Shilo Thanks for clearing that up. Makes sense now haha.
Melissa Thank you

. Well I am glad Im not the only one!! I dont know about you, but when I saw mine on the screen, I swear they looked bigger than before the eggs were even collected haha.
Jaan I have used Crinone for the 2 weeks after egg retrieval. I didnt get any sensations like that, but then its different for everyone. I just noticed I really didnt like sweet food while taking it lol. Are the cramps bad, or just mild? Hopefully theyre just your uterus growing and stretching.
Mom of 3 girls Thank you

! We couldnt believe how fortunate and blessed we were to have that amount.
Kissesandhugs Glad your scan went well. I am not too sure about how high the heart beats should be, but I think that sounds alright from what I have heard. I wouldnt worry too much about the differing dates, as theyre only out by a few days (although I am obviously no expert on this). I am symptom free apart from tiredness, so I can understand what youre saying about the sudden lack of symptoms.
Jenny Bean Thats confusing about the folic acid. I am a bit stumped on that too
Maybe give them a call and ask for their reasons why?
AFM Had a bad dream that I was miscarrying this morning. Left me feeling flat afterwards. I totally know its just a dream, but that along with my lack of symptoms just has me feeling anxious. I not stressing myself out about it I mean we did see the heart beat only 2 days ago. But I suppose people do see the heart beat and then the next week its not there, so it doesnt guarantee anything. Anyway, my friend (IRL) is 2 weeks ahead of me, and is the totally opposite feeling extremely sick to the point she has to take days off work. Her boobs have gotten big and sore, etc etc. Anyway, its hard, because I totally get being sick all the time is not at all pleasant, and I know I wouldnt enjoy it either. I sympathise with her, and be supportive of what she is feeling etc. But I feel like when I say my lack of symptoms makes me a bit nervous, she is a bit.. I dont know.. like she brushes me off a bit. Like I should just be grateful that I dont have symptoms and should not be worrying. Which I can see why people that are feeling so ill 24/7 would feel that way (not like I havent experienced being sick before, and I know its not enjoyable). But the grass is never greener on the other side.. As unpleasant as it is too feel ill, its also scary having no symptoms too. I guess because I sympathise with her situation, I feel it would be nice she could be more sympathetic to mine too (& not make me feel like I am being an idiot and ungrateful or something).
Anyway, that's just my lil vent of the day lol.