Oh dear, Sarah

Where are they expecting you to fly to? It isn't nice that you're having to drag your DS around with you, especially when everything is hospital based. Is there no comparison sites to find a cheaper flight or alternative transport, even if it means an extra hour of travelling? Or a friend to look after DS or pay a days worth in a nursery as it'll work out much cheaper than a flight? It's awful that they're messing you around like this and flying in 1st and 3rd trimester isn't a safe option as it is, that's without additional complications!
It's a good few miles away just googled it 111.8 exactly

but the way you usually travel is by plane so it's 45 minutes to the airport then about 30 minutes in the plane so the journey isn't too bad it's just you have to wait about there ALL day till the next flight late in the afternoon because there is only two flights a day like 3 times a week or something

the prices are rediculus though I could literally fly abroad for cheaper

yeah I've had enough of this midwife tbh she has caused so much unnecessary stress this pregnancy and then some

so I actually have a meeting with the part time midwife (who is amazing) tomorrow to say that I no longer want her to have anything to do with my pregnancy as she has made so so many mistakes it would take me all night to list them down and she's just so patronising and just urgh and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way and I think a few other have actually made an official complaint so I may be doing the same! Her last big mistake or lack of care when it came to my pregnancy ended up with me being flown away to the mainland to hospital to be monitored and on a drip for a week when it could have been avoided and her most recent mistake I've heard of had a woman have to stay in hospital 8 weeks after having her baby due to complications that the mother had been worried about (pains) but told it was nothing by her!
But yeah turns out she made an appointment for my on Monday when there are no flights.... So she either just didn't bother her arse checking to see how I would get there or she expected me to travel over an hour to a ferry and then get on it for over 3 hours then to get an over 3 hour bus journey to the hospital then quickly get a scan done then rush about to get the bus ferry ect back.... So I would literally be doing nearly a full day of traveling... Even though she knows how poorly ive been this pregnancy... I really don't know if she's just thick or clueless or doesn't give a crap or maybe doesn't like me very much!

I was so so angry when I found out oh and to top it all of in the first phone call I got I remembered to ask about a urine sample and swab that was taken two weeks ago and she goes "oh oh yeah... You have a prescription waiting at the doctors for you...did you not know?" And I was just thinking ehhh well no I'm not bloody psychic

so when i went to phone to double check if it was actually there before we wasted petrol going to pick it up for it not to be bloody there.... Turns out she must think they are phsychic at the surgery too as she had never phoned for the prescription so they where nice enough to make one up for me before the weekend and ended up apologising and the lady was like don't worry it's not your fault...
Oh with all my rambling I forgot to say when I phoned patient travel it was a woman I kind of know because she has seen me in and out of the hospital here this pregnancy and she was the one that informed me that there was no flight on the Monday and she actually said about the midwife " Jesus that woman I don't know what she is playing at, how does she expect you to gravely by bus , boat etc with the state you've been in the pregnancy!" So she checked the schedule for the hospital here to see when the sinographer was next up and turns out he is actually up this Tuesday coming and the midwife LIED to me when she said he couldn't make it up!! But as hard as the nice lady haha tried it was now too late to get me a slot

so she was nice enough to phone the hospital away and get me an appointment for Thursday when my mum will be off to look after Kian and my oh's boss won't be angry with him as its not such short notice , I could have hugged her for sorting it all out for me
So my stress levels are back down now!

just not really looking foward to tomorrow when I have to explain the the other midwife all the reasons I don't want to see the shitty one again and list out ALL the mistakes and lack of care she had made in my pregnancy... I'm just going to feel so awkward