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2015 October Rainbow Pumpkins! | 28 rainbows so far!

Yes, youngmama, I am delightfully miserable! :haha:

I got a bag of mandarin oranges at the store today. I've just had one, and my nausea is already getting a bit better!
Not feeling too hopeful that this is my rainbow :/ I had pink streaked cm this morning which by midday was red/brown and showing up on my undies not just when I wiped. Just had a bit more red show up :( Sti feeling really nauseous and I've been hoping it was IB or cervix irritation, but the latest bit of red has me feeling not too hopeful.I wont be surprised if AF arrives overnight (would have been due AF yesterday)
Hi ladies!!!

I hope this is a new pregnancy for you avajavis(sp?)

Oh no NDH, you need to contact ur midwife or go for a scan to check everything is ok or not. I know I have been through that two years ago and it had frightened me to death but I wouldn't like this happen to any woman out there! :-( :hugs:

Anyone have any tips for nausea?? I hate this at the moment because with both of my boys' pregnancies - NO MS at all! And last time and this time was awful. :-( I pray that this bean does stick and grow! :-(
Its far too early for a scan to be conclusive, but I don't do scans anyway.

For nausea, eating protein before bed often helps. Of course ginger in all its various forms. Fennel spearmint and chamomile tea can relieve nausea too. Acupressure bands can help as well.
Its far too early for a scan to be conclusive, but I don't do scans anyway.

For nausea, eating protein before bed often helps. Of course ginger in all its various forms. Fennel spearmint and chamomile tea can relieve nausea too. Acupressure bands can help as well.

Maybe get bloods tests and then get it repeated in a few days? Bleeding doesn't always mean bad news *hugs*
I'm pretty sure I'll know either way by morning. :/
Hi ladies, just a quick question. I used a clear blue HPT on Friday just gone and that gave me a positive result with a 2-3 weeks indicator which according to the results in the instructions would make me 3-4 weeks, I did another one today (just got a little bored and I like doing tests when I'm pregnant ☺️) and this has put me to 3+ weeks which indicates 5+ weeks pregnant. im just a little confused does this mean I'm 4 weeks pregnant or more??! I am on progesterone pessaries at the minute, and I've been looking up on the web that the progesterone can give you higher levels of hcg etc... So could this mean that it's making me seem further along when using a pregnancy test?

Also according to my own dates today I'd be 4 weeks 6 days, so almost 5 weeks. I know this post makes me sound silly haha but I'm just a little confused by the test results :/

From what I've read the 3+ weeks pops up when hcg levels exceed 2000miu, so really it just means your hcg is higher than that. 4+6 is pretty darn close to 5 weeks anyway :p. Keep in mind that doubling times vary a great deal in every pregnancy and earlier implantation with lead to numbers doubling more quickly as well. It just goes off averages.
NDH, my fingers are still crossed for you!

Nanaki, it really varries what helps each person. Right now, hard candies and mandarin oranges are helping me. As well as eating smaller, more frequent meals.

Also, the FDA says chamomile is considered "likely unsafe" during pregnancy. https://www.livestrong.com/article/435177-is-chamomile-tea-safe-during-early-pregnancy/

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I don't want to jinx my rainbow. I accidentally bought some tea with hibiscus in it, and now I'm waiting until at least 2nd tri to drink it.
For nausea ginger tea and soda crackers always helped me!

I got a 1-2 week test again this morning - same as 11 days ago so this is not a new pregnancy for me. Stay happy and healthy ladies :)
I'm sorry ajarvis! I think you should talk to a doctor about the possibility of retained tissue from your last pregnancy. :(
AFM, this morning I woke up starving and was all, "I want nothing more than a giant bowl of cereal!" Then after two bites it just doesn't taste right anymore. :sick:

I guess Corn Chex are out!
Sorry to hear ajarvis. Thinking of you!

I poas this am and my test was much lighter. Boooo... Kind of dreading bad news at my scan now..
But thats what ive been using the whole time and my progression had been great over the past two weeks.
Aren't they the strips ? I think I used them before with my last pregnancy and they were always light and I was pregnant with twins lol xx
Could I ask if any of you ladies are in the UK? And if you know the earliest time you can have a scan? I just want peace of mind, since I've had 2 miscarriages before hand I'm terrified. I had a scan at 4 weeks with my last pregnancy but that was with the bleeding in early pregnancy unit at my hospital, so I don't know if I can have an early scan unless I think something is wrong?

At the minute I'm not really having any pregnancy symptoms except sore breasts and tiredness, I've not had morning sickness or anything just yet. I'm kind of wishing for it to hurry up come that kind of gives me reassurance I guess :/

Thanks ladies! Will be going for bloodwork. I'll get it all sorted eventually :)
Mississippi, it could have been a fluke strip. I've seen a lot of ladies having that problem with Wondo lately.

Bex, how far along are you? They can't really see much before 6 weeks. HB starts around 6 weeks.
Aren't they the strips ? I think I used them before with my last pregnancy and they were always light and I was pregnant with twins lol xx

Yes they are. I was getting dark dark every 2-3 days. On sat it was a tad lighter, this am it was def lighter.

Mississippi, it could have been a fluke strip. I've seen a lot of ladies having that problem with Wondo lately.

Bex, how far along are you? They can't really see much before 6 weeks. HB starts around 6 weeks.

This is the second faded one though.. Booo

I know hook effect can start around 6 weeks and given i implanted super early it could be possible. But im skeptical.

Im def still getting positives.. And a line shows up pretty quick.. I just wish it was dark still.

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