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2019 Junebugs

Just wondering if yall would consider these Braxton Hicks? My bump will get super tight and hard for a few minutes then relax. I never had them with my first pregnancy and they don't hurt, they're just a little uncomfortable and usually happen in the morning.

What you are describing does seem like braxton hicks . I had the same with both my girls too
My girls middle names are Grace and Anne. The boys middle names are John and Henry. They are all family names or middle names so we need to pick another family name for a middle name!

Names are so difficult.... specially when you both have different ideas!!!

I’m not sure about the Braxton Hicks thing but from what I’ve heard does sound that way.
Our anatomy scan went well yesterday!! Everything is Normal and healthy.

If anyone is as worried about this as I was, I’ll tell you - it was very uneventful, didn’t seem different from any other scan. OB took measurements and did her thing, then quickly showed us everything. No big deal! So thankful.
So pleased all is well. So reassuring! I think my worry is if the find something wrong. I have mine Friday.

Has anyone thought of birthing preferences?
So glad your scan went well wifey ! That’s my worry too Mummy that they will find something wrong! Hopefully all will be ok !

Birth wise I am hoping for a in and out job like DD2 lol. Will just be me and DH in the room . Probably just gas and air . No water birth or epidural . Hopefully no c section either the thought scares me something rotten and hopefully on the MLU again ! Kinda hoping baby comes a few days early too . DD1 was 9 days late and had to be induced was a 17/18 hour labour . DD2 was 5 days early. Contractions started at 6am born at 11. With only 10 min active labour ! Was so easy and leas stressful ! Home the same night ha

What are you hoping for ?
Congrats wifey!

Also worried about finding something wrong at the anatomy scan. I think, as moms, we can't help but worry... Mine is one week away!

As for birthing - I had my first two vaginally, no epidural or pain meds of any kind. I'm hoping for that again. Both of my births were very quick - my daughter was 5 hours total (from first minor period-like cramp to birth) and my son was SUPER quick at 52 minutes. Unfortunately, I ended up being induced with Pitocin for him because my water was leaking for 24 hours... but still managed to stay pain-med free. I'm hoping for a SUPER quick birth like his. I'm also hoping to NOT tear this time.... I tore with both my son & daughter. Oh, and I'm hoping to go early or late - not on my actual due date, which is my daughter's dance recital :cry: Let's face it - nobody wants to go late. I'm hoping for early. My son was 2.5 weeks early, so I'm hopeful.... even though DD was born ON her due date... after I had a full day of work.... :haha:
They cut me with my first and i couldn't sit down for two months so for the second i researched everything. At 36 weeks to the end i took evening primrose oil and shoved some pills up there to soften everything. I didn't tear or need to be cut. Neither were under 20 hours though. And had to have pitocin with both. Never want that again.
@BellaRosa8302 52 minutes!!!!!! Oh my! Was that from your first contraction? Got all crossed this bubba looks at your diary and doesn’t turn up that day!

@crusherwife44 i had similar after my first too. I tore towards my bum and then was also cut. That and the combination of pushing over 4 hours as he was back to back. I was so sore for months..... apparently you can have internal bruising for a very long time.

My first 7 days late. Back to back! 16 hours in total just over 4 hours of pushing. Cut and tore. Had the drip for contractions as they slowed due to him being back to back. Had him on delivery suite. No pain relief. Lots of Stitches and stayed over night. Had a catheter after for about 4 days as I had no bladder feelings... just couldn’t wee!!!!!

My second 9 days late and third 2 days late. Both 3 and a half hours from first contraction. Literally a few minutes pushing on both. Both on midwife led. No pain relief but used a tens machine with no.3. Baby 3 done a poo but all was ok discharged within hours of birth for both. Had stitched with no.2 but only grazed with no.3 so no stitches.

No.4 was 5 days late. Was about 7 hours from first contraction. Had him at home. He wasn’t engaged so had to painfully wait for him to descend. Didn’t like it as my contractions had changed but just had to wait. Used a tens machine again. No stitches. And had a bath as soon as the midwife left and got into my bed!

Hoping for another home birth is all is well this time. Probably use a tens machine but I sold my one as I thought we were done with babies! Doh! X
Mummy - Yes! I mean, I was hooked up to a monitor and had contractions that I couldn't feel here and there, but from the first bit of pain till he was out was 52 minutes! And that was on Pitocin so it was really 0 - 60 in terms of pain!

Crusher - Will have to look into that. Seriously hoping not to tear this time, but I doubt it unfortunately :cry:

***Trigger Warning*** (Just because it was a complicated after-birth situation for me). Unfortunately, also, I had complications after my daughter... I had a midwife deliver me, and I think she messed up when she tried to stitch me up. I had a hematoma (blood pooling under my stitches). It was super painful - felt like someone was shoving a knife up my bottom. The midwife kept shoving her arm up into me and pulling out what I could only assume was blood/relieving pressure. I lost a lot of blood. I had to be put out for vaginal surgery. A doctor had to completely redo my stitches. I needed two blood transfusions afterward and wasn't allowed to hold my own baby unless I was sitting. I had a 3 day hospital stay. I had awful pressure/pain for weeks down there. When I went for my 6 week checkup (against my better judgement - with the midwife who delivered me), I was told I had granular tissue down there and she used silver nitrate on me. I bled and had chunks of flesh falling off me and horrible pain AGAIN for another month or so. I didn't really get to feeling "normal" until a year later... and even then I felt like I had been stitched wrong - sex was NOT comfortable. Honestly, that only got better after I had my son and I believe I was stitched properly after tearing with him. The way I was stitched the first time, I think it was inevitable that I tore again with my son. Thankfully, the midwife who delivered my daughter left the practice and I had a doctor with my son. I do still see a different midwife at the practice from time to time, but she does not deliver babies. Even now, at my first appointment with a doctor new to my practice, she immediately spoke to me about the hematoma I experienced with my daughter and said that we would take extra special care to prevent that from happening again. And when I had my son, they were CONSTANTLY checking me, ordered an internal exam & internal ultrasound after his birth/before I left the hospital. I had constant internal exams by doctors just feeling to make sure everything seemed okay. Fairly sure they'll treat me like that again as a precaution. The doctor who stitched me up after my son called me a bleeder. It took her forever to do my stitches. But thankfully I was able to snuggle my baby after having him rather than be rushed into surgery. I felt cheated out of that after my daughter. I know that was kind of a lot, and I hope I didn't scare those of you first time moms... if you did read despite my trigger warning, please know that this is not a common occurance!!! <3 So yeah, I'd say I don't want THAT to happen with #3.... :haha:
@BellaRosa8302 Omg.. No no no! So sorry you had to experience that!

AFM: I had a 21 hour back labor with my daughter. I ended up getting an epidural after 9 hours of that pain being stuck in a hospital bed on my back because they wanted to keep monitors on me and being told I was only at like a 2-3 CM Dilated lol. Best thing ever that Epidural. Call me weak I do not care. Lol. With my son I didn't even play the I will wait and see if I want an epidural game and got one as soon as I got into the hospital which I was already dilated to a 3. His labor was 11 hours but some of that the contractions stalled out and went away. I didn't go into hospital until like 6 hours of contractions occurring and were more regular. So it went a lot faster at the hospital than my daughter's did. I am unsure if I will do Epidural again or not. I will see how I feel for this one. If it would go nice and fast I may not need one :)
Ughhhhh I don't think I could have lasted without an epidural if it went that long! I do NOT think you're weak! I'm personally afraid of epidurals though - I already have back problems (herniated discs in the past & recurrent back pain) and I've heard horror stories of people feeling them or having pain in the injection area, etc.... my luck, I'd end up having one go wrong and then end up not working anyway! But, one of my closest friends has been through every kind of birth with her kids (one with an epidural, one without, and twins via c-section) and said out of every choice, the epidural was the best way to go <3
Sorry you had to go through that Bella!

I'm glad I at least know what to expect this time (scheduled csection). With my son my blood pressure kept creeping up, so I was induced at 39 weeks. I went in on a Tuesday night to get cervidil placed. Well I think I might have already been in the very beginnings of labor because the cervidil was really only supposed to soften my cervix and then they were going to start Pitosin in the morning, but I immediately started contractions one on top of the other with no breaks between all night long so I no longer needed pitocin. Wednesday morning an anesthesiologist walked in and said "I heard you were ready for an epidural" (I was miserable but hadn't asked for one yet bc I was only I think 4cm dilated at the time.) I said no but I'll take it. She came back with a nurse and they said my ob wanted me to go ahead and get it bc of the way my contractions were she was concerned the baby was going to get stressed out. I went ahead and got it & sure enough it slowed down my contractions so then later they had to start pitosin after all and break my water. I was nauseous all day but had the epidural so not too bad pain wise. Around 5pm I threw up and started feeling kind of pain but more like intense pressure. They were having some kind of emergency going on in the OR and calling extra drs etc but when the nurse checked me I was sure enough 10cm but no dr was available. I had to wait over an hr, almost 2 to start pushing. Then I pushed & pushed for 3 hrs before they told me baby was back to back and finally the dr came in and said I needed a c section bc babys heartrate was starting to dip. She said but next time you can always try for a VBAC. Well fastfoward to the OR room, he was stuck so bad the dr later said she didnt think she'd get him out without causing one or both of us harm. One dr was pulling from my incision and she had her arm up my vajayjay pushing. Finally he came out with a scratch on his head. I got to hold him on my chest for a minute but then he had to be taken to the nursery for monitoring for an hour. The dr looked at my DH and said "she will NOT have a vbac next time" By time he was born I had been awake for about 48 hrs, didn't get to eat or drank anything other than a popsicle that I threw for 2 days, labored for about 26 hrs, & pushed for 3 all to end up with a somewhat scary csection. I went into the hospital dinnertime Tues and went home lunchtime the following Saturday.

Soooo scheduled csection at 39 weeks it is for me lol
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@BellaRosa8302 I have scoliosis and back issues as well. With my first - my daughter- I was against an epidural from the moment I found out I was pregnant but then I was having the back labor and them trapping me in the bed since 6:30 AM that morning only to come in finally around 3 PM and say they can give me a shot of something that will only take the edge off and last one hour and they can give it only twice during labor and I was only at 3cm or they can do the epidural and it will last the whole time. I was like get me the epidural LOL. He came in and did it in like 10 mins. The only part that sucks is having to sit still during the contractions and not move. The numbing injections are not really fun and sometimes a nerve fires off making you feel like you just got shocked down your whole body but the epidural part I did not feel. I didn't feel the needle in my back at all either. Instant pain relief. Couldn't even feel the nurse's hands when they kept checking me every hour to see how far along I was.
WOW mkyer! That's scary. Glad you and DS were safe! Sounds like csection is best for you then! I also had a friend who was induced & ended up with an emergency csection, then continued to have a csection for her 2nd child. She said it was scarier going in (knowing what was going to happen) but recovery was MUCH quicker/easier. <3
Can I ask for the UK ladies that go to the hospital. Do you all have to share a room after delivering or do you get your own? I been reading some birthing experiences and it is reading like you have to share a room with someone.
Hoping - glad you had a good experience! If I end up with a longer labor, might cave LOL! But for 52 minute labors, I'll deal with the pain... (if you knew me personally, that statement is TOTALLY laughable... I'm horrible with pain despite having two pain med free labors! The nurse laughed at me when I had my IV placed for my son. She said, "You're having a natural/pain med free labor??" Yup.... :wacko: ) :haha:
@mkyerby16 Oh wow! Yes that doesn't sound fun. I hate how they ask for us to wait because the doctor isn't there. It is like ugh hellloooo baby is on its own schedule and is coming. Geesh!

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