Omg mkyerby! I’d be mortified!!! Go you!
Hoping - did you ever try dermoplast? Wondering if it’s better or worse than your suggestion? I grabbed a can of dermoplast, and I made some “padsicles” with aloe, lavender, & tea tree oil... not sure what I’ll end up using in the end though. Maybe I should grab some tucks pads too (witch hazel pads).
Eeeek on babies & birth Stories! Exciting! Hoping, can’t believe you’re down to 4 days away!!
Baby bump - odd - no idea! No discomfort?!
AFM, I feel like I get new signs of impending labor daily... only to find they’re false. But hey, that IS what my midwife said would happen with 3rd babies. She said lots of false starts & then quick transition/birth. Well, I’m hesitant to say (boy who cried wolf & all that) but after passing my plug a good 5x this week, I finally actually got my bloody show about an hour ago now! Kinda crazy because with both my other kids, I didn’t get it til I was already in the hospital, in active labor, less than an hour before delivering! Soooo labor soon?!?! In the meantime, other than being a nervous wreck

I have mild period-like cramping (constant) and erratic contractions (not consistent at all). So I guess we will see if anything comes of this!
Unfortunately, in other news, DH is sick!!!! He woke up in the middle of the night last night with a 101.5 fever! DS & DD both have mild colds. I’m the only “heathy” one (knock wood!) Hoping they all get healthy soon as I’m afraid of the new baby catching whatever it is they have!!!