Babybump - I think I misunderstood

I thought you were CHOOSING to just take a 5 mile walk each day

I am on my feet quite a bit each day, being a teacher and then chasing after my two kiddos at home. I wouldn't have time for extra walks even if I wanted to!

Hang in there hun

.... OH MAN about the bridesmaid dress! Yes, I'd say best to go bigger than smaller - at least bigger they can take in the dress, whereas smaller they'd have to add material, which is more difficult and more expensive! Maybe pre-pregnancy size plus one size bigger?? Best of luck with that!!!
mkyerby - UGH! Glad she changed her tune but that's so annoying!!! I'm with you - the constipation has eased up for the opposite! Like you said - no room left!!
Shanlee - How do they plan on monitoring you?? Can you drag your monitors around with you? Were you hoping for a pain-med-free birth? I can't imagine being made to lay in bed if I were going for a natural/pain-med-free birth! I've done it twice, but staying still is excruciating! I have to pace! If you're considering the epidural, you can probably do it... otherwise, is there a way for them to monitor you out of bed? Sorry, I've never had a c-section, so I feel like I don't have much advice to give! Hopefully someone else can advise you!
mkyerby - OMG! That's so scary! Glad she was okay!
Babybump - UGH for the hip pain! I know that feeling too well. Yes..... and no. Still unprepared here, but in a world of pain. By the time I get the stuff I need to get done to keep my household in order (laundry, groceries, getting kids bathed, getting dinner on the table, etc.) I have no time left for baby stuff! I'm getting things done little by little, but SO slowly.... it's awful! And of course, by the time I get that "normal" stuff done, my body feels like it's breaking! I'm so tired of being in pain! Anyway, yes, I can commiserate
Jules - I just started with the swelling too - but only after I've been on my feet a fair amount. Then my ankles swell up! I had AWFUL swelling with my daughter (twice the size that I am now) but none with my son. Wondering if it's a gender sign in my case
Mark&Annie - Thanks for sharing!!! I've been looking for empowering birth stories because they make me feel better about going into labor! I'll have to check it out! As for stretch marks, I'm covered from my previous pregnancies... but luckily, mine are white instead of angry red. They fade pretty well after pregnancy so I'm not terribly concerned. Hope, for your sake, that yours stay away!
Shanlee - UGH Noooooo! Does she have a plan for when she's moving out?? I have to wait on the nursery too, but for a different reason. DH just hasn't had time to turn the office into a big boy room for DS..... which means DS is still in the nursery and baby is bunking in with us. I've come to terms with it, but it will be nice when DS has his own room with a bed because he's SO ready to be out of that crib!
mkyerby - Kids in daycare/preschool is no joke! My family has def had more than our fair share this season too! I'm sorry you've been so sick

I definitely can relate though. We're still considering a fourth child, but we may stick with three, so this very well may be my last pregnancy. I'll miss a lot of it, but at the same time, the discomfort and pain have definitely set in. And YES on the husbands!!! Mine complains about being sore from mowing the lawn or having a cold and its like, well, pop some Advil or cold meds and move on! #ManFlu

I mean, seriously though! Can you imagine what they'd be like if THEY had to carry the babies?!?!
Jules - Yup, here too. I have to sleep with the fan on full blast, or I don't sleep well at all

(Not that I'm sleeping well anyway..... but you know what I mean

Shanlee & Jules - YES on the heartrate! Glad I'm not the only one! My watch monitors my heart rate, and it's usually between 93 and 114 or so.... some mornings it's gotten up to 134-138.... I really feel awful when that happens. My midwife says its because I'm dehydrated... maybe try drinking more water?? I know I always start to feel better when I drink more water, so I'm fairly sure that's it for me. Blood pressure on the other hand has been fine for me, so it's only my heart rate.
Anyone have appointments coming up?? I see the midwife on Thursday & get an internal check to see how much I'm dilated. I believe I also get the group b strep test then. Less than 4 weeks to go!!!! Still crossing my fingers I'm not in hospital on my due date.... the closer I get to DD's dance recital, the more I'm determined to be there for her!!! It would just kill me if I were in labor while she was at her recital. And worst would be that her daddy would miss it too, because he'd be with me! Of course, I'd send him on if I weren't in actual labor...