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2015 November Sweet Potatoes!!! Come out come out wherever you are!!

Congrats heartmom! I think my EDD is 18th nov so we will be bump buddies! X
DHB I can't believe how amazing your lines are!! Your 12dpo is way darker then mine was!! My 12dpo was similar to my 12dpo with my second.

Welcome Heartmom and congrats!!
I'm so sorry Teeny. Glad it's not extopic though. Really hope you get good news in the coming weeks. :) I'll be thinking of you.

And congrats and welcome heartmom!

I'm hoping I'll get a scan at my 8 week appt on the 27th, I should since I'll have state insurance and they require you to tell them when your due date is. Gosh it still feels like forever away.
Anyone know if this thread is still being managed? Noticed last post by itsme122 was over a week ago... hope everything is ok with her and that she has just been busy!
Aww teeny im sorry you're really worried about the outcome of your scan :( I think the action plan of rescanning you in a week (or was it two?) Is a really good one. Measuring out isn't a matter of getting your dates mixed up and it doesn't necessarily mean the baby isn't going to make it. Babies all grow at different rates and the measurements to determine gestational age go by averages. A baby measuring a week behind - or ahead - isn't necessarily a cause for concern at any gestation. There are lots of stories of babies measuring behind and a rescan at week or two later baby has caught up, or even exceeded, where they should be. But even if they're still behind but have grown at a rescan that's normal too.
I know you feel grim about it and its hard not to worry, but please try not to until another scan gives you a better indication of what's happening, :hugs:
My dd2 measured 6+2 at my first scan and I am certain I would have been closer to 7+4 and they went with the scan date even though it didn't fit my possible dates. She measured small all along but not teeny (she was 7lbs born) and was born at 42 weeks by my dates (40+4 by original scan)
Ah sods law (in a good way..) I've just received a scan appointment at the hospital on the 23rd March. i think i will be 7+6 then. Ive rung and checked and I still get a 12 weeks one too...grr already paid the deposit for the one on the 30th but no point in getting one a week later. I wonder if they will move it to a 16 week scan.... I think I must be having the early one at the hospital because of my medical history and issues (lupus).
Feeling really rubbish today. Forgot how tiring pregnancy is.
I hope you manage to change the scan CertainTurton. You'll have a good number of weeks between each one which would be fab!
MrsBump, rest up and relax as much as you can. It's tiring work growing a baby! ;-) xx
:hugs: MrsB rest when you can, I know it's such hard work and so invisible at this point!

I have managed to change my private one and not loose my deposit :happydance: so I now have scans at 8ish weeks (27th March), 12 weeks, 16 weeks (25thMay -gender reveal!!!) and 20 weeks! Lets hope all is how it should be at the 1st scan - so nervous!
I'm def realising I feel sick in the morning then its ok most of the day until about 3pm when it hits again :( had bad diarrhoea again today, seems to happen about once a week but I'm sure its just hormones.
:hi: I am due November 6th :cloud9: #2
Hi Twag! Congrats and welcome :flower:

AFM: headache back yesterday and today :wacko:, and ibuprofen is what helps the most and I can't take it :growlmad:, same thing happened with dd. Also woke up STARVING at 5am, guess it's that time now to keep snacks in the nightstand!

Also telling our family tomorrow! :happydance:

My CB digis with weeks came yesterday. Waiting till at least tomorrow if not Sunday to use the 1st, and hope to see 2-3 weeks

Hope all you ladies are doing well!
Hi there! My EDD is nov 14th though I suspect I'll go earlier as my first was 2 weeks early and second was a month early though I believe she was really only 3 weeks early but you know the all knowing doctors can't be wrong with their dates/measurements :roll:
Hey ladies, I've been away a couple days so just catching up with what I've missed.

Teeny, how are you holding up? Like the others said fx that they find a happy healthy baby at your next scan :flower:

Ward, are you having more bloods today? fx they show a lovely increase. Do you know when your next scan will be? x

Certain, glad you managed to get your scan changed! You're going to be able to see the baby at such good intervals, it'll be amazing to see :D Hopefully you'll get plenty pics to let us see!

DHB have fun telling your family tomorrow! I was sooo nervous telling my Mum and Dad, and they were so surprised and excited especially because they didnt know we were trying :haha:

Hello to all the new ladies! We have quite a lot of November ladies already, so exciting!

Lozzie, I'm actually doing okay Thank you. I have decided whatever will be will be. Had I not had an early scan I wouldn't have known so I am putting to the back of mind and trying to forget about it as much as possible.
However, I found out yesterday that my SIL is 18 weeks pregnant so that was a bit hard but aside from that I actually feel pretty good right now!
I hope all ladies and babies are doing well. Xx
Glad you were able to change your scan dates Certain!

I'm starting to get hungry as well DHB. Make sure to show us your digi. =)

And welcome jlw & twag!

I'm currently feeling super bloated. I feel like my belly just ballooned up randomly. lol. Yesterday I had a minor freak out because I started cramping. I guess I forgot it's normal, haha. It was about moderate, but my coworker was worried about me. I'm also getting even more tired.

Have any of you ladies here in the States heard about JBF or Just Between Friends as its called? It's a huge consignment sale, you can get stuff 50%-90% off. The sale here in North Carolina is in May so I told DH we can go stock up on some toys, books, and gender neutral outfits at least.

Heres the link: https://www.jbfsale.com/home.jsp
Hi Everyone! Just found this area of the forum haha! I got my BFP on Sunday at 10 dpo, and today is 4 wks 1 day. I am due on Nov 19 if everything goes well! I am trying not to worry about any bad outcomes and just trust the universe. :) Kimmy and DHBH we are all so close together, we should be bump buddies! :flower:

I've been feeling really good so far, a bit of fatigue, mega bloating, some pressure down there, had one 3-hour bout of nausea on 11 dpo but as soon as I ate something it stopped. I started taking magnesium supplements to help avoid morning sickness (read an article on Mommypotamus about it) so hopefully it works.

The thing I am nervous about is continuing my job. I need to keep working because I am the primary earner and also have a lot of responsibility at work, but it is going to be super hard.

Sorry for writing a book! But that's where I'm at :) <3
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Hi lomelindi17! Glad you found your way to this thread :flower: we got our :bfp:'s on the same day :flower: Would love to be bump buddies with you! You have a very unique job! Super cool! :thumbup: Does sound like you will have to be creative since like you said a lot of things you're supposed to avoid are involved in your job. But I'm sure you'll find a way! Not all bad, it will be good that you are super busy and active thoughout, even though somedays you wont think so! I was suddenly home when pregnant with dd and was super lazy, and ate horrible, so gained way too much weight :wacko: I'm determined this time to stay active and eat healthy. I started working out 6 days a week a couple months ago and tracking what i eat, lost the remaining 20lbs from last pregnancy and an additional few, my goal is to stay around 25lbs gained. Not 75-80 like last time!:blush::wacko:

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