2019 Junebugs

For those interested I have no clue what I'm doing but I made a secret FB group named Junebugs (that means no one can see you're a part of it or anything you post in it except for those in the group). As far as I know you do have to be friends with me or someone in the group already on FB to be added though since it's not a public group. (Can always unfriend once added). I made a pinned Post to put our B&B names and due dates so we'll know who's who. We also found in our other group while anyone can post whatever they want, it worked well to have certain threads like a "whatever thread" for general chatter, a cute picture thread for just dropping a cute Pic, umm like as they got older a potty training or sleep or food or whatever else thread just so there's not 10000 different random things all over.

Not taking away from this group at all, everyone still post here of course! Just thought it might be easy to post updates and cute squishy baby pics there.

If you want to join add me on FB and let me know your BB name on here somehow and due date if you want... I'm Miranda Yerby... And if anyone knows more than me on how to do these things feel free... Just thought I'd try!
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Big hugs ladies! We all worry.... it’s amazing how much your mind can wander.

@julesmw as if the dr said that to you!!!!!! Don’t need to be hearing things like that specially so close to labour. Don’t they say when babies engage bump can get smaller not change much? My bump has only changed by a cm in a few weeks but my midwife wasn’t concerned.

Today I have taken the fabrics off the pushchair I got. The bits I can’t put in the washer are in the bath! Then I’ve got to work out how they go back ok and how the carrycot fits! 38 weeks!
I don't feel so bad about my Mother's Day not being the best now... I just realized if all goes as planned we'll be coming home from the hospital on Father's Day and with me having a c-section DH will be taking care of me and I won't be able to do much special for him :shrug:
For those interested I have no clue what I'm doing but I made a secret FB group named Junebugs (that means no one can see you're a part of it or anything you post in it except for those in the group). As far as I know you do have to be friends with me or someone in the group already on FB to be added though since it's not a public group. (Can always unfriend once added). I made a pinned Post to put our B&B names and due dates so we'll know who's who. We also found in our other group while anyone can post whatever they want, it worked well to have certain threads like a "whatever thread" for general chatter, a cute picture thread for just dropping a cute Pic, umm like as they got older a potty training or sleep or food or whatever else thread just so there's not 10000 different random things all over.

Not taking away from this group at all, everyone still post here of course! Just thought it might be easy to post updates and cute squishy baby pics there.

If you want to join add me on FB and let me know your BB name on here somehow and due date if you want... I'm Miranda Yerby... And if anyone knows more than me on how to do these things feel free... Just thought I'd try!
I just added you on Facebook. My name is Shannon Wallace. I’m glad you were able to get it all set up!
Oh gosh @Hoping4numbr3 . Do you have a birthing ball you could use ?!

@julesmw - I think the baby’s position can alter the fundal height and also the person actually doing it . Fancy her saying something so insensitive that would have really freaked me out .

I think anxiety is a common occurrence near the end of pregnancies and the first few months . We have so much going on and our hormones / emotions are all over the place !

@mkyerby16 - I’m sure having both you and the baby home on father’s day will be special enough for your DH !

Had my 36 week check up today . Baby is all good thankfully ! Measurements and HB all on track ! She’s put in my notes Celph, free @brim. Kinda disappointed he’s not even engaged a little bit since I’ve been getting lots of pressure pains etc . Midwife seems to think he could just engage and I will go at any time ! Even said to make sure my hospital bag is good to go! Couldn’t book me in with herself for my 38 week check so seeing another midwife at another clinic which is annoying but can’t be helped ! Said she would do the sweep anyway if baby is alright!
This one is pressing its head on a nerve at the top of my right leg! Not pleasant. Tried to do some stretches etc to help and got stuck! I’m a bit large now lol!
Will join fb group too x
If you want to join the FB group it would help if you could please let me know your FB name on here or FB message me with your B&B name just so I know who's who and that it's not just a random person requesting me. That also helps me make sure only people from here end up in the group for security. Thank you!!
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Mkyerby - there are a few people with your name. Is yours the one that sells essential oils?
What’s in your hospital bag ?! This list should help me remember what I’ve put in and if I need anything else , feel free to suggest other items !

I have for baby :-
Baby milk
Baby wash cloths
1 pack of nappies
2 packs of wipes
1 pack of nappy sacks
Bath gel
5 sleepsuits (with mittens)
5 body suits
4 bibs
2 pairs of socks
2 hats
2 mittens
Coming home outfit
2 dummies
1 towel
1 cellular blanket
1 coming home blanket

For myself

Sanitary towels
Maternity towels
Breast pads
Toiletries - toothbrush, tooth paste , wipes,deodorant,hair brush,shower gel
Flip flops
4 knickers
3 bras
3 socks
2 pairs of pyjamas
3 tops
3 leggings
1 long cardigan
Dress for labour
Make up - to grab on way out
Phone charger - to grab on way out
Car seat - grab on way out
Snacks /drinks - to grab on way out

Like I’ve packed for a weekend away haha !
@Babybump87 glad all is well with baby boy! My midwife always said they don’t usually engage until they are ready to go unless it’s your first so not to worry about it to much. Hopefully the sweep in 2 weeks works it’s magic. My midwife has changed clinics so I’m not sure who I’ll see now! It’s a shame when they change. Never mind!

As for hospital bag I don’t really have one!!!! I’ve a stash of stuff in a draw that if DH needs to grab then her can but that just consists currently of.... pjs, pads, bra, pack of knickers, joggers and a T-shirt. I’ve started putting things in a change bag but I’ll sort a pile of an outfit for baby I’m the next few days. I’m hoping I get a homebirth so I won’t have to worry but if I did have to go to hospital we are very close to it so DH nipping home isn’t an issue.

@mkyerby16 i THINK I found you?? I friend requested you.... names Laura and it’s my maternity shoot picture (black dress)

@Mark&Annie my third always laid on a nerve... my leg used to give way all the time and I’d get shooting pains. Little monkeys!
@Mummy2Corban - yeah that’s more or less what my midwife said today too . She did say I could go anytime now . I guess I just wanted to see some progress for all the niggles I’ve been getting! Yeah I agree you get used to the same midwife although like I’ve said in the past I am not keen on mine !

Least you know you have the stuff on stand by incase you need to go to the hospital hopefully you won’t need it !
I have nothing packed, planning a homebirth but should still chuck some stuff together incase. Outfit for baby and change of clothes for me should do it lol!
I have nothing packed either! I’ve got a pack of always nighttime pads and a hospital gown I bought off amazon and that’s about it! I don’t even know what to bring haha! I feel like that would be something great for me to pack during early labor tbh, but who knows.

I also was wondering what the recipe was for that spray or pads that people use after having a vagina deliver. The ones people make with maybe witch hazel and other things? Does anyone know what I’m talking about?
I've packed her diaper bag and I've started throwing things in a bag on my closet floor for me. Figured even though all should be planned for my csection I should have things somewhat ready just in case something happens earlier. With my DS I needed so little, but I'm wondering with things being planned if I'll feel a little better this time around and with her being a girl if I'll want her a little cuter :o My hospital provided everything like diapers wipes etc. He even just wore what they provided the whole time including a sleepsack. I had them put his footprint in his baby Book but other than that didn't open his bag till I took out his coming home outfit. I stayed in the hospital gown and mesh underwear the whole time until I left. I just needed my own toiletries, flip flops for walking around, toothbrush, chargers things like that.

In her bag I have just a couple of diapers and mini pack of wipes just in case we needed them on the way home and didn't have any left from the hospital (unlikely), her coming home outfit, just a couple of onesies and a sleeper that says little sister. A sleepsack just in case, a nursing cover, Swaddle blanket with pretty flowers that would look cute in pictures, a blanket my Nana made for her that I'll lay her on for pictures when the hospital photographer comes around. A paci and paci wipes, a pair of socks and mittens, her baby Book for her footprints. I also stuck some lanolin and nursing Pads for me in there and a hair brush and nail Clippers for her.
mkyerby - YES! I have a FB group for both my DD's & DS's pregnancies. Much easier to keep up! <3

emzeebob - Yay! Glad baby gained a bit and gets to cook a bit longer! :happydance:

Yeah, I worry too... but I try to feel better knowing that I can def feel baby moving (mostly rolling and sticking body parts out rather than "kicks" persay, but def movement!!)

Crusher - REALLY annoying that you were checked when you didn't want to be. I have been checked twice now but they asked me if I wanted to be :shrug:

Babybump - That's scary!!!! But glad all seems to be well now?!

Jules - OMG!!!!! Awful of her to say that!!!! :( :( :(

mkyerby - Awesome!!! I'll try to find you on FB later on today (when I'm out of work).

Babybump - Exciting!!!! Anytime now <3

I can come back and paste my hospital checklist for anyone that wants.... I have high hopes of getting up, showered, dressed with this one... but to be honest, with my last two, I barely used anything I brought & stayed in the hospital gown the whole time. Admittedly, I was having trouble staying on my feet with both deliveries, so a shower sounded exhausting. But yeah, I'd rather try and feel normal sooner this time around so I have high hopes & packed my bags as such again! It's all ready to go in the car as we speak - Just in case! Finally feeling somewhat ready for baby to come home!

AFM, baby is still in. I guess every baby really is different, huh?? I was convinced I was in labor pretty much all weekend, continued having irregular contractions on Monday (despite still going to work) and stayed home Tuesday - REALLY thought I'd be having the baby Tuesday. Nope. Wednesday thought my water broke, stayed home from work again & actually went to hospital to have that checked - NOPE. So today I'm at work. Despite the irregular contractions continuing.... Midwife did say at my last appointment with her that 3rd babies can be like this - Stubborn about starting labor/lots of false starts, but then transition is super quick. I'm now at 3-4 cm dilated and still 80% effaced. Just a waiting game now, I guess....
Like some of you, I barely use anything I bring to the hospital. I haven't started packing yet, but I'm only 34w5d. I also haven't bought a diaper bag yet, but reading everyone's lists so far, I realize I need to get one soon!

I have to get my house ready for the baby sprinkle some of my friends planned for Saturday. It just worked out well for it to be here, but I really didn't want to host it. How do you say to someone that you aren't willing to have the party they want to throw you at your house? So tomorrow will be a little more cleaning than my usual weekly list. My oldest has been on her senior trip and won't get back until after the party. I wish she didn't have to miss it. Plus, I could really use her help! ha

Next week is my last normal week before baby comes. The following week, my parents are coming for my daughter's graduation and open house, and my mom thinks she will probably just stay until the baby comes. It's all feeling so close now!
Eek can't believe we're all so close! Oh forgot to mention I also like to take my own pillow to sleep on bc the hospital ones are so awful! I'm going to pick up some of those wisp disposable waterless toothbrush things in case I don't feel like getting out of bed to brush my teeth that first day after csection. Also don't forget chapstick, hand cream and hair Ties! I hate being seen without makeup so I'm bringing some and a travel mirror to set up on my bedside table... Hopefully I won't look like death in my hospital pictures this time around. Plus I'm delivering where I work so coworkers come up and visit.

Jules I totally know that feeling... My sister and mom's neighbor gave me a shower which I was grateful for but they wanted to do it at my house and I didn't want to have to clean and prepare for all those people. I ended up being annoyed bc my Mom gave me the impression that she'd come help me clean before but she didn't.
Jules - UGH! I purposefully had my daughter's birthday party early and out of my house to keep from having people over! I can't imagine having the sprinkle at your own place. Poor you with having to clean! Hopefully you will at least have help cleaning up afterward!

mkyerby - Oh wow! That's..... interesting, delivering where you work! I can see both sides - cool that you can share the moment with your coworkers, but negative that you may not feel like seeing them, but they pop in anyway! Hope you like the people you work with :haha:

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