Babybump - Ugh, I hear you. I've been told I'm a bleeder and my iron levels are usually low. Makes sense. Hopefully your levels are okay! Thanks for asking about my appointment. I'm 3 cm dilated & 80% effaced! I'll be more specific after responding to everyone's messages
Mrs.JJ - Yup. My midwife is talking about induction due to SPD now. She wants me to get a walker but I'm in denial. I have another appointment today & I'm going to look into setting up an induction at 39 weeks.
Jules - That's odd... they check my urine at every visit where I go
Wifey - Cute bump pic!!!
Regarding the talk with BH - I've been having those for MONTHS this time around! So funny because I never had any until a few days before my first baby, had them for a couple of months before my second, but I swear this time around I've been having them for the past 5 months

It's crazy! I'd love for the baby to "slip right out"
Jules - best of luck on your growth scan!
Crusher - I've been told I dropped, but I can't tell
Mummy - Glad everything went well with your appointment!
Mark&Annie - Oh I hear you.... I've been having painful ones since Friday... honestly, I'm wondering if I'm going into labor. My son was born 2.5 weeks early & Wednesday will be that same mark
Hoping - Congrats on the induction date & WOOT! Glad baby turned for you!!!
mkyerby - Ugh! Hope DS feels better soon!
Emzeebob - I understand on the not being mentally ready front. But you will be great! They're doing what's best for you & baby both. Have faith & hang in there!
Mummy - I have my 37 week appointment tonight!
Ok AFM.... We've been trying to figure out if I'm going into labor... I'm at 37 + 1 today. I was checked at my 36 week appointment (last Thursday) & I'm dilated 3 cm & 80% effaced. Baby's head is "right there" in position,. Friday, I started with painful contractions. I've been contracting on and off (more than usual, with more pain and pressure than usual) all weekend. Then, last night I lost a huge amount of mucous (sorry - TMI) both before bed and in the middle of the night again. Last night my contractions were waking me up. I almost didn't go to work today, but I have a few loose ends to tie up, so I am here. Thankfully, I had a meeting which kept me on my bottom most of the day so far. I've had i think 4-5 contractions just sitting here, but they come on immediately when I'm up and walking around, along with intense pressure between my legs. I know I could be wrong, but I really don't think I'm going to last much longer. And, in the meantime, if I do last, I was told I can set up an induction date at my appointment tonight. It will be for 39 weeks though, so the earliest we're looking at (depending on available dates/times or whatever) would be May 26th. Will keep you all posted