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2015 November Sweet Potatoes!!! Come out come out wherever you are!!

Hi Everyone! Just found this area of the forum haha! I got my BFP on Sunday at 10 dpo, and today is 4 wks 1 day. I am due on Nov 19 if everything goes well! I am trying not to worry about any bad outcomes and just trust the universe. :) Kimmy and DHBH we are all so close together, we should be bump buddies! :flower:

I've been feeling really good so far, a bit of fatigue, mega bloating, some pressure down there, had one 3-hour bout of nausea on 11 dpo but as soon as I ate something it stopped. I started taking magnesium supplements to help avoid morning sickness (read an article on Mommypotamus about it) so hopefully it works.

The thing I am nervous about is continuing my job. I need to keep working because I am the primary earner and also have a lot of responsibility at work, but it is going to be super hard. I'm captain of a commercial fishing boat, and it's hard physical labor, out to sea for around 10-12 days at a time, lot of lifting and pulling heavy stuff, on my feet all day, climbing stairs, crazy hours, and loud noise. Pretty much everything you're supposed to avoid. :haha: I'm also the engineer on the boat so I will have to take measures to avoid any chemicals and fumes when I do the boat maintenance. Going to be a challenge that's for sure! I will make modifications to reduce the weight I have to lift, and take more breaks. Reducing stress will be the hardest thing though.

We have been off all winter and start fishing again at the end of this month. I am going to try and get all my trips for the year finished by mid-July so I don't have to be out there too far into the pregnancy, but that means not much time off between trips. I am just really praying that there are no complications or effects to the baby due to all of it. My mom always worked physical labor through her pregnancies so I'm hoping I am strong enough to do the same.

Sorry for writing a book! But that's where I'm at :) <3

Yeah we are hump buddies :)! At my appointment I think they will give me a different date due to my last period being in January, but hoping for an early scan to confirm! My husband is 30 on the 19th so it's be nice for little bean to arrive around then!

Today I just feel really tired, my boobs are really hurting and I've been quite nauseous! Xx
Ok ladies, I'm still obsessively testing :blush::haha: I know everything is ok right now, more for fun and curiousity since no doctor appt for a few weeks and 1st scan won't be booked till then.

Would you say todays test line is darker than control, its close, but I think it's starting to take over more of the dye.

I planned to test daily till today, I have 2 more FRER left I will use them, but not till middle of next week or so, I want to see the control line barely there! :thumbup: Also have my 3 CB digis with weeks. but I'm not even 4 weeks till tomorrow so not wasting one yet or making myself sad to not see "2-3 weeks" will use one in the AM tomorrow or Sunday. Then hopefully I can have patience to use another till the following weekend to see 3+.

Also here is my obsessive progression :haha:


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DHBH wow good job on the weight loss, that is awesome! I have been super lazy all winter being home, but I started doing a workout video once in a while and just started walking to try to get back in shape for work. It's hard going from couch potato to strenuous work suddenly so I've been trying to make the transition easier. I had to go on an elimination diet back in October due to some digestive issues (all better now) and lost a bunch of weight doing that but I've gained most of it back now lol. I started on a nutrient dense pre-pregnancy diet and that is probably the cause of the extra few pounds since I'm drinking a lot of milk and increased my fats and calories, but I just feel it's better to have great nutrition than to worry about a little flab lol. Going to have to get used to the idea of being bigger than normal pretty soon! I am so bloated though I look like I'm already 5 months preggo :haha: I read too that the hormones make you retain more fat, so there must be a reason for it during pregnancy.

One thing I found interesting, my acupuncturist said in Traditional Chinese Medicine they don't recommend any exercise during the 1st trimester and tell women to take it easy. However in the west they recommend quite a bit of exercise. I think I will take a middle ground and just modify the exercise I was doing, no more jumping jacks and jumprope moves for ex, and focus mostly on walking. But I think if I don't feel up to it, I'll just not do it and I'm sure it will be fine. I had some cramping the other day and even walking felt like I was doing too much so I think I'll just listen to my body. Work will be quite enough exercise anyway. :)
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DHBH you're test line looks like it got darker than control even at 12 dpo lol! You're lines are soooo dark. My 14dpo frer looks like your 11dpo haha. I think you're looking good :)

I have one more CB digi and a few more ic's and loads of expired opk's lol. I'll just use an ic each day until they're gone, then a digi at 5 wks i think to see what it says, then I'll stop. I just wanted to make sure I was still getting higher hcg a few days past my period being due yesterday. Haven't even had one speck of spotting so I'm hopeful!

PS You should see my bathroom shelf.. there are about 20 opks, 15 ic's, and 6 frer's all lined up in there :haha:
Haha lomelindi, mine are tucked away in a drawer but it's getting pretty crazy in there with how many I have! I also obsessively take them out and just look at them :haha: feel like I'm looney! But makes me feel good to see, its not like they are gonna change or anything. Guess it's just since that's all I've got right now, no US pic, no baby bump, no movement, etc.

I've read about staying active even during 1st tri. I think especially since my body is used to it. I wouldn't recommend someone going from nothing to an hour a day 6 days a week all of a sudden. But being in shape already I'm sticking with my routine, running every other day, aerobics video day in between. i work up a sweat and get my heart rate up but I'm not doing any marathons or lifting heavy weights or anything. Days I don't feel up to my usual I will modify, take a walk instead or just not run as long, etc. But my hope is to continue my usual stuff through the whole pregnancy. I fear if I stop completely, and just do walks, even for just the 1st trimester I won't be able to get myself going again.

Thanks! Yeah my lines have been dark all along. People are joking that it's twins :wacko: it would be harder but I would be thrilled :flower:
Glad you were able to change your scan dates Certain!

I'm starting to get hungry as well DHB. Make sure to show us your digi. =)

And welcome jlw & twag!

I'm currently feeling super bloated. I feel like my belly just ballooned up randomly. lol. Yesterday I had a minor freak out because I started cramping. I guess I forgot it's normal, haha. It was about moderate, but my coworker was worried about me. I'm also getting even more tired.

Have any of you ladies here in the States heard about JBF or Just Between Friends as its called? It's a huge consignment sale, you can get stuff 50%-90% off. The sale here in North Carolina is in May so I told DH we can go stock up on some toys, books, and gender neutral outfits at least.

Heres the link: https://www.jbfsale.com/home.jsp

We have something similar here in Maryland, it's called tot swap and it is awesome!!!!! Before I even got pregnant I had already bought our car seat which looked like it hadn't even been used (ps, yes I checked for recalls and expiration) brand new bottles, diapers and lots more-it's such an awesome sale and I hope I can hit up one more before baby comes after I find out what I'm having, ours has an option to purchase a vip pass for $7 which is totally worth it because you get first dibs on everything!
Glad you were able to change your scan dates Certain!

I'm starting to get hungry as well DHB. Make sure to show us your digi. =)

And welcome jlw & twag!

I'm currently feeling super bloated. I feel like my belly just ballooned up randomly. lol. Yesterday I had a minor freak out because I started cramping. I guess I forgot it's normal, haha. It was about moderate, but my coworker was worried about me. I'm also getting even more tired.

Have any of you ladies here in the States heard about JBF or Just Between Friends as its called? It's a huge consignment sale, you can get stuff 50%-90% off. The sale here in North Carolina is in May so I told DH we can go stock up on some toys, books, and gender neutral outfits at least.

Heres the link: https://www.jbfsale.com/home.jsp

We have something similar here in Maryland, it's called tot swap and it is awesome!!!!! Before I even got pregnant I had already bought our car seat which looked like it hadn't even been used (ps, yes I checked for recalls and expiration) brand new bottles, diapers and lots more-it's such an awesome sale and I hope I can hit up one more before baby comes after I find out what I'm having, ours has an option to purchase a vip pass for $7 which is totally worth it because you get first dibs on everything!

We have lots of those baby/kid consignment sales in my area. i LOVE them! Such good deals, they have presales for 1st time mom's that I did before, and it was worth it. I also have lots of thrift shops on my area, 95% of DD's clothes and toys have come from those sales, thrift shops, garage sales, craigslist, etc. We have the $ to buy new things, but I refuse to! She wears clothes for a few months before outgrowing them. The toys always still look like new, just clean them. no one would ever know most her clothes are used, always getting compliments how cute she is always dressed. And I'm thinking yep, that outfit was Iike $1 haha! Also we are able to get SO much more for our $ getting it used. She will think we are rich and she is super spoiled since she owns so many toys, etc. :flower: Also the few outfits ruined from stains, I'm like oh well we got our $0.60 of use out of that shirt :haha:

Did summer clothes shopping at that thrift store, all these outfits and half a dozen dresses for $40!!!

We are SET for baby toys, blankets, etc for #2, only thing we will need are clothes if a boy. If a girl, we are all set!


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Hi ladies! I got my *surprise* BFP on Wednesday. I'm due Nov. 17th!
I have 2 girls... Almost 2.5 and just turned 4.
And my 14 dpo test looked like your 9 dpo one above! LOL
14 dpo is the earliest I have ever gotten a faint line, with all 3 pregnancies.
DHBH I tested everyday until about 13 dpo when the test line became as dark as the control line. Your test line is darker than mine got!
Looks good!! :)

Janna, congrats!!

So I heard m/s does not start until 6 weeks but today I started getting some mild nausea, I had absolutely none with my last pregnancy, so it's my first time feeling it. Yuck! Don't like it one bit! Feels like I'm so seasick!

Also, I just found a new doctor and booked my appt for Thursday of next week. I'm so excited! I'm wondering if they will do an ultrasound this early.... I have no idea if they would see anything though because i will only be 4w6d. Either way can't wait for my appt!
Hi ladies! I'm dlue around the 19th November I think &#128513;
Hi Everyone!

I do not know my exact due date or how many weeks I am yet due to irregular periods. DH think we know when we conceived around February 16th so it would be around November 9th Due Date!

I have to take another HCG blood test tomorrow and then get an early ultrasound for my due date. :baby: So I will post here when I find out.

But starting 2 weeks ago I had horrible cramps!! Now I have been needing to pee more often and have a runny nose and super tired :sleep:
Welcome to all the new bops.
With regards to exercise I think it's a matter of trusting your body's signs. Nausea is really heavy for me in this pregnancy and I'm finding even mild to moderate activity makes me puke. Last pregnancy I was fine with activity. It's a matter of seeing how you go really.
Congrats on all the BFP . I got my BFP on March 11 and I 'am supposely due Nov 07 2015. I beyond excited I just hope this little bean sticks.
So I just found out I 'am pregnant and before my period I had all kinds of symptoms body was achy,tired,breast sore,metallic taste in mouth but now there are no symptoms took 2 digital test both say I'am 3+ week. I'am just worried because people say no symptoms could possible be miscarry. But I'am still taking my temps and they are still high and there no cramps. I think I 'am crazy.
Not everyone gets symptoms, and not everyone gets the same symptoms! If you're still testing high on a digi, I wouldn't worry about it one bit. :)
So I just found out I 'am pregnant and before my period I had all kinds of symptoms body was achy,tired,breast sore,metallic taste in mouth but now there are no symptoms took 2 digital test both say I'am 3+ week. I'am just worried because people say no symptoms could possible be miscarry. But I'am still taking my temps and they are still high and there no cramps. I think I 'am crazy.

Don't worry one bit! My symptoms went way down as well. Maybe it just takes a few days for the body to get used to the new hormones and then the symptoms calm down. :)
I've seriously had no major symptoms. I mean I'm super tired and a bit of boob tenderness but that's about it. I've been worried because my symptoms showed up way earlier with my boys. But today the nausea started for me. So I'm sure your symptoms are on their way :)
Heartmom: Thanks! My nausea started at 6 weeks with baby#1 (lasted until 12-13 weeks) and 5 weeks with baby#2 (worse than the first time and lasted until 16 weeks). I'm only 4 weeks, 3 days and feeling random waves of nausea... I'm scared for what is to come. LOL! I'd love to have a pregnancy without constant nausea for 2-3 months.
Well thanks for making me feel better. Maybe later in my pregnancy I will get symptoms. I guess I will just enjoy my pregnancy and not worry about anything well at least I will try
Same here, not much of anything. Maybe a bit more tired, and a bit hungrier. That's about it other than some headaches. Nothing that screams pregnant, and I'll enjoy it while I can. With dd around 7 weeks is when the nausea kicked in. Only threw up once but felt on the verge 24/7 till 14 weeks or so.

No(or few) pregnancy symptoms isn't a bad thing, especially this early on. Every woman is different, some lucky few NEVER experience much.

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