2019 Junebugs

Bella - I've not heard of them giving pitocin to shrink the uterus. I would have been so upset. My afterbirth pains only came when they would push around on my stomach or when I nursed. Having them all night long is ridiculous. I sure hope they don't do that to you again.
If I recall correctly, I had two bags of it in my IV drip... and I can't remember if they gave me the 2nd bag specifically to shrink my uterus or if it was just policy to give two bags despite me having already birthed my son?? (He was out in 52 minutes....) Who knows. Either way, it sucked. Agreed - I hope I don't have that happen again either!!! <3
lovely bump @Shanlee16 ! Glad all was well at the hospital ! I also stopped taking my iron tablets for a few days because of constipation ! Have you tried taking any for it ? Lactalouse or something is it called !? Hope you find some relief soon

@wifeybby - I’ve never had the group b test - Google is the devil sometimes but yet we find it so hard to resist the urge to google ! So annoying at times !

@elmum - glad your check up went well !

@BellaRosa8302 - I’ve no choice but to walk! DH needs the car for work and no option for me to drop him off and have the car at the minute ! I do the school run 6 times a day with DD1 being in full time and DD2 in afternoon nursery ! How exciting you have done your baby registry !

@mkyerby16 oh wow that’s shocking they are making you work them hours ! Is there no way you can refuse ?!!

Has anyone else noticed their bump has gone softer/flabby at the bottom , I’ve noticed today I can now grab some belly fat at the bottom of
my bump and my stomach feels all squashy when I lay down ! Also feel like my bump is sitting on the top of my thighs and I have to keep lifting it up ! Think baby may have dropped?!
@Mummy2Corban it’s so annoying isn’t it ?! . Hopefully the walking will help our bubs engage! DD2 doesn’t start full time school until next September either!
Well I’ll have 3 at school from September and cooper will start playgroup 2 mornings from January so not too bad. Lotsa walking for you still then!!!!
Least that’s not as bad for your mummy ! I don’t mind walking long as the weather isn’t bad plus I am used to it and driving just stresses me out ha
Soo SIL just ask me for my pre pregnancy measurements (legs , hips and waist ) for a bridesmaid dress !

The wedding is 6 weeks after my due date. I doubt I will be back to my pre pregnancy body by then.

I have no clue what measurements to give her as I don’t know my pre pregnancy measurements anyway ! What would you do , a rough guess , go bigger and get it altered after the birth , kinda confused ?!
It's looking like my supervisor seems to have changed her tune (I think our director may have said something to her), but I'm honestly shocked bc normally she wouldn't give a crap as long as the shift was filled. And really if she made me I can't say no or I'd be written up or fired bc that's just how the mandatory pull list works when your name is up.... Although I'll say if she gets pulled for a shift she seems to magically be off the next shift so she doesn't work a double... But whatever. I'll just have to make it up when I get back from leave. Apparently she caught some crap from some of my coworkers.... Like they'd work that crazy of a weekend at 8 months preggo. I really hate my job lately, it's getting worse an worse (even not preggo). I wish so badly we could afford for me to stay at home.

On the constipation note.... I'm having the opposite problem :oops: I feel like there's no room to store anything in there :blush:
Babybump - I would definitely go larger and alter afterwards. It's much much easier to take something in than try to let anything out.
@Babybump87 i feel the same way about my bump! It’s very flabby on the bottom and definitely touches my thighs when I’m sitting.

@mkyerby16 i’m really sorry about the work situation and that your boss is the way she is.

I need some advice ladies. Because of my C-section in 2017 and pregnancy 11 months following that, I am considered at a higher risk for uterine rupture (1% more, 2-3% total.) I want a Vbac but am being told there are so many restrictions on this, like having to be on a monitor from the moment I go into labor until birth. I am terrified about this and can’t imagine having to be in bed the entire time. Can I decline this? If I do what will they do? Has anyone else hadn’t to be in bed monitored the entire time and how have you coped with it ? Please help ladies, I’m terrified!
@Babybump87 i feel the same way about my bump! It’s very flabby on the bottom and definitely touches my thighs when I’m sitting.

@mkyerby16 i’m really sorry about the work situation and that your boss is the way she is.

I need some advice ladies. Because of my C-section in 2017 and pregnancy 11 months following that, I am considered at a higher risk for uterine rupture (1% more, 2-3% total.) I want a Vbac but am being told there are so many restrictions on this, like having to be on a monitor from the moment I go into labor until birth. I am terrified about this and can’t imagine having to be in bed the entire time. Can I decline this? If I do what will they do? Has anyone else hadn’t to be in bed monitored the entire time and how have you coped with it ? Please help ladies, I’m terrified!

I think it's a little different here maybe, but it was standard for me to bed in the bed and on a monitor the whole time when I had my DS. I was hooked up to IV though bc of antibiotics and pitocin. I don't have much advise bc I got an epidural fairly early on. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but it was fine (well up until my emergency csection...). Uterine rupture is no joke and not something to toy with and I think they have reasons for certain practices. Not to scare you, but at my hospital we just had a lady last week who came in with pains and it turns out her uterus had a giant hole in it and if she had arrived to the hospital any later both her and baby wouldn't have made it. It's rare, but it does happen.
We are going to go a size bigger with the dress I’m hoping I will be back to my pre pregnancy body quickly but not that quick haha I’m in no rush!

Glad I’m not the only one with the flabby belly Shan ! I was on the monitor and drop with DD1. I wasn’t allowed to get off the bed and had to birth on my back . It was so uncomfortable part of me thinks this added to the reason why she needed forceps. I was in that bed for around 17 hours !

I’m sure it’s your choice and you can decline whatever during your labour but how would they be able to monitor baby to make sure everything is ok ?! I know you want a vbac but I would be seriously thinking about another c section given all the risks involved. Sorry hun I know it’s not what you want to read got to remember about your own health going forward too not to mention baby . Hope you come to a decision your comfortable/happy with soon !

MK - wow your work really sucks ! No wonder your looking forward to maternity leave so much too !

AFM- My hip has been killing me today the worst it’s ever been ! Just feel like I’m so done now and hope labour starts sooner rather than later (obviously after 37 weeks) Anyone else hit the end slump as I call it. I know I’m so lucky and feel like I shouldn’t be wishing the pregnancy away too! I’m kinda thinking he’s moved positions too back to transverse. Down the middle of my stomach is soft were it used to be hard and I can feel two hard bits on either side of my stomach now ?!
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Babybump - I would gladly give birth the moment I hit 37 weeks. I gave birth at 36 weeks before and he did great so having a baby early doesn't scare me. I am so ready to not be pregnant!
Anyone else have swelling? I can push dents in my ankles/legs and it isn't even hot summer weather yet. Grrrr...
Been watching some amazing videos - Facebook page called Badassmotherbirther - wow! I swear watching them makes my uterus go into a BH contraction! Lol!
MW appointment on Tuesday.
I am MASSIVE! I swear I’ve never been this big with the others. I think this one might give me my first stretch marks :(
Babybump - I would gladly give birth the moment I hit 37 weeks. I gave birth at 36 weeks before and he did great so having a baby early doesn't scare me. I am so ready to not be pregnant!
I’m right there with you. 37 weeks can come and I will be READY. I’m so over it, my feet are swelling, I am massive and have gotten even more stretch marks than I did last time ( which is impressive because I was COVERED with my daughter) I’m out of breath, can’t sleep and have no sex drive. In too of also being completely exhausted again like in the first trimester. I’m so ready to meet him!

We had our baby shower yesterday and it was amazing. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing group of women around means we got so much stuff for baby boy. I’m excited now to put his nursery together. We just have to wait for my sister to move out-FML.
I'm torn. I have moments when I'm SO over it and just want her OUT. This pregnancy has definitely been rougher than my first, but at the same time I know so many women have it way worse and I should be thankful. I've just been so darn sick (as in colds, stomach bug, etc) the entire time and that probably has alot more to do with the fact that my son started preschool, but watching my husband pop cold meds while I suffer has sucked. Then I've had all this terrible back pain off and on. I feel like I'm just ready to not be pregnant and to meet her... And to be out of work. But then I think about how we're most likely done and I'll probably never be pregnant again and get a little sad.
Sucks you've been sick girl! Hope you can enjoy this last little bit before baby comes. Someday i feel so ready to have her out but this is our last so kinda sad too. My first 2 pregnancies were great! This one. I have been so uncomfortable right off the bat.
No swelling for me Jules !

Thanks ladies it’s nice to know we all go through the stage of being fed up to not wanting the pregnancy to be over !

@Mark&Annie i couldn’t watch any videos now at this stage it would freck me out haha ! I got a few small stretch marks on my lower abdomen with DD1, DD2 didn’t get any and the old ones stayed the same . Touch wood I’ve not got anymore this time either and the old ones just look the same ! They do fade to the point i don’t notice them. I have been using moisturiser on that particular area though!

@Shanlee16 - oh damn sorry your feeling so crappy too! It’s not good girl ! Glad your baby shower went well , hopefully setting up the nursery will take your mind off a few of the issues you are having and make the days go a little quicker !

I am not sure if this will be my last pregnancy or not sometimes I think it will then other times not! It’s been the most toughest one for sure the last few weeks ! Maybe because I’m so impatient now and I have a plan for his arrival in my mind !

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