't know the reason straight away but there might be one that come apparently later on.

Morning sickness hasn't been so fun recently but still no vomiting. I find if I make myself eat I can reduce the nausea significantly. Little and often.
I fainted today at work then broke down in tears as i honestly feel terrible. Phoned my doctor who couldnt see me as there were no appointments left. After me pleading on the phone he agreed to see me quickly. My blood pressure was low and he wants to check it again tomorrow. I asked for an earlier ultra sound but they wont do it till 21st nov. My partner is at work and thankfully my 2 year old is in bed so i can put my feet up and feel sorry for myself.

Oh my goodness. Are you eating well? Why do you think you fainted?

I hope you're feeling better. I faint a lot so I know how miserable you feel after.

I have never ever fainted before. I had breakfast and lunch with a snack in between because its tye only time i dont feel sick is when im eating. Im probably dehydrated because even though ive not been physically sick i cant stomach liquid.
starluck, NDH and nikoru - thank you for replying to my post. *hugs*

the doctor has not put me on bed rest but i have imposed it on myself. :p
i have been taking the past two weeks easy and will continue to do so until i see her again next week (wednesday). no heavy lifting, no sex, no exercising and not over tiring myself. it just scared me a little to hear i was bleeding on the inside.

i kept posting that i have felt no pregnancy symptoms but today i have felt all kinds of dull cramps, pulls, twists, off and on under my belly button and ontop of my girly parts. i started my first dose of crinone last night and it could be due to that? not quite sure.

i have used crinone in my previous pregnancy before where i sadly miscarried but i didn't have any cramps from using it. wondering if the cramps i've felt today are from the crinone - any one else had this after using crinone? it was just one dose!
will try it tonight and tomorrow and if i feel really uncomfortable or cramps worsen will contact my doctor.

thanks again for replying, i really appreciate it.
jaan - I use progesterone suppositories and occasionally I have cramps right after putting it in. I think that's normal.
jaan - I use progesterone suppositories and occasionally I have cramps right after putting it in. I think that's normal.

Shilo, thanks dear for replying. The progesterone I was on prior to the switch to crinone was also vaginal suppository but I didn't have any side effects.

Damn this crinone! :p I put it in last night before bed and have had cramps off and on all day. Will monitor and see how it goes. :p

This is gonna be one slow ass week for me!!! :dohh:
starluck, NDH and nikoru - thank you for replying to my post. *hugs*

the doctor has not put me on bed rest but i have imposed it on myself. :p
i have been taking the past two weeks easy and will continue to do so until i see her again next week (wednesday). no heavy lifting, no sex, no exercising and not over tiring myself. it just scared me a little to hear i was bleeding on the inside.

i kept posting that i have felt no pregnancy symptoms but today i have felt all kinds of dull cramps, pulls, twists, off and on under my belly button and ontop of my girly parts. i started my first dose of crinone last night and it could be due to that? not quite sure.

i have used crinone in my previous pregnancy before where i sadly miscarried but i didn't have any cramps from using it. wondering if the cramps i've felt today are from the crinone - any one else had this after using crinone? it was just one dose!
will try it tonight and tomorrow and if i feel really uncomfortable or cramps worsen will contact my doctor.

thanks again for replying, i really appreciate it.

I'm on crinone 8% twice/day and I have light cramping here and there. Mine seems random though, not associated with when I use crinone. Read the package insert that comes in the box - it lists a few clinical trials and the most common side effects. I think cramping is one of them.
Oh wow! This group is a chatty bunch! So many pages to go through.

coucou ~ Cute u/s picture! :thumbup:

6footnoodle ~ Sorry about your heartless dr. Hope you can find a new good one! I'm also in the process of trying to find a good OB. I didn't look into any since I was planning on going to a birth center in my area and having a water birth when I finally got pg. But, because of the twins, I can't, and will have to go with OB and hospital.

30mummyof1 ~ Thanks! Yes, I got m/s 2 weeks earlier than all my other 3. I had 3 betas done (protocol at my fertility clinic) and between the 2nd and 3rd ones, I was doubling every 43 hours when I was at the point where it should be every 72-96 hours. Went from 990 to 14,865 in one week. They were wanting to see at least 6,000 when it was 14,000; so the clinic was beyond happy. lol The day before the u/s, I decided my jeans were "already" too tight (compared to the 3 others, I felt I was growing out early), so I broke out my maternity stretch pants already. And, before my IUI, I had a 16 mm follie and a 12 mm follie. Never knew if the 12 caught up or not before O day, but apparently it did!

Ok, so I sometimes I have problems with our computer getting hot and crashing, so I'm going to post what I have so far so I don't loose it and have to start over! I'll just continue on as an edit so everything is in one post instead of multiple posts.

smoore ~ I'm glad you had a great appt!

raelynn ~ YES! The Zofran has been doing wonders for my m/s! I still get slightly queasy at times, but it's a bearable, able to work with queasy. No more stuck in bed/on the couch/hovering over bucket all day.

KatBar ~ Wow! 15 frosties. Awesome!

Marlarky ~ I'm glad they ended up finding the baby. Cute u/s pics!

Nikoru ~ Congrats on your wedding! Sorry to hear you are on bed rest though.

Beadette ~ I'm glad your spotting stopped, and that you got to see baby with heartbeat! What a relief.

Shilo ~ Hopefully the symptoms are just taking a break, and all is well.

kdmalk ~ I'm so sorry! :hugs:

ttcbabyisom ~ Welcome and Congrats! I hope this one is sticky for you. :hugs: Sweet u/s pics!

melissaelaine ~ Congrats on a great appt! So excited for you.

weewdy ~ I'm sorry you are so sick. I know the feeling! Sorry about the fainting. :hugs:

kiwii ~ Welcome!

Heather ~ I'm sorry about the pain. :nope:

kissesandhugs ~ Good luck with your u/s!

jaan ~ I'll be praying everything will go well for you! :hugs:

mdscpa ~ Welcome!

kit ~ Sorry about having the flu! I hope you get better soon.

KatBar ~ Glad you saw the heartbeat!

I think it's about nap time for me now! lol
I have posted this on another forum but I am will post here as well as my anxiety is pretty crazy and each day I am looking for positivity.

Hi all,

I just have a question.
It looks like everyone is getting very early scans.
My doctor scheduled me back for 4 weeks, no talk of a scan. I will hopefully be 10 weeks by then.
Is this normal?
All he did was take my blood work from the walk in clinic, check my blood pressure and my weight...grrrr.
I am 38 and this is my first pregnancy...I am going crazy with worry because I had a very early mc 3 years ago almost to today's date!
And I Barely have any symptoms...I don't know if I will make it until the end of November...

This is normal here. They don't give a scan before 12 weeks unless you are high risk or something seems wrong. Technically the first scan is the 20 week scan but you have the optional 12 week scan if you want to do those prenatal screening tests. i remember with my first pregnancy it was the longest wait and I was so jealous of everyone on here getting early scans. You can try asking your doctor and tell him you have concerns. I have my first doctors appointment tomorrow. I'm going to try asking for an early scan since I have been having minor spotting this whole time.
Stopping by to say hi!

Just had a read through the last 10 pages and was going to respond to several things but now have forgotten them all!

I am sorry to see your loss kdmalk :(! I haven’t experienced loss, so won’t pretend to understand how painful it must be, but I did have a small scare yesterday that gave me a small inkling in to how hard it must be on you to lose your little bean. I hope you’re next pregnant is a very healthy and sticky one!

Can I ask what Pop is? I always hear American ladies talking about this drink lol. Is it like a brand of soft drink, or an actual particular drink? What does it taste like? I am fascinated to know more about it :p. I don’t actually like soft drink, but it sounds interesting.

Had a bit of a scare yesterday. I had been experiencing a permanent pain in my left ovary (area). It wasn’t like the usual crampy, odd feelings you get, and I started to feel worried about possible ectopic pregnancy. You can still get ectopic’ s with IVF, as when they transfer to embryo via the fluid in a thin tube, it can travel back up a tube. Anyway, because the pain wasn’t going away, my nurse booked me in a scan yesterday (at 5w5d). Thankfully our little squirt was where it should be!!! The reason for my pain is my very swollen ovary (well both were swollen actually). It’s just a result of all the IVF stimulation meds (& because I had a large number collected – 21). I had assumed by now my ovary would have gone back to normal haha. It’s good to know the source of the pain.

The bonus of it all though, we saw a heartbeat!!! Could have watched that thing thumping all day!

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday (or Wednesday night). Hopefully be able to keep up a bit more now :).

Yay for seeing a heartbeat so early!!! :happydance:
Today is my ultrasound to hopefully see a beating heart. I was so worry free since my bfp even after my heavy bleeding episode but now my symptoms are pretty much gone despite how horrible my sickness was from Friday to Monday so that it throughly freaking me out. I am glad to not be sick though. About 5 more hours!! Work is going by so slow...tick tock.
Today is my ultrasound to hopefully see a beating heart. I was so worry free since my bfp even after my heavy bleeding episode but now my symptoms are pretty much gone despite how horrible my sickness was from Friday to Monday so that it throughly freaking me out. I am glad to not be sick though. About 5 more hours!! Work is going by so slow...tick tock.

Good luck sweetie!!! Everything is going to be just fine! :hugs:

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