Alright ladies... Had some crazy scary stuff happen tonight so went to labor and delivery.... Being induced for preeclampsia.... Pitocen and magnesium hooked up
My contractions have slowed. Gonna get some rest. Guessing doc is gonna try another sweep tomorrow but I feel like we’re trying to force something my body isn’t ready for.
Looks like my sweep yesterday did nothing other than give me a few false contractions again!! Resigned myself to the fact that I’ll be induced tomorrow morning, whether that is propess, drip or just breaking my waters.
Going to officially say my sweep has failed too! Usual midwife is on annual leave next week so seeing someone else . another sweep on Tuesday and then book for induction.
Still getting all the pains I’ve been getting. I don’t know how he’s staying in to be honest lol
It was crazy. About 515 i was cooking dinner and got blurry vision. Kinda tunnel vision.... Say and ate with my kids and i couldn't comprehend what they were saying or doing. Went and say on the rocking chair and i wasn't passing out but was like missing things here and there like i couldn't remember. Then my left handwent numb and then the left side of my mouth went numb. Called l and d. They said don't drive yourself but come in.... My hubs was on a call.. So i drove myself and kids. They did a cat scan and ekg and checked my urine. Had just been checked urine on Tuesday and No protein. Showed up today. Nobody could explain the episode but it got me to the hospital. I think i started pitocen at 10... Started at a 1-2 and checked a few hours later and No progress. Idk what i am now. I frickin hate pitocen. And since I'm on magnesiumi can't get out of the bed to labor.
My sweep Monday failed obviously lol made me sore and crampy and some contractions but nothing real. Still just sitting here waiting for baby. 40+5. Getting discouraged and thinking I’ll have to wait for my induction next Friday the 14th. Which makes me nervous as I’ll be going on 42 weeks (41+5 or so) by then and I know those little risks go up at 42 weeks. I just want my baby here, safe. And it’s like my body will just not go into labor. If I get the induction I’m struggling with the thought of missing that excitement and experience of spontaneous labor. After infertility and LTTTC, it just feels cruel that I’m past due with no end in sight but an induction at nearly 42 freaking weeks.
Sarah, wishing you the best! spend the day resting and gearing up, tomorrow isn’t far!
Crusher - so sorry you had that happen. That is so so scary. I’m glad you’re ok and at the hospital. and I’m sorry you’re bed bound things will get moving soon and you’ll have baby here, and be out of bed! Sending love and good vibes your way.
Wifey - that sounds so late to get an induction. I can't imagine your impatience. I'm impatient and I'm not even due yet. My DH is hoping for a spontaneous labor (he feels like we missed out on that) but it doesn't look like he will have all the fun and excitement he's hoping for. As long as baby gets here safe, I'm happy!
Out of the active ones on here right now, it looks like I'm the last one due. I hope a few more people come back on here and update. There are around 40 in this group!
What are some things you do to pass the time in labor when you are induced? I know I'm heading that way again and it just drags along so slow at first.
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