Ahh so much to catch up on idk where to start!
First of congrats to our first June bug! Hope mummy and baby are both doing well
Smartie hope your BH ease off soon! I had a bad night of it for about 12 hours a few weeks back tmi but it was actually a bit of a Uti and dehydration and well bad constipation

that started it off but couldn't get a hold of my midwife so just had to wait it out

quite scary though when they get worse and closer together because you start doubting weather they are BH or actually contractions! I haven't had any so scarily bad since just regular BH so hopefully you won't get any more either fingers crossed

as for the being prescribed something that says in block bold capitals "DO NOT TAKE WHILE PREGNANT OR BREASTFEEDING" I thought it was only my dumb ass practice that could make such an awfull mistake , I was actually prescribed ones like that for something else and luckily spotted the mistake! doesnt make you trust them much tbh when they are making mistakes like that... And it's actually quite a common thing to happen here locally ... But don't even get me started ranting on that!

Pink when I had that toothache a couple of months back it actually turned out to be an abscess caused by my wisdom tooth growing in sideways into another part of my gum and cheek

like you they where going to give me an x Ray but I refused and then they where going to give me the medication but before I left they changed there mind and where like oh wait you can't take them while pregnant so I ended up having to just gargle cooled boiled water with lots of salt in it several times a day till the pain eased off a bit! It worked a treat for me
Hope I haven't missed anyone out! Will double check later as I have to shoot just a now!