2017 WTT - 14 ladies! 1 Angel

Hm well I work in a spa with rock salt and lavendar and we're on a super healthy diet of proteins, legumes, and vegetables so maybe that will sway us girl again. We conceived our girls by Dtd 2 days before O both times but I don't have a handle on My cycle enough to make that happen again! We are just doing our regular twice a week with no protection.
Low protein sways girl. Sounds like your diet there would be more boy friendly. The healthier the diet the more it sways boy because you're getting a lot of nutrients that boy fetuses need. That's the theory anyway.

The whole dtd certain days for certain genders has been disproven. Shettes thought that boy sworn were bigger and faster but don't live as long and girls were smaller and slower but lived longer. But he was just seeing sperm in different forms. He had no way to determine which were x and which y. As doctors nowadays can't even determine with the advanced technology. So that doesn't do anything. I was a big time believer in it as well. Dd was conceived with donations 8 and 5 days before O. But I was on a girl friendly diet and using lots of cranberry and was doing some negative ion stuff and a lot of exercise.
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a nice holiday. No sign of AF here yet, DS turns 6 months at the end of Jan so at that point we'll consider night weaning (or switching to pumping and bottle feeding at night if he still needs the feeds). I feel a bit mixed about it because I want to trust my body and its sense of timing, but I'm anxious to TTC again so I don't know.

I have been having intense dreams about giving birth again though. The other night I dreamt I gave birth to an 11-pound baby girl! (It was an easy labor and birth in the dream and I was very impressed with myself haha). So maybe my body is gearing up to be fertile again and my subconscious is working through some feelings about that hahaha.
Hi can I join? I haven't been on here for a while i tried to keep my mind off it! I am ttc #2 starting my next cycle, so excited it's finally here!
It's really interesting the gender swaying I can't wait to see if it works for you all!
Ooh, love all this gender chat! Sure I would love #2 unconditionally, but as this will probably be our final little squish, I think I would be really sad to accept that I would never have that mother-daughter relationship! So yeh, I will be doing all I can to sway.

Still waiting on results here. Kind of gearing up for bad news which means I'm am not prepared at all for TTC if all is well. I'm not very good at planning for the best case scenario, prefer to plan for the worst. The timing isn't totally ideal either way, but I'm sooooo broody now so who knows! Good luck to everyone trying this month. Cheering you all on and looking forward to seeing some tests in a few weeks.
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a nice holiday. No sign of AF here yet, DS turns 6 months at the end of Jan so at that point we'll consider night weaning (or switching to pumping and bottle feeding at night if he still needs the feeds). I feel a bit mixed about it because I want to trust my body and its sense of timing, but I'm anxious to TTC again so I don't know.

I have been having intense dreams about giving birth again though. The other night I dreamt I gave birth to an 11-pound baby girl! (It was an easy labor and birth in the dream and I was very impressed with myself haha). So maybe my body is gearing up to be fertile again and my subconscious is working through some feelings about that hahaha.

You never know! Our bodies are better at this stuff than our minds haha. They know when they're ready.

Hi can I join? I haven't been on here for a while i tried to keep my mind off it! I am ttc #2 starting my next cycle, so excited it's finally here!
It's really interesting the gender swaying I can't wait to see if it works for you all!

Sure you can! Will your next cycle start this month or next?

Ooh, love all this gender chat! Sure I would love #2 unconditionally, but as this will probably be our final little squish, I think I would be really sad to accept that I would never have that mother-daughter relationship! So yeh, I will be doing all I can to sway.

Still waiting on results here. Kind of gearing up for bad news which means I'm am not prepared at all for TTC if all is well. I'm not very good at planning for the best case scenario, prefer to plan for the worst. The timing isn't totally ideal either way, but I'm sooooo broody now so who knows! Good luck to everyone trying this month. Cheering you all on and looking forward to seeing some tests in a few weeks.

I don't have anything to compare it to and dd is still quite young, but we are SOOOO close! She is my clone in every way. Looks identical to me as a baby except different colored eyes. And her attitude is spot on haha. Tho I didn't develop mine until much later in life. I do so love having a girl. I really really want another girl and for her to have a sister.

What will you be doing to sway?

I'm doing really well sticking to my diet which really is the best way to sway. And vaginal PH, but that doesn't so much matter until the sperm is up there. Then I'll be taking more cranberry to keep it low.
Love the ideas for girl sway too xx I will also be doing a loose sway in that I will use rephresh and will look at getting cranberry supplements. Where would I look for those? Xx
I got them on amazon. Where I get everything haha

We are only half swaying as well. We use a donor so I really can't ask him to do anything lol. I mean I could but it would make it even more awkward soooo...
I would prefer another girl. Although I'd be happy either way.

How do I gender sway towards a girl? I thought it was dtd a few days before but someone earlier said that's a myth!
It's not a myth exactly, but it's been disproven. Which is unfortunate as it worked for dd! Basically boy babies are much more sensitive so the body needs to have lots of nutrients for boys. So for a girl you want your body to think it's having hard times. So I'm doing a diet (which I've been losing weight since the spring so not for ttc but it helps!) and going low nutrient/meat (not hard since I only eat poultry and sea food anyway). Exercising helps too but only if you can do it A LOT. Like an hour plus 6 days a week. Moderate exercise sways boy. No exercise or heavy exercise sways girl.

Also vaginal ph needs to be acidic. The male sperm can't survive an acidic environment as well as the girls can. I do cranberry supplements. But rephresh works too. There are some who make special douches but that's too much for me. From when the first swimmers get up there until you ovulate you want to keep the ph acidic bc it doesn't just make the vagina acidic it makes your body acidic. So falopian tubes where the sperm are waiting too.

Also negative ions sway girl. I have a rock salt lamp and sit near a fish tank a lot and am in the water a lot showering and bathing dd nightly, I use lavender oil and body wash and lotion. I have a negative ion necklace on and a rose quartz bracelet. Also have a fan near my bed (not for ttc I just need it to sleep but it makes negative ions).

There are gender swaying websites that can help. It seems like I'm doing a lot but they're little, easy things. Most that I was already doing. I'm not getting crazy about it like counting the salt and potassium and such in every thing I eat. Looks like I'm doing a lot, but it really is easy.
Hi 😊 Im wtt till august 2017. Cant wait....its got to the stage now where everywhere i look theres bumps or new tiny babies. I am extremely nervous though i guess this is normal though xx
Hi �� Im wtt till august 2017. Cant wait....its got to the stage now where everywhere i look theres bumps or new tiny babies. I am extremely nervous though i guess this is normal though xx

Welcome! Perfectly normal. I'm quietly freaking out haha

AFM - I've finally gotten this holiday weight off haha. 5/6lbs left to hit my goal! I've been working on it since last spring so it's been slow.
Went to babies r us yesterday. Not on purpose, but it was right next to the store we originally went out to go to. Figured we would get dd some stuff. Walked through all the baby bedding sets and everything and we saw a super cuteness one that was blues and pink/corals with foxes and birds and OH said she puts her foot down on that one. We're getting that for the next one. Was super cute so I guess I'll let her have her way ;) If it's a girl, that is.
Hmm, I'm not so sure about all that! Don't think I'd want to deliberately get my body in a bad way and not give it the nutrients it needs when TTC. Will have a look into it and will try anything that isn't otherwise detrimental to my health!

Is anyone 'trying' yet? ��
It's not detrimental to your health unless you're doing it for a long long time. It's just not getting as many nutrients. For any diet to work you have to be taking in less calories and nutrients than your body needs, or burning them off. If you're taking a prenatal or other vitamins you'll be covered. There's a 50/50 shot without doing anything. Or you can do some parts to slightly increase the odds. It's all whatever you want to do.

We have our donor "booked" for two days next week so as of next week we will be trying!
Cycle starting in Feb will be our first month ttc. So excited but kinda scared too since my LO has recently decided to never sleep...hoping this is just a phase!
I've started taking prenatals and should probably start losing my holiday lbs too!
Got it. Edited you to the front!

I hear ya on the sleep! Although mine has NEVER been a good sleeper. Didn't sleep longer than half an hour at a time until she was 6 months old! And now she naps a max of 1.5 hours and will do 8-6 overnight so I shouldn't complain, but 6 is so damn early! She's only getting about 12 hours total a day when I know a lot her age who get more than that just at night. Oh well. Sleep is for the week haha
have now finished af so its all systems go!! its also first month of bcp so I dought it will happen the first month. but I am going to use ovulation tests this time didn't really before but id like to try and swing my chances of concieveing a boy as everyone has said they would like a boy (I don't mind either way) so we shall see!
Best of luck!

I'm cd8 right now with a 31/32 day cycle so we're pretty close!
Good luck to you in your first month! It's so exciting but seems a lot different with ttc #2, there's a lot more to think about this time round!
Sounds like your LO is a good sleeper now although 6am is very early! Mine is just out of his routine due to traveling so I'm hoping once we get home he will settle back into it quickly.
Thank you! It does seem much different now. Probably because I know what pregnancy is like and can't imagine how I'll get through another rough pregnancy with a very active toddler. And now I have her to think about and how this will all effect her.

Hopefully yours gets back into the routine! We are VERY strict with our routine, but it gets her to sleep so it's staying.

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